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Author Topic: Purchase in Dalanther  (Read 341 times)


Purchase in Dalanther
« on: March 27, 2012, 05:54:41 am »
*The tiny man enters the vast sprawl that is Dalanther and wanders around, his eyes and mouth wide open in appreciation of it's vast size. He eventually finds himself using the services of a premises owned by one Stygian Achnuman.

Blame it on his race, blame it on his natural tendencies, but he eventually finds a chest loaded with wonderful jewelry, of which he avails himself of two items after much consideration and wandering around the house showing it to himself in whatever reflections he could find. He deposits some money in a chest apparently marked for such and leaves with a smile on his face at his new wardrobe accessorization.*

//Tergiversator took
1 x amulet cats grace II and
1 x ring foxs cunning II and
1 x ring cats grace II

He left 18375 trues in a chest marked Empty Sales Chest as payment (based on Angel's prices). Please let me know if I need to adjust the balance. A pm had been sent to Ravemore previously.