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Author Topic: Questioned in disaperance  (Read 97 times)

Grid Blader

Questioned in disaperance
« on: August 25, 2008, 10:39:35 pm »
*A young man stands infrount of Cal the acting Hand*

"I was fishing at the river, it was a nice day"  He say.  "The day turned to pitch black, I could not see a thing at first."  "I heard frightfull things, moaning, scraping, things that still put a chill in to my blood."  His face looks pail "Then I heard him, his shield made a thud as it was hit many times."  "I could hear someone yell undead, then I heard another voice yell RUN, I WILL HANDLE THIS!"  

He looks to Cal "Then the light returned a bit, I could see him.  Creatures, many creatures surounded him.  He was the one yell run to the others."  His face grows cold and his voice becomes saddened "His sword looked like ablaze as he struck down the creatures, but as fast as one would fall another would take its place."  His voice becomes even weaker as he says "He yelled out what seamed to be some kind of prayer and the area was lit up with a strong light and many more creatures just fell dead becouse of this."

"then it happened, It turned dark as night again and I heard a lound thud"  the mans head hangs low, "I belive I heard a laugh a cold heartless laugh" Looking at Cal "I heard another voice, very different.  Another Hand to Kill..."  "Then the darkness went away, no creature on the ground and no man to be seen.  I was so scared I just ran home."

"What kind of man runs in to the middle of a darkness not knowning what is in there?"  Looking to Cal for an answer?