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Author Topic: In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart  (Read 467 times)


In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart
« on: July 21, 2008, 06:35:17 pm »
Word goes out quietly and with invitations to friends of the Dragonhearts of a small memorial service being held in Haven.  Shiff's remains will be interred on the hillside overlooking the town and the family Shiff worked so hard to protect during his life.  Those wishing to remember Shiff are invited to do so.

Shiff's armor and helm have been placed in a stone casket set in the ground, arranged in a manner recalling how they were worn in life.  Laying the length of the armor is Shiff's greatsword.  The arms and gauntlets of the armor have been placed on the hilt of the weapon, as if Shiff were holding the sword against his chest.

Val stands off to one side of the casket, supported on her left by her father.  Standing at the head of the casket is thirteen-year-old Drakus, feeling both important and scared.  He is holding an urn containing the ashes of his father, Shiff.  Val, refusing to cry, stands quietly, occassionally turning to speak quietly with her father.

After waiting a short while for those in attendance to settle, Val steps forward slightly to speak.  Her voice, none too pleasant to begin with, is noticeably rougher than usual, but is still strong and she is clearly heard.

"I'm not much for ceremonies, but I have a few words I'd like to say.  Shiff Dragonheart was a good man.  He was a strong man, a dependable man, a firm man, one who could be depended on, a loving man, and a protector.  He was a man who I always knew would support me.  Shiff was strong willed, unyielding in the face of adversity, and a man who worked tirelessly to accomplish good."

Looking upwards, Val continues: "Shiff, we are proud of you, and will remember you always.  As you kept us safe, we will keep your memory safe."

She takes on a slightly more formal tone:

[indent]"Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will!
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.

As she speaks the verses, her voice gets rougher and breaks several times on the last few lines.  Clearly barely able to contain her emotions, she says in a voice so quiet, even those in the front can barely hear her. "Shiff... you're finally home."

She steps back to her father, and he puts a comforting arm around her.  After a bit, when it seems clear she is too distraught to continue, her father moves towards Drakus, but Val reaches out a hand and stops him, quietly murmuring "I'll do it."  She reverently takes the urn from Drakus, setting it carefully under the breast of Shiff's armor.  The family then steps back, allowing others the opportunity to pay their last respects to Shiff Dragonheart.

//[size=-2]the poem is Requiem by Robert Louis Stevenson[/size]

Grid Blader

Re: In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2008, 08:49:02 pm »
*quantum hearing this heads to Haven on his horse*


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Re: In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2008, 10:22:04 pm »
*Rose hears the news and heads back to haven for one last goodbye. A young women stands at the back of the crowd wearing a hood and cloak. Everyone seeing her knows they are Torans colors and some people (with really good eyes) can see some of her silver hair. She stands still just listening to Val speak. After most of the people are gone she walks over to the casket and takes out a red rose, laying it on top. "Goodbye, Brother. Try to stay out of too much trouble up there." Then she bowed her head and headed back home.*


Re: In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2008, 10:34:41 pm »
Trith stands to the back of the crowd, hearing only bits of what is said ... seeing only bits of what is to be seen.  The service ends and one by one people go up to pay final respects.  Finally, like he has recieved some unknown cue, he walks forward and kneels beside the grave.  He speaks quietly...

I know in life we did not always agree, but you were my friend... I shall miss you, your banter, your brashness, your kindness, your arrogance.  You were always a true man.. For this your last will, the untold portion shall be fulfilled... I will see it through for you... do not fret, we shall miss you and you shall always be remembered... live on good friend... live on.

He scoops up a bit of dirt and in it he places a single Aloe plant so that one day it may grow to maturity.


Re: In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2008, 10:35:22 pm »
*A small, dark shape lurking in the shadows of some nearby scrub-brush silently watches the ceremony.  His pressence unknown except by those with the keenest of eye or ear.  Reflective goggles cover his watchful eyes as he peers out from his hiding place to see the fallen warrior's posessions laid to rest with the urn full of his ashes.  The tiniest of whispers spills forth from otherwise still lips.*

"Current flows source to ground.  Even flow, good grounding, Shiff entity."

*No sooner are the whispers ended when with both hands the tiny crouching figure raises his goggles from his eyes to empty out frozen tear-drops to the ground.  A blink's worth of time later, the shadow has somehow mysteriously left the area, leaving almost no evidence of his passing, save for the melting saline solution where the frozen drops fell.*


Re: In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2008, 02:42:05 am »
*Standing in the shadows, avoiding contact with most in this time of his own made trouble, Brian watches and waits until he is left mostly alone. He walks to the casket and looks at it*

Might not have liked you much, but you had my respect even if I didn't show it. Take it easy out there.

