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Author Topic: Report from Hurix  (Read 268 times)


Report from Hurix
« on: July 12, 2009, 01:49:12 am »
*A messenger is dispatched from Hurix to both Ft. Llast and Huangjin with a letter for the people of the Toran church via the Priest Marl, and the Heart of Toran, Ortheus.*

To the faithful of the All Watching,

I send great news. The Fort at Hurix still stands. The reinforcements of the joined forces of those under banners of Toran, Vorax, and Rofirein have arrived and we have destroyed the Drachs. The Hand of Virtue has once again guided us to victory against the evils we all fight so hard against. The small vanguard including those that are not even our allies and friends were able work together for the greater good to help defend the fort until the army's arrival.

Many were lost in this battle. With great victory often comes great loss, and many brave men and women gave everything they had up until their last breath in the defense of what is good. May they be remembered for all time for their bravery and dedication, and the honor with which they died.

I request for those able to be sent to Hurix and the surrounding towns to help these people regain what they have lost. They are in need of healers for those that are wounded, and will need strong able-bodied men and women to help rebuild the damaged parts of the fort, and the homes that were destroyed by the enemy. The lives that were lost cannot be replaced, but we can do all we have in our power to help them regain the safety and security of their town.

We are still in times of war. The Dragon Cult, though we have won this battle, has not backed down from this war. The evil that emanates from their creatures is only a reflection of the evil that resides in the hearts of the Cult members themselves. We cannot spare our troops, but there are those who are no longer on active duty, or those not on military service. I ask you all to do what you can, give what you can, and aid the victims of this horrible war.

Raise up the weak and empower them. These people have been weakened because of such a long and ongoing battle, because of what they have lost. But their spirits are strong, and they are hopeful yet again. Let us join with them and help continue that feeling, and show them through our efforts and our generosity that Toran is with them, that He will protect what is good.

We will rejoice in this victory, but ready yourselves for the coming battles ahead. I have faith that we will be victorious. The Great Leader is on our side, and for that we cannot fail so long as we have the faith to guide us to strike true to the heart of evil. Look to Him for guidance. So long as the Light of Toran shines above us we will always pierce through the darkness of this world.

May the Light of Toran be with you all, and may He strengthen us all to serve righteousness in the months ahead.

Forever in Service of the Great Leader,

Daniella Stormhaven
Champion of Toran
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