The World of Layonara  Forums

Author Topic: Reward  (Read 2246 times)


(No subject)
« Reply #60 on: April 25, 2014, 11:24:35 pm »

Captain Andrew is an intelligent man. He didn’t get to his current station by being anything less. He can sometimes be a little petty too when he is wronged… and dear old Lieutenant Aesthir had indeed wronged him. Being bested in such a manner by the impetuous ex- Rofirenite still rubbed him the wrong way. He almost instinctively went to rub his eyes, but stopped himself in mid-motion.

After listening to Vincent’s rambling and understanding the overall picture of what was transpiring he says, “Vincent, it seems your case is well in order and you have some valid points.  *He points to the travelling chest with an air of deference* “Your evidence is strong it seems, but unfortunately I cannot pull myself away from my duties to address this.”

He walks to his desk and pulls out an official parchment, writes out several lines, and attaches his official seal. He then hands the document to Vincent. “This is an order for Co’rys’s officials in Dapplegreen. You will be my official liaison in this matter, and your orders are to be followed as if they were my orders in relation to this Pit Creature. You have the authority to do what you feel is best in regards to this detention. I do not see any evidence of a crime, or any indication of a threat to Vehl’s interests.”

After Vincent hurriedly grabbed his travelling chest and accumulated paperwork and left the office Captain Andrew grinned to himself and muttered, “Have fun with that one Aesthir.”



(No subject)
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2014, 12:19:09 pm »
//could you please state how long till the quest starts? It seems to me that it is four hours from now but I just want to make sure


(No subject)
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2014, 12:21:00 pm »

//Hi Pibe! 2.5 hours or so... it is now almost 9:30 here and we will begin about 12:00ish. I'm currently working on setting up.



(No subject)
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2014, 12:48:51 pm »

//Odd I just checked my timezone and the time displays incorrectly for me, off by an hour... Does it display correctly for you? Just to know if I should submit a bug report.



(No subject)
« Reply #64 on: April 29, 2014, 01:10:00 am »

Aesthir did not return from his recent errand in time. He arrives just after the Pit Creature departs and is quickly brought up to speed by Storold, Captain Dreardan, and Jason.


Vincent is riding wildly back towards Dapplegreen, but his poor horse throws a shoe and delays his arrival. (An important post for him is forthcoming.)


Storold Doesscha arrived a little earlier than the appointed time for the Pit Fiend’s questioning. As he walked into the empty barracks of the Dapplegreen Guard and was motioned into the back room by a Rofirein Knight, he immediately knew something was amiss and quickly cast some protective enchantments. The Pit Fiend was unbound and casually leaning against a chair while conversing with Captain Dreardan and the Lucindite. Professionals like them would not be too keen on allowing such a dangerous creature so wide a latitude. Why she did not attempt to escape while she had the chance also eluded him.

She greeted Storold and he felt a slight tickle in the back of his mind at the same time… he knew that he was being probed and he quickly cast another spell that slammed the doors of his psyche shut to her mechanizations, as well as those of Captain Dreardan and the priest. After the fog had cleared from their thoughts… everyone was on guard and wary of the Pit Fiend. Storold was a little condescending towards her efforts and she was slightly amused at his reaction.

She was cunning and evasive and played a game of “answer for an answer” with Storold. It became clear there was no legal ground to hold her thus far, so he sought more information… perhaps to build a case for further detention. He managed to get her name, and it became equally apparent she was seeking information about Layonara in general. Storold answered her truthfully as best as he could with answers that had more than one meaning or interpretation, thereby protecting individuals and institutions that could be put in danger... particularly Spellgard and the Pit Stalkers.

It seemed Dalianavera had a high level of interest in Vincent, asking about his whereabouts and displaying a small amount of emotion in regard to him several times.

Storold attempted to read her aura, which provided her some slight amusement. She consented without protest. He found that the Al’Noth bended around her in a strange way he had not seen before. He did not detect any manipulation on her part and judged it to be an innate reaction. He surmised that she came from a Pit with very high exposure to Al’Noth.

When asked where she came from she stated a place called Xandahshashis nor Amendacht en Durashdurash Sheen, which was meaningless.

Storold also learned that “Rashish the Red” and his bandits were agents hired from a smelly fat man in Fort Vehl to serve as a distraction... a delay... and pack mules. The technology to harvest dead magic anomolies was beyond them. The expeditionary force from her Pit collecting the dead magic anomalies was called the “Rugnas.” Everyone’s stomach felt a slight sinking feeling when she also confirmed their suspicions that the Pit Creatures were making weapons out of the harvested dead magic anomalies. There was some comfort when she confirmed they were not slated for use on Layonara.

