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Author Topic: On the Plains south of Prantz  (Read 320 times)


On the Plains south of Prantz
« on: August 26, 2010, 12:01:29 am »
On the plains south of Prantz one can see a dark sea of pitched tents, horse picket lines, thousands of campfires and attendant servants that serve as the base for what is now well over fifteen thousand troops and is still building. The vast area now holds what is being termed 'The Southern Rael Army'.  Day after day wagonload after wagonload of goods and foodstuffs to provide for such a force arrives from villages and towns all over Rael. The people eager to help in such a grand endeavour.

Tales of fear continues to flood across the plains of dark attacks in the night by devilish Dark Elves, more and more are caught each day, one outside Rangley, one outside Sierra and still the stories come in. People in outlying lands have moved closer to the smaller walled villages in fear of the impending attacks. Nighttime becomes a time of fear for any honest family living in farmsteads across the nation.

From that mighty host on the plains south of Prantz there is finally movement nearly four weeks after Rangley was attacked.

Two units peel away from the host and form up on the road heading south towards Lor.  A 1500 strong detachment of Heavy Cavalry made up of human nobles and lords from in and around Prantz called the 'Iron Horse Legion', and a 500 strong Dwarven Guards Unit with All'ra support begin a march south.

Protected within their ranks is a combined group of nobles, both Human and Dwarven from Prantz. Together with their supply wagons and servants trailing behind them the force heads south.
The following users thanked this post: EdTheKet, stragen, gilshem ironstone, Hellblazer, Alatriel, davidhoff, willhoff, geloooo

Script Wrecked

On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2010, 06:49:17 am »
A dwarven female climbs to the top of the brow of one of the hills marking an edge to the Prantzian plains. A small gasp escapes her lips as the arrayed forces on the flat lands below comes into view.

She stands watching, almost mesmerised, as the tiny figures move about the landscape. Plumes of dust rise into the air as yet another contingent of soldiers makes their arrival.

Finally she draws herself away, her brow knotted in thought and worry.


On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2010, 06:49:17 am »
*Castor Overhears it in the mug.*  Oi.  Where the heck do I sign my self up.  We haven't had a good war in a long time!  *falls over the counter*


On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2010, 06:49:17 am »
Somewhere in Trelania, Ni'haer overhears of the report and curses heavily in Dark Elven. He goes off to write a letter in his rage.

That blood-drunk halfbreed fool will answer for this nuisance!


On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2010, 06:49:17 am »
Daniel hears the news of the Raelish forces and mutters worriedly, " What are you truly up to Lord Rael, I wonder?"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2010, 06:49:17 am »
Within a week another statement is issued by Rael through one of his Generals. The invitation reads:

By Order of the most Benevolent General and Lord, Rael, Loyal Protector of the people of Rael. A proclamation is hereby issued, that any and all Dark Elves found within the boundaries of Rael will be captured and imprisoned pending trial for subversive activities as spies for the impending invasion. Dark Elves found to be guilty of such a crime as decreed by the Rofireinite courts of Prantz will be hanged until they are dead.

The Kingdom of Rael hereby offers any man or woman who seeks to support Rael in its struggle to keep its kingdom safe from the evil menace of the Dark Elves the opportunity to serve in the armies of Rael. Successful applicants can find billets with the army forming on the southern fields outside Prantz.


On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2010, 06:49:17 am »
*Farros scratches his head at the announcement*

But I thought the deep dwarves were like, the little kid brothers of dark elves.  Going to stickball games together, killing Paladins together, eating babies together, walking side by side, hand in hand squinting at the sunlight, sneering at the townfolk, kicking puppies for sport.   Milara and Rael were like what, Best Friends Forever during the Blood Wars?  They even had the matching half-heart necklaces and commemorative tatoos!


On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2010, 06:49:17 am »
//Please do not assume that such things are possible, Rael has far more resources at his disposal than any player currently in game realises. I would hate to have to spoil your fun by telling you that you are spotted, trialled and hanged within 24 hours and unable to play your character ever again. :P




               Originally Posted by Xaltotun
               View Post

*Deep in the dead of night, when the guards are most likely to be asleep, a small red-clad elven woman steals up to the posters using whatever shadows abound. She removes a brush and some inks from a bag and writes across the poster...*

Yous deep dwarves couldni catch a cold.

*She then looks around and uses the shadows to make her way out of the city.*




On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2010, 06:49:17 am »



            Originally posted by Dezza >

I would hate to have to spoil your fun...

//Consider the gentle nudge taken in the spirit it was intended and she will not be seen anywhere near any Rael concern for quite some time.


On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2010, 06:49:17 am »
A week later and the first Dark Elves are brought to Justice.

All'ra's on the outskirts of Rangley have discovered a poisoness nest of plotting Dark Elves. The Six heavily armed Dark Elves were captured and taken to the prison in Rangley where on presentation of evidence the local Rofireinite magistrate declared them to indeed be inciting treason.

