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Author Topic: Passing of a Shadow...  (Read 74 times)


Passing of a Shadow...
« on: November 03, 2007, 04:00:24 pm »
Earlier this week, a stocky, armor clad warrior walked into the Scamp's Mug, sighing.  

Yah just had to follow...  I understand...

He sits at the bar, orders a glass of grape juice, and instead of drinking it, just looks at it smiling.

I'm gonna miss yah Kinai...  Don't die...

He raised his glass his, looking towards the semi-hidden bindstone devoted to Shadon, and smiled.

To Shadon's finest...

A small cheer went around the bar, he he put back a drink in honor of his friend.  He then stood, threw a decent sized bag of coins to the scantily clad lass near the bindstone, and walked outside to look up at the stars.

I'll see you again some day, Kinai...  Just not yet...  Not yet...

Turning, to walk to the dock, he thought he saw a smile fade into a shadow behind him.  He just smiled back.


Re: Passing of a Shadow...
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2007, 01:13:01 pm »
Meanwhile, far off on the continent of Dregar, in the very home of the 'Dancer and her Scamp...

Pyyran sits quietly at the bar in Kinai's home, slowly drinking the stocks of Gypsy Draft that he'd made for her. His haggard, weary appearance speaks to his lack of sleep, greying hair falling in tangles around his face. His eyes, dark-ringed, look around at the gorgeous furniture and the chests in which the hoarding of years of adventuring had filled.

And they drift to the portal, next to which he'd found the letter.

The old man pulls two glasses from over the bar, fills both, and raises one in salute.

"I'll find her. Don't worry yourself... She'll be safe."

Pyyran throws back the drink, and limps for the door, grabbing walking staff and cloak as he goes.