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Author Topic: Kidnapping around Dalanthar  (Read 550 times)

Lord of the Forest

Kidnapping around Dalanthar
« on: July 28, 2008, 09:31:44 am »
Rumors are spreading around the town of Dalanthar that lately several young women, as well as children disappeared over night, leaving no hint about what happened.

Some say there was a dark creature walking around Dalanthar around midnight and that evil surrounded him.

Some others say demons took the children.

Some others even say that slavers broke into homes at night and took them.

Whatever the cause of this is, it has yet to be found out.

Citizens fear about their families now at night and keep everything locked, eying everyone who gets too close to their houses at night.
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Lord of the Forest

Re: Kidnapping around Dalanthar
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2008, 07:05:23 pm »
Citizens report that a group of adventurers headed into Dalanthar and asked a lot of questions around town. They were seen together with a man wearing a red-silver-ish plate who was looking for a person called Platina.

After some time the group left Dalanthar and shortly after they left some more children, both boys and girls, vanished from sight.

Authorities are already investigating but they haven't found a single hint yet.

So far the rumors will still spread around and citizens are frightened of the night.

Lord of the Forest

Re: Kidnapping around Dalanthar
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 05:30:09 pm »
Word spreads around that a group of adventurers rescued 8 children though there are still more than 20 missing.

Still the citizens of Willows Weep and Dalanthar keep an eye out on travellers and strangers as the latest kidnapping did not happen all too long ago and it could happen every time again.

The investigating authorities still did not find any hints besides from what rumors already say. Any help is appreciated and any hints should be forwarded to the guards of said town who are investigation in this kidnappings.

