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Author Topic: Recent Patrol to the Kobold camps  (Read 246 times)


Recent Patrol to the Kobold camps
« on: April 04, 2012, 08:05:17 am »
Lady Amireana, a knight of the All-Seeing is seen leaving the kobold camp with a very thoughtful expression on her face, graceful and determined in her steps as she makes her way towards Fort Vehl. Something seems to have happened during her patrol but what?...

//I don't know who the DM involved in this finding is, so if you can speak up that would be great.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae