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Author Topic: Plans within Plans...  (Read 218 times)


Plans within Plans...
« on: May 19, 2010, 12:49:57 am »
Stygian stumbled as he was spat from the bindstone in Arnax. He struggled to keep his feet and nearly wretched with the effort. He wiped a line of spittle from his chin and began laughing softly and muttered "fools." He grabbed a nearby acolyte and instructed him to have someone send a wraith to find Dr. Vensk and give him the following message.

"The deed is done at great cost and effort. Watch for your opportunity. It will come soon."

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Re: Plans within Plans...
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2010, 03:19:03 am »
It is was late night and everyone was asleep and still around the campfire.  The only sounds breaking the silence were the snoring of his companions and the occasional rustle from nearby night-cretures feeding in the gloom.  
Alandric lay awake, resting against his backpack at an angle to allow the campfire to shed enough light across the elegant flowing magical runes of his large skin-covered tome.
As he revised his spells a brief chilled breeze averted his concentration.  Normally this would not alarm anyone however Alandric was attuned to the nature of undead and necromancy at work.
Closing his tome quietly he gazed at his companions to ensure they were still asleep and then silently tip-toed past them, disappearing into the gloom to the source of the necromancy.  
Just out of sight from the camp he spotted it...two red orbs suspended in darkness deeper than the night itself.  He smiled slightly and stepped closer.  At that point the wraith also approached and in its incorporal form bowed slightly in his presence.
"aaaa messssage Dr Vensssssk.....ffroommm one of your Oraculissss."  The creatures voice was hollowed, distant and quiet as a whisper.
"Your request has beeen met and with great cossssts.  Watch forrr you opportunity...." and with that the wraith simply dissipated into the darkness.

Alandric immediately smiled.  He was extremely pleased.  "Well that should throw off those pesky parasites for a time."

With that he returned to the camp, jovial and comfortable.  When he closed his eyes this time he slept a good sleep with pleasant dreams...  


Re: Plans within Plans...
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2010, 04:06:38 am »
*Silently, ever watching, Hal rubs the ball of his thumb over the edge of his rusty skinning knife. Though his was not to be at the village, his time would come. Soon enough.*


Re: Plans within Plans...
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2010, 06:55:48 am »
**Viper watches silently, not moving and keeping her breathing steady, her expressions and state of alertness hidden behind her mask, as she watches Alandric leave the campsite, and watches him return, still saying nothing.**


Re: Plans within Plans...
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2010, 10:10:24 am »
Word of a deadly altercation in the village of Dasbar reaches the High Boyer. Further talk of necromancy and dangerous strangers adds to the current state of emergency after the recent flooding and slaughter in the capital city of North Point. With the militias already on full alert, the High Boyer issues a statement promising the people of the Boyer Kingdom that any hiding necromancers would be found and put to the sword.

Sketches of an accused necromancer that goes by the name of "Stygian" are passed through the ranks of the militias. With the information that he is likely stonebound, the militias have orders to capture this man on sight and to bring him to Boyer's Fort.