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Author Topic: Seeking Help  (Read 246 times)


Seeking Help
« on: September 11, 2005, 06:23:00 am »
A note is posted on the message boards of the inns in most of Mistone's important cities and towns.

Adventurers needed.

The people of the town of Blackwillow seek the help of a group of skilled individuals capable of solving a mystery. The townsfolk will put together a reward for succesful action in solving the mystery that has been bothering the town for a while now.

People with knowledge in the supernatural and those with interest in solving mysteries would be most welcome. Those interested in helping should look behind this note for more information.

- Aldin Briggmol, Mayor of Blackwillow

Those who look behind the note see where to go if they wish to help...
See here: