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Author Topic: Mistone Alliance Field Command Center Report  (Read 84 times)


Mistone Alliance Field Command Center Report
« on: January 30, 2006, 10:52:23 am »
After the wrapping up of Operation Blood Fall, there are still a few small amount of scattered lesser demons and devils on both islands that weren't able to retreat before the portals to the Abyss and Hells are closed.  The various detachments is now patrolling the areas to root the remaining enemies out.  As for the cities, most of them lie in ruins. The crater made by the gnomes and the Vlin'Dolan didn't help either; however, it had to be done.  It will take some hard work to get them back to their former glory days.  

Commander Patrius Dellis, Head of the Alliance Forces at Calishan


RE: Mistone Alliance Field Command Center Report
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2006, 02:16:38 pm »
The situation on the Roldem islands have settled down quite a bit.  Demons have mostly been eradicated, but problems still remains. With the walls lay shattered by war, harassment by various monstrous creatures has been frequent.  The soldiers are doing their best to keep the monsters at bay; however, the people without a stable home cannot hope to rebuild.  There is rumor from HQ that the brass is forming a plan to provide permenant relief to the refugees here.  I do hope it comes soon.

Commander Patrius Dellis, Head of the Alliance Forces at Calishan