As the questioning wound down, the atmosphere became tense as the last pieces of information were extracted by each party. Storold learned several things in these last few minutes. He found that she was more than willing to be bound, moved about, and questioned because all of the time invested in this process took the focus away from the work of the “Rugnas” … and that work was nearly complete. She had the ability to travel to and from Pits as a natural ability and did not require a portal, but the “Rugnas” and the soldiers of her world did need portals to cross over. Her task was to cross over, construct the portal, and when their job was complete to deactivate the portal. She also could sense when a portal she had constructed was used on either side.

The most puzzling question of course was why she was willing to answer all of these questions without pain, torture, or other methods… to which she answered in a more than adequate fashion:

In her sultry voice and with a slight smile on her lips she said “I come from a pit where we wage wars on unimaginable scales. You cannot even comprehend the scope. You wage war to conquer nations... we wage war to conquer worlds.

 I am a creature ancient by your standards... I command what you call the Al'Noth as easily as a child who plays with tin soldiers. I can rip the intellect from a creature with my mind alone... and this begs the question, why did I allow you creatures to bring me here?

The answer when using simple logic is that it served our purposes... or more accurately my purposes. The use of bandits to ravage your countryside was merely to shift your gaze from our true purpose. And these proceedings over the course of several weeks obtained the same results. Delay...

You did not track down the source of your troubles because you were too enamored with questioning me. I have also found a personal reason for staying longer though... and for that I am willing to make a concession... I will tell you the location of the portal and I will walk out of here and disappear without a battle. I have business with Vincent... he has peeked my interest.

Storold Replied, “Why would we want to know where the portal is if you are telling us that it is of no consequence anymore?”

She smiled again showing a row of sharp teeth, “My kind are like predator fish... the strongest survive. If the remainder of our forces at the portal cannot defeat your pathetic warriors, then they do not deserve to continue service in the name of our Monarch. You may even learn something of portals if you can capture it.

I can tell you this though.... If I am not allowed to leave, you and I Storold will survive the initial stages of our battle if we choose to go that route. No others in the room, or half of this town will. My power is more than a match for your own. If you have ever wielded your power to your full ability, you know the consequences for the innocent around here will be dire... What is your choice Storold?”

Storold smiled.” I believe you misjudge my talents; I am not as destructive as yours... So I can't level this town without help.”

Her reply was simple. “I can...”

It was then decided that Dalianavera would be allowed to leave in the interest of preserving the safety of the innocent townspeople. Storold and the Pit Creature entered into a blood pact binding him to allow her to leave without effort to recapture, and she was bound to no longer give assistance to the “Rugnas.” Storold tried to negotiate Vincent’s safety into the pact… without success. She would deactivate the portal in two weeks per her orders, but leave the mechanism in place. She gave the location to Storold.

The Pit Creature then muttered an alien incantation and struck the ground with her fist. A shock wave in the ground emanated from her position and white lines of pure Al’Noth spider webbed out from her feet. There was a sound like a thunderclap and she was gone. Storold surmised that she had bent space and time to move to a new location… probably the same process she used to move between Pits.

Storold, Captain Dreardan, and the Lucindite Jason then began discussing some possibilities for further action, including an assault on the portal location just as Aesthir arrived.




Some underlying questions or things to think about…

What would happen if the portal was left in place and was somehow activated at a future time from the other side? Possible invasion?

Is there any chance that one of the dead magic weapons could be left behind or obtained by Rashish the Red’s bandits? Could this have a devastating impact if they were to fall into the wrong government’s hands… or the wrong organization?

If the Pit Creatures are so formidable, what will it take to assault their position? Could interested parties just wait until they leave? Is waiting too much of a risk?

Does Dalianavera have other “irons in the fire?”

What can be learned from researching the mechanics of the deactivated portal? Are there dangers in allowing other parties to stumble across it and examine it first?



This plot line is going to continue under a new forum thread called “The Assault”.” Whether anyone takes it up to completion or not will be interesting to see. Regardless there will be some rippling effects from this. Please be aware that the next installment is going to be a “hack and slash” session if the party opts to assault the portal. The opponents are going to be CR 30+, thus there will need to be a strong party of mid-epic to high epic players. Survival with anything else will be slim. For those that try and do not survive, you will be well rewarded. For those that try and do survive, reward will be substantial. This is an opportunity for those of you with epic characters that have not seen a challenge in recent times to get out and do something.

