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Author Topic: Message left at Ulgrid's Fortress  (Read 166 times)


Message left at Ulgrid's Fortress
« on: June 30, 2009, 11:49:26 am »
*Verideth a sun elf has gone to Ulgrid Fortress and asked for a message to be past along to Kobald Bluntaxe*

Good day Master Dwarf,

I hope I can call myself friend to Argila Trueaxe and once helped those in Brenuth against a vampire horde.

I need your assistance.

I am Verideth Lightbringer a druid and twin to Aeirmor Lightbringer.

I seek to rid the world of Essrantor the Arc Gaint King. I believe you assisted Arkolio and now carry the shards of the hammer used in destroying one of the pillars.

I have need of those shards.

Please send word if I can aquire them from you.


Re: Message left at Ulgrid's Fortress
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2009, 02:04:42 pm »
You try a few times, but none of the Ulgrid dwarves is willing to take the message and pass it along.