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Author Topic: Reward  (Read 2216 times)


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« Reply #40 on: April 14, 2014, 08:37:43 pm »

Captain Dreardan looks to Aesthir as he approaches, noting the colors of the Vehl Guard and his rank, and offers a wan smile. After Aesthir introduces himself, Captain Dreardan responds; “I wondered when you were going to come see me. I spotted you on the hill. I take it defenses are in order?” *He grins*

“Also…I actually am familiar with you Aesthir… and your *pauses* problems with Captain Andrew. I trust the Captain has not been too tough a task master?”

Captain Dreardan glances at the men milling about and nods approvingly as he sees his quartermaster issuing orders and making arrangements for putting the men and horses into the town’s guard barracks. His attention goes back to the prisoner as Aesthir mentions her. He briefly describes the events to date and states he would be more than happy to have the Lieutenant present for the interrogation.



(No subject)
« Reply #41 on: April 14, 2014, 08:47:05 pm »

Vincent notes that the eyes of the Pit Creature seem to follow him about, even after he has cast his magical enchantments to conceal himself. When the occasional opportunity is given to her, she smiles seductively at him when their eyes meet. He begins to see beauty in this creature, and it makes his mind race. As the hours go by, he finds himself thinking more and more about her. Is she the victim of some sort of conspiracy? Has she been wronged by a big shadow government? Is her mind being controlled by some unknown entity… making her do things she otherwise would not? Is his own mind and thoughts being compromised? Are the bodies of the dead in the upcoming battles going to tower into the skies? Will he be her hero and save her from certain death?  ……. Will they ever be together?


Lance Stargazer

(No subject)
« Reply #42 on: April 14, 2014, 09:04:20 pm »

*Aesthir nods slowly, his face showing no sign of surprise, if he was surprised from the Captain to see him or not is yet another mystery in the man, he though seems satisfied for some reason *

A well learned man is indeed a great asset any case can get, and you Captain seem to have done your homework quite efficiently, as for the tasks that i now employ on Vehl guard and the relationship with the good captain, hard or not its just a man's duty to fill one promises and responsablities, so....

*The man waves his hand dismisively to the case as he listens to the story as he watches upon the prisioner, and then nods at the Captain*

You seem to have done quite a good job so far, so don't see me as an impediment to keep on that track, I've came with Co'rrys best interest in mind of course, And gladly will support with any of the official bussiness over the paperwork and such or other requests needed in the light of the posible of course.

*With that he awaits reply, while he studies the prisioner with patience and what seems to be infinite calm*



(No subject)
« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2014, 09:58:07 pm »

Captain Dreardan appears very satisfied with Aesthir’s response regarding his duties and says, “After we have completed our interrogation it would be prudent to get word back to Captain Andrew of what has been transpiring, and allow him to decide how and when to take it to Urzhrah Kezed Gran'dherm… that is even if the Urzhrah would have interest if it was brought to his attention *Captain Dreardan frowns slightly as he says that* We can transcribe the proceedings so you’ll have a document to deliver. *He gives Aesthir a sideway glance* I might even have a copy for you to deliver to the Temple?… it would save me sending one of my men to deliver it.”


Lance Stargazer

(No subject)
« Reply #44 on: April 14, 2014, 10:33:00 pm »

*Aesthir nods slowly at the offer then replies, his gaze returning to the man*

I am here representing the interest of the Co'rrys, and only that at this moment, even if your intent is appreciated, I am affraid that if i take the report to the temple would be the same as if any other good and decent citizen of Co'rrys would do it, Lets keep the paperwork for the temple be done by  the right people to do so, My presence here as I said , its only to represent Co'rrys even if I have the Lord Protector in my heart.

*After a small pause he continues*  I would appreciate though, if you may dispose an extra copy for my own archive, I am a man of words and letters, and studying the cases thru the land makes one more ready to make law stand for, and one never stops learning . *he smiles at that* A lesson recently remembered.

*He smiels at the captain in a mixure of satisfaction and good mood*



(No subject)
« Reply #45 on: April 14, 2014, 10:43:00 pm »

Captain Dreardan Chuckles at that, but with a good natured smile. "Of course. I understand fully. We'll ensure you have your own copy as well." He then heads off to his men to ensure everything is in order. Before the prisoner is taken inside Aesthir meets her gaze and sees her staring at him. He feels as if she is gauging him... or perhaps sizing him up.


