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Author Topic: Toranites lead the way  (Read 197 times)


Toranites lead the way
« on: March 08, 2008, 07:53:25 pm »
Rumours on Mistone persist about some stunning successes by the Undead Hunters of Toran in their endless struggle. There is talk of vampire cults and vampires slain, Liches destroyed, would be liches deterred, and would be summoners of liches put to flight. There is talk the Undead Masters of Corath are a spent force and the Black Wizards silenced.

Grid Blader

Re: Toranites lead the way
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2008, 12:17:05 am »
*Day after day, night after night.  Q moves from town to town.  Q stands in yet another small town, in another small temple of Toran.  He talks infrount of many people telling storys of Toran might.  Telling stories of the many undead battles and Toran shinning his great light apon him.  Toran showing Q his greatness.  Making belivers out of the non belivers bring many to see the greatness of Toran.  Leading more in to Toran in all the towns he visits.*


Re: Toranites lead the way
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2008, 06:12:05 am »
Various specialist  armour spotting organisations have reported that many of the dulled but resilient armours of the Undead Slayers of Toran have not been seen recently in normal locations. Everything points towards some activity on that front. Indeed the armour of the Shining Hand himself has scarcely been seen in recent weeks suggesting he may be personally leading some hidden initiative.

Grid Blader

Re: Toranites lead the way
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2008, 06:41:29 pm »
An older man walks in to the bar, sit down.  The bar tinder walks to the man and says "what will it be".  The older man says "something strong".  The Bar tender looks at the man and pours the drink, "Some thing on your mind?"  The Man looks at the Bar tender and Nods, "Word has spreadto my ear of a man dressed in a Silver hood and a long cloak walked in to a village.  In this village, 12 childern were taken by a some evil force the night before as they sleeped.  The man in silver took 6 men to go look for the childern.  The next day all 12 returned, but the man in silver and the 6 did not return for 2 weeks after that.  The 6 men were wearing silver Cloaks and had Toran holy symbols hanging from there necks.  The man in Silver talked to the people telling them of how it was Torans might the saved the childern and not his own.  With out rest he left that night to travle the road to the next town.  The 6 men and there familys packed the next day and were sayed to be headed to Fort Llast.  Strange thing is, with in a few more days half the village was packed and headed to Fort Llast."

Grid Blader

Re: Toranites lead the way
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2008, 06:13:27 pm »
Many, many more towns and many more followers have pasted when word reachs the man in silvers ears.  A Corath had been captured in Fort Wayfair.  He is in a hurry to return, it is sayed when he was told of this, his eyes lite a deep blue.

Grid Blader

Re: Toranites lead the way
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2008, 02:24:57 am »
The man in silver travle night and day preaching Torans word, telling the people of the evils of Corath and the greatness of Toran.  How with the power of Toran, the Corath stood no chance with there undead.  The defeat of the Lich Mechidil and his tower.  How the man in silver belives a greater evil approchs, one that if not ready will hurt many people and kill even more.  

Many listen to his words and his teachings of Toran and his love for the people and the laws to protect the people.  On Honor, Truth, Loyalty, Duty, and Vigilance.  The Great Leader, and how he has worked throw himself to protect the people of the evil undead and there creaters.  

He tells of a story of Toran leading this man to WayFare to take on an undead army with a handfull of friends and defeating this army throw Toran's will.