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Author Topic: Old Wounds  (Read 235 times)


Old Wounds
« on: January 06, 2006, 11:41:00 am »
A recount of some recent events at Leilon and the surrounding area, by Nus the Bard.

I found myself drawn once again to the north west and the coastal town of Leilon. There appears considerable change in this place since I last visited. Some of the charm is gone surely, and a dullness about the place, however there is a lively Inn, the Leilon Arms, safe in the hands of a business consortium born of adventure. It is a must for all would be adventurers with a pouch of gold.

I found the docks busy as usual but with a more sinister twist than perhaps one would like. Though travel is cheap and efficient I would recommend keeping a safe eye on ones belongings. The local militia though present seemed to lack a certain zeal. At the time of my visit the Harbour Master, one Joseph Noy had recently been found dead on the nearby so called Barbarian Island. Unconfirmed reports suggest he was the victim of a northern based gang which had kidnapped his daughter one Johanna Noy, who was later found safe at home gentler readers will be pleased to learn.

The brother of Joseph, one Ivan Noy, a ship builder, has been placed under temporary house arrest while the Militia go about their business. It appears this brother has decided not to trust entirely to his fate and has hired adventurers to look after his interests by making enquiry. One can only wonder where that might lead.

Well as I swing east towards the gate and the road south to Blackford Castle, a plesant and green land, I can only wonder at the town and how it will look next time if this decline in standards continues.