The six dark elves bodies now hang from the wall of the prison to serve as a reminder to others who dare to harm Raels people, the fate that they will find for them as well.


On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2010, 06:49:17 am »
*Alarik addresses the issue during a sermon in Llast*

This is what happens good people, when one casts off Toran's Protecting Light and turns their back on Him.  See now, the destructors of His most holy Citadel as they fall prey to the dark agents of evil.  They snuffed out the light and for that they find darkness.  Yae, and that they would so too cast out the Voraxians under penalty of death, what should they expect?  Who will fight the dark elves now?  The Sulterioites?  They trade in slaves with them, share borders with them, plot with them in the endless reaches of The Deep.  Without the unified might of Toran and Vorax to protect them, the citizens of Prantz be doomed by both Rael's Tyranny and Caduz's malice and Vierdra'ira's trickery!

Unknown User

On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2010, 06:49:17 am »
*As the heat and fear arises for the darkelf invassion a report arrives about another Dark elf found coercing against the benevolent lands of Rael, In the area of Fort Love, another dark elf body hangs of the wall of the city, his body showing signs of bieng beaten first*


On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2010, 08:08:29 am »
As a very skeptical Daniel hears of the delegation through official channels, he keeps his eyes and ears open for more official news, but says little of his doubts to anyone outside of his small circle of friends.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2010, 03:47:05 pm »
Originally posted by Dezza 8-25-2010:

On the plains south of Prantz one can see a dark sea of pitched tents, horse picket lines, thousands of campfires and attendant servants that serve as the base for what is now well over fifteen thousand troops and is still building. The vast area now holds what is being termed 'The Southern Rael Army'. Day after day wagonload after wagonload of goods and foodstuffs to provide for such a force arrives from villages and towns all over Rael. The people eager to help in such a grand endeavour.

Tales of fear continues to flood across the plains of dark attacks in the night by devilish Dark Elves, more and more are caught each day, one outside Rangley, one outside Sierra and still the stories come in. People in outlying lands have moved closer to the smaller walled villages in fear of the impending attacks. Nighttime becomes a time of fear for any honest family living in farmsteads across the nation.

From that mighty host on the plains south of Prantz there is finally movement nearly four weeks after Rangley was attacked.

Two units peel away from the host and form up on the road heading south towards Lor. A 1500 strong detachment of Heavy Cavalry made up of human nobles and lords from in and around Prantz called the 'Iron Horse Legion', and a 500 strong Dwarven Guards Unit with All'ra support begin a march south.

Protected within their ranks is a combined group of nobles, both Human and Dwarven from Prantz. Together with their supply wagons and servants trailing behind them the force heads south.


Re: On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2010, 03:47:44 pm »
Originally posted by Dezza 8-29-2010:

Within days the two units arrive in Castle Mask to a lukewarm reception by the local leaders.


Re: On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2010, 03:49:42 pm »
Originally posted by Hellblazer 8-30-2010:

Hearing the news that the rael army is moving towards Lor, Feh makes haste to talk to Talia about taking their adopted child Liliah, to Mistone. He leaves to join the Lor militia.

"Seems Rael found a way to amass troops and try to take over Lor."


Re: On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2010, 03:50:19 pm »
Originally posted by Cinnabar 8-30-2010:

* A blonde woman, convalescing at home outside of Castle Mask, sits in her kitchen, looking outdoors. She starts at the rumble of heavy cavalry squadrons and infantry companies heading south but efforts to stay seated while she observes their numbers and makeup. Once they have gone beyond her view, she stands quickly, steps out her back door to secure her own horse, and returns inside to dress before riding off.

The tranquility of the morning, which vanished as the soldiers passed by, would have seen her writing a few short letters and quietly sharpening her sword, had it not been in such a hurry to flee. *


Re: On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2010, 03:50:55 pm »
Originally posted by akata 8-30-2010:

*A missive arrive at Castle Mask asking the delegation from Prantz to wait for the emissaries from Lor before moving farther into territory controlled by Lor*


Re: On the Plains south of Prantz
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2010, 03:51:49 pm »
Originally posted by Dezza 9-17-2010:

As Ambassador Jarl Negoin returns to Castle Mask to deliver the Mayor and Diets response from Lor to the Rael Ambassadors word arrives that more Rael forces have joined the original 2000 troops currently stationed at the Castle.

The Southern Army 5th, 6th and 7th Heavy Infantry units have arrived and set up camp outside the northern side of Castle Mask. The force comprises of just under 5000 soldiers including auxillaries and attendants.

Within hours of his arrival Ambassador Jarl is ushered once again into the Castle, this time alone, to deliver Lor's response. Many gather outside anxious to hear what will come of such a meeting.