Lance Stargazer

(No subject)
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2014, 10:58:00 pm »

*Aesthir smirks noticing the pit fiend attempt, *

- A reaction? .. How amusing .....  pit fiend or mortal, criminals are always the same, they look for a reaction, to notice and validate that her actions are right, by finding a "side", there are just two sides, you are either dead or not, there is no such thing as inocence, we all are guilty, just in several degrees of that, - *his mind goes into thoughts*

Interesting....  *he just says as the pit fiend is being taken away *



(No subject)
« Reply #47 on: April 16, 2014, 04:05:13 am »

Vincent is not convinced at all that the group of soldiers know what they are doing. His experience in the Pits has taught him all manner of creature frequents within. Not everything is to be feared. He should do something about it he knows but there is only one sensible route. Use the system, make it work for you. He considers, firstly we need to test the legality of this imprisonment , I mean didnt that agent just go and capture the poor girl. He prepares a petition for the Captain testing the legality of the capture, imprisonment transfer of jurisdiction and intended interrogation. He subtly tries to enlists the help of any qualified  rofies, drawing on their knowledge of similar issues rather than direct questioning about their current predicament. He is not entirely sure he is going to make any fee at all here, still it is only what the lady deserves, it is the very least he could do.



(No subject)
« Reply #48 on: April 16, 2014, 10:31:44 pm »

// For Vincent... I’m preparing a response for your previous post.

I’m also posting this OOC here for the benefit of anyone else that may be thinking of taking part in this two part quest, and for consistency. This is how I will be managing this. It is not to be used as a thread for debate. If anyone disagrees or would like to discuss any aspects of this, please send me a PM. I feel like it needs to be posted at this point because it appears we may now have competing factions developing in this quest. (Which I love by the way!)

This is to be used as “food for thought.”

-The Pit Creature was arrested in the kingdom of Brelin by an Agent of the Realm based out of Port Hempstead and handed over to the Rofirein authorities in Center. This agent has great discretion in his decision making.

-The Rofirein authorities have since relocated to Dapplegreen in the Kingdom of Co’rys with the prisoner. It is likely that any arguments of improprieties in the arrest itself are now a moot point as the prisoner is now in a new jurisdiction. (This can still be argued though)

-This is not a trial at this point. It is a “detention” and a “questioning” at a secure location. Therefore, although the Rofireins will be keeping in mind the Principles of the Divine Court, particularly if this heads in the direction of a trial, we are not quite there yet… and may not get there. ;-)

-Rofirein's Divine Court bows to the law of the land it resides in. By default this also includes the rules regulating arrests, questioning, etc.

With that being said, Aesthir Stargazer, as a Lieutenant in the Vehl Guard, is now the ranking official from the Kingdom of Co’rys. He will likely hold sway over most of these proceedings. (Hopefully he can be in game for this. If not, he will be absent on “other duties”, but Captain Dreardan will look to the interests of Co’rys in his absence.

-Right now there is a not a lot of evidence against this Pit Creature to suggest she even committed a crime… but she is regarded as any other “monstrous race”; with suspicion, dislike, fear, and even hatred… and she is now in a kingdom not known for any significant rule of law. On the slightly positive side for her though; there is more tolerance for monstrous races in Co’rys than most other locations.

If I can think of anything else I will amend this as we go. As I said before, if you have any feedback, send me a PM… Please do not post here.



(No subject)
« Reply #49 on: April 20, 2014, 11:20:44 pm »

Just "Bumping this" as a reminder for interested parties.

In-Game quest has been scheduled. CLICK HERE.

Please continue to role-play in the forum until then. Everyone should now be in the village of Dapplegreen.



(No subject)
« Reply #50 on: April 20, 2014, 11:32:14 pm »

Vincent’s petition does not meet with much success. The few Rofirein knights he did find who showed some indication of concern over the legality of the detention of the Pit Creature are not willing to sign his document, or formally voice their concern. After crossing over into Co’rys, Vincent does notice that Captain Dreardan is conferring a lot more with Aesthir Stargazer, the Vehl Lieutenant. Word also must have made its way back to the Captain concerning Vincent’s questions because Vincent is no longer allowed into the building where the Pit Creature is being held.

