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Author Topic: Toranite Faithful mobilise  (Read 69 times)


Toranite Faithful mobilise
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:48:01 am »
Soon word spreads that missives have been dispatched to all corners of Layonara, to every Toranite haven, to every temple and shrine with words from the Auscultare himself.

"My fellow servants of our beloved leader Toran,

The time has come for us to stand forth and be recognised for who we are. To stand with our brothers and sisters in the brewing troubles in the world. I speak of course of the threat that those known as the Green Dragon Cult pose to each and every one of us.

I have given instructions to all leaders of our faith that the time for us to start to prepare has come. In recognition of our service and dedication I have duly appointed two figures whom you will have heard of and who represent the pure ideals that we all aspire to in our worship of Toran.

I speak of course of Toran's Chosen, Lady Daniella Stormhaven and also of the Company of the Star Commander Sir Lance Stargazer. Both who had dedicated their lives to His service and appear as living examples of what Faith looks like.

I hereby give both these able bodied followers the ranks of Lord and Lady Commander of the combined Toranite Army. They have the full backing of the Church leadership in their campaign to rid the world of the evil that the Green Dragon Cult represents.

May Toran grant them wisdom, and us the strength to follow in their footsteps and heed their words in the battles to come.


Across the lands people pack their belongings and start to rally to the call, making their way to Toranite centres of worship to be allocated into army units and divisions, ready to intensify training for the fields of battle to come.

In Mistone a flood of faithful make their way to Fort Last.

On Alindor they gather at the Fort of Kings.

On Dreger they gather outside Northpoint in the Kingdom of Boyer after agreements were made with the Aeridinites there.

On Belinara they move towards Castle Hilm to bolster the already significant force there that is at at present under Sir Lances command.

As they begin to gather more dispatches are sent to the Rofireinites, the Voraxians, and other faiths to join the call to arms.


Re: Toranite Faithful mobilise
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 10:26:04 am »
Steel leans back to watch the exodus, cleaning blood off his sword from the most recent attempt to collect the bounty on his head.

"Well. It's about **insert unsavory dark elven word** time."


Re: Toranite Faithful mobilise
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2011, 07:37:22 am »
Several weeks after the initial announcement people talk about how they are pretty sure they saw Lord Commander Stargazer get off a ship on Huangjin's docks.  They saw him escorted to the Citadel.  Rumor from the Citadel seems that he and Lady Commander Stormhaven have been in meetings together nearly every day.  Maybe they're trying to figure out their strategy against the GDC.


Re: Toranite Faithful mobilise
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2011, 10:14:44 pm »
Voraxian General Longpike has sent word to Fort Last that he is soon to be travelling there in order to discuss the mobilisation of the followers of Vorax on Mistone in order to face the Green Dragon Cult.

