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Author Topic: Giant Plans Discussion forum -The campsite on the desert  (Read 272 times)

Lance Stargazer

Giant Plans Discussion forum -The campsite on the desert
« on: November 09, 2010, 08:27:28 pm »
*As the night comes down into the horizon , Lance is feeding the fire after securing the higher ground, his eyes tired he closes the cloak waiting for the cold night , he looks over the group *

Well people , this is what we have now. WE are just few days away of the campsite, We need to know what are we facing, this traps we saw , and the elementals we faced are really an asset for their army.

So what do you think we should do?

*he Looks at Jill *  What i think is that we need to study their numbers and facilities , in order to plan well the course of action, we need to know the nature of the enemy we are facing.  A direct assault will be suicide.

If we learn about the camp we'll have a chance to strike at critical points making our mission way easier.  And effective.  yet this is easier said than done.

Those traps are nasty.  Now Drexia is looking for Wren and if we have them amoung our numbers we might have in a way leverage with the warriors of the clan and maybe , just maybe the truce still can be saved.  Its a slim chance tough .

So toughts?  

*he looks at the group *
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Re: Giant Plans Discussion forum -The campsite on the desert
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2010, 09:34:47 pm »
*Vrebel sits motionless against the side of large rock looking up at the bright stars that glimmer in the night sky.  He seems to be fine just were he is for the moment a near brush with death still seemingly on his mind.*


Re: Giant Plans Discussion forum -The campsite on the desert
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2010, 11:53:52 am »
*Tralek lets the others talk a bit and leaves the camp to climb to the top of the nearest dune.  There he looks all around him at the dark horizon and especially towards the direction of where he thinks the camp is.  He looks for the faint signs of campfire light or possible lights of the Al'Noth.  He closes his eyes and lets the cold desert air creep in on him as he listens for signs of giant activity.

*then he returns to camp with any information he has gathered*  These giants are wise and cunning, unlike any I have faced before, even smarter than those in the Great Forest that once came together.  This is their domain, and as long as we wander around, they treat us like the dog that licks the squirrel.  I do not think a treaty or union can be made with them.  We need to either leave them to thier sand, or we need to formulate a simple and direct plan of attack with the goal of killing Rotglut or at least reducing their numbers and moral.  Maybe then, after we show our power, you might have a chance to gain their respect and ear for aliance; but most likely not.

I say we scout quickly but carefully, and survey their camp.  See if we can locate Rotglut or at least where he is likely to be.  The we plan our attack on that spot, based on their weakest flank and other information we may have.

*He throws two pieces of cut trap cord to Hardy* What say the rest of you?


Re: Giant Plans Discussion forum -The campsite on the desert
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2010, 02:18:39 pm »
*Wren having received a letter from Drexia readies his pack for the trip back to Audira*

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Giant Plans Discussion forum -The campsite on the desert
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2010, 03:10:43 pm »
Well Lance, we are actually a slow days walk from the campsite.  Knowing the layout of the camp and its numbers would be most helpful, but what exactly are you looking to do?  Are we going after RotGlut only?  Or do you want to take on the whole camp?  Rottie is the one that is setting the giants, (before and after the removal of the original chief) after those passing through the desert.  Now, I am all for justice, but must the whole clan pay for it in blood?  They are being led astray, remember.  I think if we make enough show of force of it taking just Rottie out, the others may think twice about continuing.  And if they do, then of course we can clean up the rest of the clan.  Did Horgut (sp) have kin?  Someone close to him that held the same views?

If we decide to take on Rottie, we have to see exactly where he is at.  Rain death upon him from a distance.  He's not going to give up without a fight and the others will help that are strong with him. We would need enough distance between us so we can call for a parlay once he is down.  You KNOW that if we try making a truce with him, it WILL go badly.  Nor will he stop.  Plus, maybe someone else is behind all the intelligence they have been showing of late. Or is he really a Giant or something else taking the form of such?  Of course that may be revealed upon his death.  There is so much unknown here, but one thing is certain, Rottie needs to be stopped permanently.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Giant Plans Discussion forum -The campsite on the desert
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2010, 03:29:23 pm »
*he nods at the coments * If we strike the campstite and we are spotted attacking their leader , there won't be parlay, we are not dealing a war with civiled folks, their are not a kingdom, why they shouldn't even know the rules of parlay. *shakes his head*  I don't feel inclined to wipe out a whole camp of giants , no, yet, they are not as inocent as you put it, this giants have been done raid before and will do again even when all this is over most likely .

I agree with you on the lay out for the campsite, as i said before they could have stuffed with traps as nasty as the ones we saw before, yet we don't even know if this is a mobile camp or one made permanent. I don' want to bath myself in unnecesary blood, yet this creature and the stirring of the giants will become a greater problem as time pass, Leadership boosts morale as the leadership last, sadly we are out of way to prove if this Rotgut did something to the former chief, so they won't listen to us.. why they would?  We are after all in their eyes the killers of their leader.  

We need to see about the origin of those traps, and we have to cut their supply for those bombs. *Frowns* This even if we don't want its becoming into a war. The shaman will not go down or leave his ambitions down without a fight.

The first thing we need to do is start getting information on the campsite, calling for ally's would be a good idea as well.

// If someone could expand here, i missed on my logs most of what Drex said, about the meting with the giants .

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Giant Plans Discussion forum -The campsite on the desert
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2010, 11:51:59 pm »
Yes Lance, some of these are innocents.  Wren had a treaty with the previous leader.  There was peace until RotGut entered the stage.  If we take him out, his hold over the others may be broken.  Who knows if he is using the Al'Noth to sway them to see things his way.

As for the supply line for making the traps ... nothing they could not mine, make and cast upon themselves.  Silver filigree, springs and gears for components ... simple ores to mine and mold.  They are shamans, the magics easily added in with an experienced maker.  I think that route is a dead end or waste of time.

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Giant Plans Discussion forum -The campsite on the desert
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2010, 06:47:12 am »
*Gunder listens to the members of the party discuss the situation and continues to ponder for a while until he offers a thought*  

Des giants mus' be real tough....cause dis a noice War Party an if'n ya tink ye cannae beat dem head on den bes ta get a stron'er party togedder.


Re: Giant Plans Discussion forum -The campsite on the desert
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2010, 01:31:58 pm »
*Vrebel stirs and takes a swig from his canteen*  We're gonna need as many good fighters as we can muster ta take that camp *nods to Gunder* a priest or priestess who can offer us death protection be good too.

Before we hit the camp someones needs to observe their comin' and goin's.  Best to hit the camp when we see a large huntin' party leave as there we'll be less of em' ta fight.

We should also look to see what paths they take in and out of their camp.  Those paths most likely wont be lined with traps and we can use them routes when we lay seige to their camp.

This is gonna be one heck of a battle and I aim' ta come out on the other side of it.  Weve been target practice fer too long.  Time to take the fight to Rotglut and raise his severed head high on a spike!

If you folks wanna try to form some kinda alliance with whats left after we devastate thier camp then thats fine too.


Re: Giant Plans Discussion forum -The campsite on the desert
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2010, 03:23:25 pm »
*on his way to Audira Wren meets with Griff and asks him to muster his kin. He tells Griff of the giant issue and that it may come to pass that Wren may have to allow himself to be imprisoned by them or worse killed and his body kept on display. He said that if all else fails he may need to be rescued ad nothing would be more effective to shake the giants up then a army of Griff's kin marching on them."