Whenever he sees the creature through an open doorway or window and their eyes meet, he has a sensation of dread over what her fate might become. The feeling that there is some type of conspiracy afoot to deprive this “lady” of life and liberty is nearly overpowering.


Lance Stargazer

(No subject)
« Reply #51 on: April 21, 2014, 01:56:11 pm »

*Aesthir remains stationed in Dapplegreen, and helping with the law matters and interpretations as well as the small issues that may be come to arise, he looks around the area and notices after some atempts by Vincent, he looks with some curiosity at the man yet doesn't do anything to close by for now, he just remains watchful, he will confer with the Rofirenites and then moves around the town as if looking for something,  his falconlike gaze falls into the small details and focuses on the area around as if again looking for something*



(No subject)
« Reply #52 on: April 21, 2014, 04:50:11 pm »

Vincent secretively unlocks his travel chest and reviews his paperwork in a quiet corner of a room he has banned the 'kidnap party' from. "Seems only fair." He muses "They ban me - I can surely ban them!"

He scatters the papers skyward realising he is not going to make progress that way. "Yet progress I need to make. Before such foul injustice, such terrible travesty is done, Right is not measured by the number who speak but clearly by those who have the knowledge, the truth...or....or the rank above Captain! " He puts his papers back into his travel box. Vehl it is and then well who knows I must rush with the tidfe gather the courage to persuade - Justice must prevail. I can only hope I am fast enough." He leaves with once last longing look towards the confinement cabin, and a glance around for that lurking Vehlite Aesthir who seemed to be clearly worth the watching!



(No subject)
« Reply #53 on: April 22, 2014, 04:29:43 am »

*Storold spends the time traveling with the Roferienites talking to the Lucindite and the captain*


I am rather concerned about this harvesting the Al'Noth anormalities for warfare. Especially since I know that the power unleased when such disturbances can be quite massive. However I doubt that these people are able to create the disturbances themselves, since it seems rather unlikely that they would perform them in a place where they could freely be found by others if that were the case.

But that leaves me to wonder who is responsible for the anromalities in the first place. While this is not an immidiate concern we still have to consider that there might also be a greater evil at work here, while we attempt to stop the lesser evil that is the bandits with quite dangerous weaponary.



(No subject)
« Reply #54 on: April 22, 2014, 08:20:45 pm »
*Meanwhile Sebair is waiting at sundown for the daemon, however when she doesn't show up he decides to go to the tavern to find some interesting company.

Therhcha announces as the company leaves Center, that he will stay behind and ensure that no one attacks the outpost during the next few weeks.*


(No subject)
« Reply #55 on: April 25, 2014, 12:12:41 am »

Vincent pulls into Fort Vehl after a long ride from Dapplegreen. Clouds of gnats and biting flies were still trailing him from the roadway as he surveyed his surroundings. The same cesspool he remembered... The same dregs of society eking out an existence.

After frustrating a few guards with his rants about injustice, Rofirein knights, and illegal arrests he is brought to the main barracks of the Vehl Guard. A man wearing the official insignia of a Captain of the Vehl Guard approaches, introduces himself as “Captain Andrew”, and demands to know what is going on…



(No subject)
« Reply #56 on: April 25, 2014, 08:50:13 am »

"Captain Andrew! why am I even surprised, I mean your reputation precedes you, I am sure it is not just good fortune you should suddenly appear in such a terrible time. A time for action, a time when good men are needed if we are to avoid an unacceptable injustice and perhaps one last chance to do the right think." All the time he is speaking Vincent creates an atmosphere by solemnly preparing his travelling chest between them on a table, making a show of unlocking it, and emphasing it's importance. "Captain I have tried to reason here, my notes are all inside this box, the package of hope." He once again turns to the chest tapping it and shooing a fly off. "This is a tale of great injustice that sprawls not just the Kingdoms but the very fabric of the places that exist beyond this world." He goes on to outline the kidnap, and transfer of jurisdiction, producing notes and papers to support his theory as he goes. "Captain Andrew I am not entirely familiar with your ways here and I am sure this poor woman whose crime seems to be to have existed in a distant Pit, I've been to the Pits you know, some lack the sophistication of Vehl not that we can blame every inhabitant for that and that is indeed something of the point. Now if this agent of Brelin, or Captain Dreardan a Rofirenite that moves jurisdiction when the law does not suit purpose, or your own sending Aesthir Stargazer,  a Lieutenant in the Vehl Guard have full authority then .."he pauses closing his travel chest. "Then I daresay I have sadly sought sanctuary for justice in the wrong place, and I have failed an opportunity to free a poor poor  innocent and perhaps establish new dialogue that would provide far more accurate and freely given information ....but....what do you think?"