*Only as a whispers coming out of the shadows*


Re: In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2008, 01:32:39 pm »
Amireana watches in silence as the people pay their respects, beneath the cover of her blue hood and iron reinforced clothing hiding all but the pristene skin that surely, though she tries to hide, can be seen by others.
 The tears falling slowly down her cheeks as she mourns the loss of her brother, and the pain her sister and her children feel. Regret holds tightly to her heart, that she was not there for him, that she had stayed away so much until now, when it was to late.
 Her voice soft and gentle as the wind that blows and perhaps carries her message to the Great Protector, "May his wings hold you comfortingly in his grasp always my beloved little brother. I will not forget and I will not let them go unprotected. Tyra and Drakie though they may not know me, will be protected by all of those who loved you." She then steps forward to place on his grave a single yellow rose, then slowly she stands and makes her way from the gathered and heads back to Fort Vehl without another word.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2008, 01:49:03 pm »
The Four Stars Tavern lies quiet and dark, even on this Freas night. Some still stop by, only to bang confusedly on the doors, but there is no answer.

An old man has watched the gravesite since sunrise, and has kept his vigil through the sun's track toward the western sky. Even at Valmara's eulogy, the man did not stir.

But now, with the Traveler's Luck and Toran's Light shining in the sky, the mourners mostly gone, he moves forward, kneeling on the grave itself. One hand down, touching the earth that holds the arms which were as much a part of Shiff Dragonheart as his blood and bone, he speaks.

"I needed you, Striker. We had great things before us... And I wanted you to be a part of it. Now, though... Now, you rest easy. I'll keep our home safe.

"This city will be a Haven again. I swear it."

As the old man stands to leave, he cracks a small smile.

"Good luck out there. I'll see you soon."


Dad's Burial
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2008, 10:47:56 pm »
The day finally came when Shiff was to be put to rest...

Tyra stayed in the back, her cloak tight around her, her hood pulls to conceal her as much as possible and but still letting her see.  For a while she just stood there watching her Mother, Grandfather, and her little brother in silence.  Her eyes would drift between them, but mostly they would stay on the small urn carrying what was left of her father.

When her Mother started speaking she looked up, a tear in her eye, and listened to the eulogy in silence.  She shared her mother's pain, but after running away she had to remain unseen by her family and friends.

When everyone started to leave, Tyra stood back a bit from the rest, but close enough to see her fathers Helmet, and the hilt of his sword.  She kept her cloak tight around her and her hood low, but she kept her eyes on whats left of her father.  "I'll make you proud, Daddy...  I promise..."


Re: In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2008, 12:00:28 pm »
*Storold shows up but keeps in the back for the most of the time leaving the front to the closer friends. He stays quite for the whole ceremony observing the whole crowd and the family. He offers his condolences before disappearing from sight using his tome as he disappears he sighs and mumbles* "A great loss for the people and especially the family"


Re: In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2008, 02:55:30 pm »
*temp[le messenger arrives finding Starr, handing him a sealed letter. Starr quickly opens to read message wondering of the urgent news from the temple. He falls back in shock, alerting the greenstones and malachites around him in worry of his health*
 I can not believe this, Shiff, strong as an ox, Shiff. He has fallen....may the Mother be with him.
 *Starr falls into prayer as he works to control his grief*
 Deep Mother, send guidance to one that may be lost...though confused in his following he is a gemstone brother in heart...may he reach his final place upon the field in valor and perfection. Send furhter protection and healing to those he has left behind...his loving soulgem Val and their beautiful children...may they be cut to the same perfection as they grow and refine.
 *he regains his composure and sends the others off back to their duties. Starr then sits and sends a message back with the messenger to be delivered to Val Dragonheart ans family*
 My deepest sorrow to you and the family for the loss of a love one, comrad and good friend. May my prayers be with you as well as his strength.
 My regrets that I can not be there in body to assist you in this time of sorrow but know I am there in spirit and heart. Send word to the temple should you need any aide or assistance, you are still felt fondly of within.
 Starr Sapphire


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Re: In Memorial of Shiff Dragonheart
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2008, 12:09:58 am »
*An old man, smelling of moss and wilt, gathers to the tribute.  He stands before it resolutely for nearly an hour, head bowed.  The sun glints off his tanned and bald head while the whiskers of his grey beard contrast to a once silver robe.  He turns slowly and then walks off moving with grace not seen in a man of his obvious age.*