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Author Topic: Kuhl in mourning  (Read 450 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Kuhl in mourning
« on: December 14, 2010, 11:22:34 pm »
Kuhl is mourning the loss of 186 soldiers, who fell to unprovoked attacks along the border between the Kingdoms of Hilm and Kuhl.

Lister Tremaine, Lord of Ash, made a public speach condemning the attacks and promising retaliation to the families and friends of the fallen soldiers. A quote of his speach:

"Many good and honourable men and women have fallen at the hands of vicious foreign attackers. These deaths may seem needless and in vain - but remember, good people of Kuhl, that these valiant soldiers died in defence of their home, their families and friends... their kingdom!

They died a heroe's death and rest assured that we will honour their sacrifice. Fear not - not only have our Drach Garra hunted and slain the attackers themselves, we will deliver to them the same suffering that they delivered to us."

Immediately following the speach, Lister Tremaine declared that all families touched by the recent attacks will be cared for by the Kingdom of Kuhl.

"They paid the ultimate price and so the Kingdom will repay them in kind. All their debts will be cleared and they will no longer pay taxes to the Kingdom."
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Script Wrecked

Re: Kuhl in mourning
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2010, 01:48:36 am »
Somewhere, on hearing the latest news from Kuhl, likely in a tavern over a pint of refreshing bitter:

"Unproked? Who arre they thinking they arre? The legitimate goverrnment of Kuhl? She has news forr them, and iz all bad.

"The reazon soldierrs arre dying iz because the Cult of the Grreen Drragon iz invading Kuhl. No otherr. Nothing else. People should not be forrgetting that.

"Zame applies to the Uzurperr in 'Prrantz'.

"We have not forrgotten."

