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Author Topic: Dark Elf caught!  (Read 561 times)


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2008, 08:16:12 pm »
*Anne Ravenwind's subpoena returns to the court unserved.*

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2008, 08:45:03 am »
Jil Kendall receives her summons.

//Will be there, may be a little late, not sure.


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2008, 11:22:06 am »
//surprised and delgithed in a way to see my char's name down for this... Would love to come but... err... three a.m.? Not sure if it's a reasonable time for me, you couldn't... umm... change the time... maybe...? :) I don't fancy having a headless halfling...


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2008, 11:45:00 am »
//OOC its 4 am in the morning for me on a Sunday. Any chance of being able to appear later the same day/night?

Lance Stargazer

Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2008, 12:04:10 pm »
Lance Recieves the summon meanwhile he is on a visit to Llast temple. As he reads the letter he frowns a moment and closes it .

Let's hope there is still chance to save a life and more important a soul.

Lance enters to the temple to speak to Marl about the situation and to start to ask for his advice as well as the permision of the church..


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2008, 12:31:18 pm »
Daniella sighs as she reads the summons.  "I really shouldn't be the one up there... but they won't find her in order to be there."  

She then goes to the appropriate people to make sure she is cleared to enter the temple where the trial will be held.

"Justice.  True Justice.  Must be done."

Lord Dark

Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #26 on: November 18, 2008, 07:13:25 pm »
Tod recieves his summons as he's taking Biscuit out for her daily run and reads over it with a confused look at the formality of the letter. He nods his thanks to the lawman, urges Biscuit into a trot and rides away with a frown.


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #27 on: November 18, 2008, 09:07:31 pm »
*Judge Kirus discusses some events and goes over a somewhat busy schedule with Reus at the Rofirein Temple. Reus rubs his chin and nods a few times before looking up at Kirus.*
 Looks like you are going to have to fill in for me. I simply cannot make this trial of this dark elf. I have more important things to do then waste my time with this one. I would appreciate if you would take my place on this one.
 *Kirus looks up and gives a slight nod*
 I can take this. It should be a fairly easy and quick trial. I'm not used to those, you know.
 *Word is sent out to the ones that were served that the Judge Kirus will be standing in for the Rofirein Priest.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #28 on: November 19, 2008, 01:28:49 am »
Aesthir recieves his summon once he goes back from his trip, he studies the list and smirks ..

Then heads out towards Vehl in order to present himself to the case. and look for the trial.


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #29 on: November 19, 2008, 01:27:55 pm »
As she recieved her summons she sits down by the lake at Fort Wayfare for all appareances deep in thought. Anyone passing by may notice her or it could be she completely blends into the grass not really noticed at all.
 But if any does venture close enough they can see her holding the summons, and speaking something more to herself or the animals nearby but not really intelligible to anyone or intended to be heard, other than those who understand how to communicate with the animals.
 She can also be seen nursing a lump on her head that seems to be a nice shade of purples, blues and reds.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #30 on: November 19, 2008, 02:38:30 pm »
Aeronn recieves his summons and begins the journey back to Ft. Vehl, a grim look on his face.


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #31 on: November 19, 2008, 08:58:20 pm »
*Anyone that enters Fort Vehl notices that the guards have set an exclusion area around the jail. No one is allowed within 100 paces.*
 *Judge Kirus receives reports from returning lawmen that there a few that just cannot make the court date due to extenuating circumstances. Judge Kirus acknowledges them briefly.*
 Have them send in sworn written statements with their mark or signature regarding what they know about the incident.
 *Judge Kirus dispatches the lawmen once again.*
 //Anyone that cannot make it and would like to particiapte in some way, you can send me a 'sworn statement' through PMs. Thank you.


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #32 on: November 19, 2008, 10:45:08 pm »
*Sion sit's on the floor of the cell, grumbling to himself.*

//OOC Do what ever you need to do to get it going. I won't be on the game or forums until Friday at the before the quest starts at 10:00 PM EST. apologies, I can't help it. Thanks for setting things up for me. :)


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2008, 09:09:02 pm »
*Sion stands up, moving closer to the cell's gates, watching the guards. Muttering to himself, he steels his mind for the upcoming trail, and giving a few last words to himself.*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2008, 07:19:49 pm »
*Judge Kirus sends his deliberations to the people in the name of justice. They are posted for widest dissemination. He sends this out to show that justice was served and to quell any rumors that the court was too lenient.*

I, Judge Kirus, deliberated on the case of Sion Naz'Dul Fereir for the admission of guilt and the subsequent arrest to the crime of murder of an condemned dark elf and two accounts of assault against two paladins of Toran.

Herein, I write to the public my reasonings for the sentencing...

I hereby sentenced Sion Naz'Dul Fereir to time served for the murder of a condemned dark elf. Normally, in such case, execution by the axe, life imprisonment, or exile to the Deep would be imposed. However, in the case of Sion Naz'Dul Fereir, one known to be bound by the bindstones, execution would be a unjust punishment for society as he would merely appear at whatever bindstone he was bound to and he would essentially be set free. Life imprisonment would mean that society would have to pay for his care and detainment for probably nearly 500 years due to the normal life span of the Dark Elf race. Exile to the Deep was not found to be an appropriate sentence due to the trackability of this court into the realms of the Deep. Basically that would have meant freedom for him as well. Therefore, his sentence for the death of the dark elf was time served so he would be able to commence rehabilitation, immediately. If there is any hint that his rehabilitation is failing, the worse sentence this court can impose is chained imprisonment until the end of his natural life.

I hereby sentenced Sion Naz'Dul Fereir to 20 years of squireship and rehabilitation under the authority of the Toran Church with a clause that if Sion Naz'Dul Fereir fails to be rehabilitated in the ways of the Surface way of life, he will be imprisoned for life at a yet to be determined location. This court has spelled out in writing the requirements set forth onto Sion Naz'Dul Fereir. In addition to this sentence, Sion Naz'Dul Fereir did receive punishment from said paladins before he turned himself over to the justice system.


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #35 on: December 02, 2008, 08:06:15 pm »
*A sneering figure, clad in blue may be overhead by those spending time in seedy inns*

Ah, so this is the justice of the court? "He's too difficult to kill, so we're going to play nice"? *snorts* Mark my words, every murderer and thief will be binding themselves, and then throwing themselves on the mercy of the court to avoid execution.
Why didn't they torture the location of his bindstone out of him, station a few guards, and kill him repeatedly until the Harvester claimed him? Or why didn't they force him to rebind somewhere know?

*snorts* "rehabilitation" what a farce... might as well try to rehabilitate a dwarf to avoid drink, or a halfling to avoid pie...

Hey! Bring another Wil'o'whiskey over here!

Bah... what a joke...


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #36 on: December 02, 2008, 08:10:27 pm »
*A little package bobs through the tall grass, and it dodges to and fro, avoiding the crowds of people. the little package carrier stops to listen*

"Eww! Icky Dark Elves! I hope he doesn't eat any babies. that would be bad... I hope th- Ooo! What's that!"

*The little package drifts through the sea of grass, to some strange movement in the far bushes.*


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2008, 03:32:51 pm »
Llane, her own flask not too far from her reach, contemplates the newly acquired information regarding the dark elf. Though her expression is vague and her eyes blurry from drink, there is a quiet irritation written in the crinkle between her delicate eyebrows. She lets the others speak their opinions about the court's judgment, letting the lip of the bottle keep her silence.


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #38 on: December 03, 2008, 05:36:37 pm »
Judge Kirius,

In your issued statement, you declared that Scion was to be taught the ways of the surface.  However, you have relegated that entire viewpoint to the supervision of two Toranite knights.  I and the rest of the world would like to point out that the ways of Toran are thankfully only but a small part of what life up here is to be.  

Thus, I offer my services in assisting with the rehabilitation, by taking the accused out for drinking, gambling and womanizing.  Long have I wondered, what if all those nasty, angry, murderous dark elves just settled down to know the beauty of a warm woman and a cold drink?  The ways of Xeen would hopefully allow him to get past his violent upbringing, and teach him dating skills and how to relate to the surface folk.  Hopefully they will bring him an understanding that women are for loving, not for stabbing and setting on fire, sacrificing them to spider gods or whatever it is they do there in the Deep.  

I would also like to extend this offer to the two Paladins of Toran watching over him.  If you could officially give them a vacation from their oaths just for one weeks end so that they can enjoy the wild drunken parties with us, that would be great!  Far too many of them fight the good fight, but have never spent the night with a proper woman or bottle of tonic.  Such a stressful life with no release from duty often leads to disorder of the mind, which could prove dangerous to those they might protect should they snap.  You might also consider joining us, I mix a pretty mean margarita with dwarf-gin that'll curl your socks!  

Anyhow, thanks at least for not slaughtering the dark elf.  It does my heart well to see that Vehl is, and forever shall be, much more just than Hempstead... the city that banned its own innocent dockworkers for being green.

-Farros Galdor

P.S. Can I perform community service and save it up for crimes I might like to commit later?  I try to be efficient in my schedule.  Maybe I could teach bailiffs to read?


Re: Dark Elf caught!
« Reply #39 on: December 03, 2008, 06:57:37 pm »
*Lyr takes a look at the letter, and some of the travelers swear they saw the vein on his forehead pop.*

