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Author Topic: Posted in all taverns, temples, and shops around the world.  (Read 233 times)


Posted in all taverns, temples, and shops around the world.
« on: January 30, 2015, 11:35:42 am »
This is a contract signed by Plenarius Ashaley and Milara. It was witnessed and agreed to by thirty Heroes with Plenarius Ashaley at the time. The contract states that Milara has absolute control and rulership over the following lands and borders, regardless of what their names are now or later. The term of the contract is for seven years. Milara controls all of the Iriand Mountains, to include the sky to the heavens, the land itself, and anything below the mountains—everything. The borders are Bone Hill, Viotrim Canyon, ten miles around Bloody Gate, Region Forest, and Storms End (these names are changing in V3) (Milara does not control Bloody Gate). Bloody gate is not allowed to fortify or gather forces during the period of this contract. They may live freely, day to day, but with little to no buildup in troops or fortifications. Nobody is to set foot in to the mountains without the approval of Milara during this time. That includes adventures and heroes, militia under the control of rulers or kingdoms or invading forces not under the control of Milara. No military build may occur within 500 miles around the Iriand Mountains. If dragons fly over Milara’s territory it is his concern, nobody else’s. If anything is broken the contract and deal is off. In return. Milara shall leave nature alone. Milara shall also remove all forces under his control from all locations. That includes cities and areas that he rules on Rilara. (as a note, this is going to put cities in to collapse as nations can no longer rule themselves). Milara will stay out of the activities of the world for the duration of this contract.


Re: Posted in all taverns, temples, and shops around the world.
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 10:16:52 am »
*As word of the agreement spreads, and the impact of Milara staying within the mountains is realized, old banners and coats of arms are collected from dust-filled attics and moth-infested chests. Old bloodlines start to see their chance to rise to prominence once again.*


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RE: Posted in all taverns, temples, and shops around the world.
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2006, 01:20:02 pm »
Following the publication of Milara's conditions the three families of Morholt call forth an emergency session for the first time in over four centuries. After three days of deliberations they release the following statement:
In the name of the Allied Duchies of Morholt,
It is hereby declared that the families Roste, Mullein and Virvatule, in the light of the recent world events and the ensuing public unrest, invoke the Military Clause of the Morholt Treaty, thusly declaring a state of war throughout the nation and appointing Lord Vantamas Volt Virvatule as the Lord Commander of the United Armies of Morholt.
Commander Virvatule assures the people that Glorious Morholt shall stand united against any foe and warns all those who would seek to harm us that the indomitable spirit of Morholt will not succumb to any lowly threats.  Furthermore, the Allied Duchies of Morholt wishes to make it clear that the group led by the dubious person Plenarius Ashaley has in no point in time been appointed to negotiate on part of Morholt and that the state does not feel bound by any agreements signed by the aforementioned individual.  The state also firmly condemns the attempts of the of outsiders to gift away Morholtian soil to which they can claim no right to.  In the name of the Alliance, And before it's people, Signed by,
His Lordship Vantamas Volt Virvatule The Lord Commander of United Armies of Morholt and the Grand Duke of Virvatule
Her Ladyship Raunal Roste the Second, The Grand Duchess of Roste  His Lordship Frane Muel Mullein The Grand Duke of Mullein
  Following the declaration the military patrols on the streets of Karthy are swiftly doubled.


Re: Posted in all taverns, temples, and shops around the world.
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2006, 03:49:02 pm »
*bjornigar reads the notice, face turns red, and just when you think he's about to get angry, laughs long and hard, almost falling over gripping his sides*


*gasps and finally regains his composure*

Wonder iffn the lad's taken ter impersonatin ah noble.  Takes soom real gall ter claim ter speak fer da world, let alone takin it upon imself ter pardon ah bloody WAR CRIMINAL!  What next, Brizzy gonna declare everybody on Mistone owes Broegar fiddy true fer taxes?

*spits on the notice and grumbles about arrogant idjuts speaking for the masses on divine mandates of overinflated ego*

*notices the second followup notice*

Aha, looks loike tha uns wit da REAL claim ter titleship've spoke.  Gonna have ter git in contact wit dese folk of tha official alliance.  Loike ter see thar take on Prantz as well...


*Plenarius discovers this old
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2015, 11:34:00 am »

*Plenarius discovers this old worn notice in the Crosseyed Dolphin Inn and laughs*

"Well this agreement is well past its statute." *he tears it off the board and folds it neatly, placing it in a well worn journal. *

A few locals turn in wonder but go back to their drinks when the din picks back up.


