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Author Topic: Of Drow and Elves by Nus the Bard  (Read 176 times)


Of Drow and Elves by Nus the Bard
« on: May 25, 2005, 07:53:00 am »
A hunting party intent upon helping out at Greywatch Tower were diverted by an elf, Shining Morningbreak, to deal with some pursuing Drow. He explained the probable Drow tactics and fled to get help. The party dug in having organised a defence and dealt with Drow, then waited in a good position for further attacks. These attacks did not materialise and they moved forward in search of other elf survivors. They found signs of a battle between a larger group of elves and even more Drow before realising the Drow were no longer following the elves but their trail circled off behind the party. It would appear they did not consider that they might now be the subject of the Drows attention and continued with their search. Another group of travellers chanced by the trail and ran into a Drow ambush retreating to where our party of hunters stood considering their next move. Alas for some reason they did not deem it necessary to warn of the Drow position. The hunting party moved off and  they spotted the Drow using the tactics outlined by the elf at the start..but nonetheless were drawn into a fight with them, and encircled. They took some casualties and saw off the Drow..and were left to interpret the encounters as best they could. Travellers are warned to beware this further danger in the Delwin River area.


RE: When the music stops by Nus the Bard
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2005, 11:37:00 am »
The Imp fluttered about his master anxious that this meeting should go well, for a bad meeting was not something to contemplate. 'There are Sun Elves abroad by Karthy, those Elves that concern themselves with relics and trinkets of all sorts' His master explained 'Seek them out, find out what they are about.' The Imp was at once to his task for to do otherwise was to invite a rather one sided exchange.

Elsewhere a Drow war party in bull formation swept away from Karthy in search of those self same elves. Eventually one tip of the Drow horns, four Drow strong,found itself at Casterly as a group of adventurers sought out a mountain trail to the south. Curious they decided to follow.

Further ahead a lone figure trailed 2 surviving elves as they entered White Harbour seeking sanctuary; It was not to be. There the elves made contact with an elf trader, expecting a safe respite. However the lone figure made his way to the harbour and a trading ship and made his report. 'Two survivors fresh from Karthy have arrived, though they have left that which we seek at an Inn behind them. The ship's captain replied calmly 'Then we must obtain their room key, see to it, I will wait here.'

The elves were no strangers to troubled times and were well prepared, camping atop a small hill, and yet two fell most probably before they knew who hunted them, the third hid a treasure where he lay dying. The assassins lifted the key they sought and set off to find the Inn, and their prize.

Enter into this confusion a group of adventurers intent upon disrupting such skullduggery; Having met and revealed to the imp something of their intent, they brushed the servant aside, and made for the elves last stand intending to return some of their property they had gathered at an Inn in Mandar.

The Drow scouts had a different plan and set about the party with illusion magic that laid the party low..and only a stout Dwarven rear guard prevented the dispatch of the fallen. The adventurers recovered the elven reamins and escaped to White Harbour. The main Drow force lay in wait to the north for the adventurers that would never come.

Escaping on a ship the adventurers set sail for Port Hampshire, distrustful of the crew, and rightly so, they placed a guard and refused foood.And so it was they arrived safely and handed over the elven goods to the town authorities.

//OOC sorry for any technical difficulties that beset this game at one point. Should any of the players wish to take further action between adventures, or any other feedback just PM me



RE: Of Drow and Elves by Nus the Bard
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2005, 12:21:00 pm »
Where will it end I say where will it end. This news gatherer has recently returned from Port Hampshire, scene of various wrong doings recently. and once again the local authorities are called into question. On this occassion it appears they have surpressed news of a theft from the City Hall vaults. Officials refuse to elaborate on a rather bland statement; "The City Watch responded to a cry for help from the from the Guard at the City Hall, thieves had been seen on site and an investigation is now under way."

Well there is little material here for a song, so I will give you a tune instead, and when the music stops will we be any the wiser ? I doubt it.


RE: Of Drow and Elves by Nus the Bard
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2005, 01:12:00 pm »
quest at Port Hampshire will resume when game up and running//


RE: Of Drow and Elves by Nus the Bard
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2005, 02:26:00 am »
When the Music stops:

Somewhere in Port Hampshire: (most likely an Inn)

I bring you the latest news of those that would deny both Drow and Elves a magical ring. This bard has been excluded from inside knowledge as a group of adventurers try to keep secret the location of a recently recovered magical ring. However through diligent questioning at some of the towns finest Inns I have learned the following.

The adventurers plan to meet again and move the ring to a new destination.
There previous progress has been dogged by other interested parties intent on destoying the adventurers.
A beholder was by all accounts summoned in on behalf their foes to dispose of the party.
Rumours of other more dangerous creatures being drawn into this affray abound.
Thieves, assassins, and Drow are among those asking questions about this ring.

Rest assured this bard will leave no ale unpoured in an effort to learn the truth of the tale.

Nus the Bard.