(No subject)
« Reply #57 on: April 25, 2014, 01:15:00 pm »

The Lucindite agrees with Storold, and they have some interesting conversation regarding Al'Noth abnormalities. He seems to warm up to Storld as they travel. His name is Jason Schcippie and he is stationed at the Temple of the Peractio at Blackford Castle. He has been travelling the three realms researching dead magic anomalies.

An interesting thought does occur to Storold though in the course of their discussions. Jason stated he also saw some strange equipment being carried by the bandits and ogres and did not know their purpose. It does not make sense for the enemy to create the disturbances in areas frequented by others… but what if they had the technology to locate "weak areas" and pull the abnormalities into being?? That was an equally disturbing possibility.


As Sebair makes his way to the tavern he notices his plump little plum of a maiden smooching with another rascal near the doorway. She catches sight of Sebair and looks rather embarrassed and tries to explain how she was merely “helping to give that poor man some air after he nearly choked to death on a pork chop.” The other man grins stupidly… he’s obviously intoxicated.


Therhcha patrols the surrounding area for approximately a week and finds nothing out of the ordinary.



(No subject)
« Reply #58 on: April 25, 2014, 01:20:00 pm »

Soon after noticing the subversive actions of Vincent, Aesthir notices the man is missing. Magical means of detection are not even effective. It seems fairly evident that he is no longer in the area. Nobody seems to have seen him depart, and frankly some of the Rofirein knights are glad they are not being bothered by the strange man.

Aesthir’s basic inspection of the town does find some trace anomalies in frequencies, but nothing concrete. It raises some interesting questions though.

Before Aesthir lost track of Vincent he did have an opportunity to discreetly observe him for indications of whether or not he was affected by the Pit Creature. With his basic skillset related to things such as that… Aesthir could not detect anything out of the ordinary. He did note some magical countermeasures being employed by him, indicating that Vincent has some grasp of the use of Al’Noth.

Aesthir finds the local constable in charge of Dapplegreen’s sad law enforcement detail and finds the man to be lacking in both professionalism and having much interest in what is going on with the Pit Fiend. To the contrary, he seems somewhat irritated with all of the authority figures showing up on “his turf” and seems eager to send everyone on their way. He does not defer much to Aesthir’s rank, as his position is also the equivalent of a lieutenant. When he is informed of Vincent’s actions he merely states “I’ll take it under advisement and notate my files accordingly.” He also infers in a passive aggressive manner that “Vincent may have a good point about detaining a free person illegally” and shrugs his shoulders. His name is Chester, he is human, and his unkempt hair is a fiery red.


Lance Stargazer

(No subject)
« Reply #59 on: April 25, 2014, 01:43:00 pm »

*He listens to the man with atention pointing out his remarks and such then simply nods*  Well, at least now you are informed good sir, And my duty to your town is fullfilled, I couldn't agree more with you,.. if this were a detention of course , yet I guess that came on the report that you probably read ..... or not.

*Aesthir thanks the man for the time and leaves him be, he returns to his room and start to work out in a map, pointing out the areas around the town where he find those anomalies, he probably would do several rounds to check out if they are constant or fluctuating as well as making note of its intensity*

**He takes the time to pass all the information to his notes, and secretly thanking that this investigation was handed to the Rofirenites rather than the Vehlites in this case, there are something really wrong in this town, and this pit-fiend is not but the tip of the iceberg, he thinks*

*The next day very early he saddles up his black horse and after informing the rofirenites, he departs the town, with the promise to come back *