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Author Topic: Northern Mistone hit by Lightning storms  (Read 61 times)


Northern Mistone hit by Lightning storms
« on: June 15, 2010, 04:42:07 am »
Violent electrical storms have lashed the northern reaches of Mistone, the storms coupled with torrential rains have seen the Unicorn River break its banks in numerous regions throughout the forest threatening enclaves and animals alike. Silverdell Grove had to be evacuated for several hours until Druids managed to divert the heavy water flows through the area. So too at Kheldell to the far east heavy rain has created many problems in the town.

Palden Lake has also broken its banks in several locations and water is currently bucketing into the ocean past Leringard as the overflow form palden lake makes its way through the many smaller creeks and tributaries to the ocean.

Villagers in Beirun have been bolstered in defending the village against the floods by a number of druids who came to the towns aid once the storms began.

Already people are rallying and going to the aid of the weary Druids and other forest keepers in the Whitehorn to try and stem the damage caused by the massive and somewhat sudden storms.


Re: Northern Mistone hit by Lightning storms
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2010, 06:39:37 am »
*Shadowleaf learns of the voilent storms and floods that are happeneing north and the damage they are causing to the lands, villages and the animals that populate its forests.  He makes haste for Krandor to alert the stewards of Krandor Hospital that K.A.R.T (Krandor. Area. Response. Team) should be assembled as soon as possible and dispatched north to provide aid to the Druids with blessings, healings and food and water to those in need.*


Re: Northern Mistone hit by Lightning storms
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2010, 07:16:19 am »
*A diminutive elf quickly responds to the storms in Whitehorn Forest.  There are signs/sightings of a dragon tearing down trees to form a fire break to contain a forest fire started by the storm.  The trees that were pulled down in their entirety are later found reinforcing a/some key bank(s) of the river.  The tree bank is reinforced with packed earth.

The elf then attempts to divert the worse parts of the flooding by turning the earth on the river's bank to increase and reinforce them.  He also employees various other tricks and assists wildlife as he is able.*

//As discussed with Dezza, Aerimor helped fight a forest fire sparked by the storms.
Aerimor then does what is possible to limit the most grievous areas of the flood. Using summon earth/water elementals, dragon, earth elemental and water elemental forms to their most advantageous use.  Aerimor defers to Legoda or any messages delivered from her, but acts in solitary efforts unless chance teams him up with others.


Re: Northern Mistone hit by Lightning storms
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2010, 09:34:22 am »
*Upon hearing the news of the massive flooding and violent electrical storms in Northern Mistone, Zigruum rushes out from Hlint to those areas that are affected the worse.  He does all he can to help the other Druids in diverting the overflowing waters and restoring balance to the area.  He attempts to help calm the animals and direct them to safety and gladly takes directions from those Druids higher up in the hiearchy*


Re: Northern Mistone hit by Lightning storms
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 12:57:06 pm »
Daniel begins patrolling the roads into and out of Silverdell Grove, clearing fallen trees from the road, guarding relief supply carts, and healing those who are willing to accept the Lord Protector's aid - all to restore  a semblance of order to the area.  He asks the Druids of the Grove if they think the storm was natural in origin or something else?
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Northern Mistone hit by Lightning storms
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2010, 06:20:38 pm »
Viper watches and ducks from the storms, following them from a distance.


Re: Northern Mistone hit by Lightning storms
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2010, 06:29:32 pm »
Hardragh soon makes his way there, to watch the results of Mist's unpredictability and how local villagers deal with this unexpected struggle.


Re: Northern Mistone hit by Lightning storms
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2010, 08:21:38 pm »
[INDENT]After helping lead a few horses from a local stable she helps with to a better shelter for the time being, Acacea scrabbles up into the treehouse to determine if a mage need be found for better wards. She puts a few pots out to catch the leaks not diverted by the branches overhead, mostly content that the books on the shelves are protected from elemental damage, and then sets out again to remind those on the ground needing shelter that the treehouse is always open for any to grab a bedroll or bring their own.

Afterward she returns to "Ma'am Legodia" with a playfully crisp salute asking if the druids have need of Lucinda's aid.

"I assume by your tiredness that it is not only storms, because storms happen and are all a part of nature and all that rot, right! So it's got to also be something ELSE also! As ever I am at your service Ma'am-Friend!"


Re: Northern Mistone hit by Lightning storms
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2010, 07:14:16 am »
As people rush to help and protect what they can news filters out that the storms are similar in nature to the ones that struck Northern Dreger several months ago. So to news begins to filter through of angers flaring, tempers igniting, a few murders, bar fights, etc that break out while the storms rage across Northern Mistone.

Legodia soon lets all those helping know that the storms are no natural phenomena and that powerful chaos magic was being employed.

A priestess of Lucinda from Blackford Castle who attended the Druidess on behalf of the Queen verified Legodia's claims about the storms and indicated that the forces involved are beyond the capacity of any typical Al'nothists known to be in Mistone at present. In fact the Priestess claims that the powers involved appear to be a collaboration of powerful forces including potentially divine.

Adherants of Mist were accosted outside Leringard as they took in the storm and a Priest was heard to say to those accosting him. "Alas I wish it was the Mistress, tis a fine show and one we would be proud to claim. But sadly such is not the case so we'll stay right here and admire it if you dont mind."

Rescue efforts and clean ups continue as the storms have cleared in the last few hours.


Re: Northern Mistone hit by Lightning storms
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2010, 05:09:53 pm »
[INDENT]"You see! This is what forests are for! To have very thirsty trees drinking all this water and keeping us from floating away!" she informs the small stallion beside her, stamping a foot on the wet ground. "For months running we will only have need to wring out the leaves if we are feeling dry! It is certainly not so they can be hit by lightning and catch everything on fire!"

Acacea nods, unsurprised, at the announcement from the priestess, and only smiles at the notion of it being divine or beyond the skill of Mistone. "Remember that Bonehead, Ashbreath, and even the tools of the Plague all converged to assault the Lady and were turned aside, more than once with different mortal and less mortal servants. If Katia has need of aid then Lucinda provides, and what is left for us is only to find a way. Just because it is lined with the broken remnants of the fallen and scorched with the fires of the damned doesn't mean it's not there... just terribly... terribly inconvenient..."

She laughs at herself and winks, then directs her next comment to the horse beside her. "Do you think I am carrying you out? You are the one that wanted to visit, if I am walking you are walking! Come to think of it, why am I the only one with a pack? You could carry people to the tree and supplies back, you know..."