Please wait to start posting for this until I have the new forum thread up though.

If there are any questions, please PM me.



(No subject)
« Reply #65 on: April 29, 2014, 04:00:21 am »


returning to storold's point about time, I was also an hour out and this made even a late arrival last saturday not possible. Something that we may need to confirm with any future events.



(No subject)
« Reply #66 on: April 29, 2014, 10:53:04 am »


Agreed. Pibe has submitted a post to have the forum time issue looked at. Hopefully we can get it fixed. I think next time I'll post a quick forum entry when we are about 1 hour out before start-up. This one nearly ran the entire 3 hours allotted, if you popped in I would have ported you over to the quest area... With that being said, you are owed reward for your forum work, I'll be looking for you in-game. :-)



(No subject)
« Reply #67 on: April 29, 2014, 10:59:35 pm »

Vincent’s horse stumbled, not too far from Dapplegreen along the Vehl Road. The beast threw a shoe, which meant he would not get back in time. He cursed the cloud filled sky, and ran his hands through his rain slicked hair in frustration muttering that someone in Vehl must have known about his terribly important mission and sabotaged him. His mind raced, eliminating suspects and adding possible culprits at a rapid pace.

There was another flash of lightning and a concussion of thunder.

He jumped because the strike was very close… and then he saw her. The reigns of his horse slipped from his fingers and the animal’s ears lay flat as it skittered away. The Pit Creature was several paces away, rain and evening light beginning to obscure her. She walked forward. He felt a familiar tickle at the back of his mind and could not move. He could barely speak. “How are you here?”

As she reached him, she brought her body close to his and said “I go where I please and when I please. It is my nature.”

He managed to mutter “Why are you here?” While trying to quell the emotion that seemed to be welling up inside of him. In his own mind he was also puzzled at why he was feeling that way.

Dalianavera smiled, the tips of her razor sharp teeth just visible between her lips. “Because you and I have a bond my little Vincent. You are the only creature in this world that has not shown me contempt or fear. You know what I am… yet you go against what seems natural. You think about me. You watch me. I have been in your mind and I know you better than you know yourself. This intrigues me.”

Vincent could not speak. He could only look into black eyes with no pupils and listen.

“My little Vincent. I am over nine centuries old by your reckoning. I have seen worlds burned in the war machine of my Monarch… and I will see countless others go down that same road. It took me many years to find my way here. You will be my key to unlock the door when I need to return.” She smiled, and he thought he sensed some pity in her eyes… then he felt the fiery pain and his face went white as he looked down and saw her hand entering his chest. He had never felt such intense pain in his entire life. White lines of Al’Noth spider-webbed up her arm in a rapid pulse, matching his heartbeat in intensity.  “You are special Vincent. When your time comes to shrug this mortal shell, I will come and take your soul. I will protect it and cherish it. Until then, you will be the beacon that guides me back to this world.” She kissed his forehead and supported him as he began to collapse.

Vincent passed out from the intense pain. When he woke he found himself tucked into the hollow of a large tree and bundled in his oiled leathers. His horse was hobbled to a nearby branch, and the dying coals of a small fire were close to his feet. He muttered “Was I dreaming?” When he tore open his tunic he knew it was all very real. He could see a white scar the size of a hand on his chest. A faint echo of the pain he experienced created a dull ache.



(No subject)
« Reply #68 on: April 30, 2014, 04:22:30 am »

Denying his surreal experience momentarily Vincent draws forth his order for Co’rys’s officials in Dapplegreen and reads it over. "Well I have the power of right on my side at least, and perhaps might too." He mutters to himself. He glances at his exposed chest, before quickly fixing his tunic and more methodically and carefully replacing the document in a scroll case. He looks at the glowing embers and reviews his position. Well she is intelligent enough to realise I am a specialist, she mentioned special, but I am sure she meant specialist. and, and she obviously cares for me after all here I am safely ensconsed, warm fire and horse to hand." He stands a little uncertainly ignoring the dying fire and tends to his horse. "I am a specialist beacon, a beacon of speciality....did I see pity there...pity.....I am not sure thats right." He shrugs and muses uncertainly, his thoughts short, sharp, and focussed. "I have travelled the Pits. Yet she left me here. Alone. She needs me. She said as much. She wants to be soul mates. Well she wants my soul. She is a little old for me. Teeth could be problamitic. Such dark eyes. Was she grateful for my efforts? But really...pity!" He looks up at the sky for a moment unable to reason any more. He lets the horse free and with a more magical sweep he taps into the Al'noth himself and is suddenly back at Center. "I can do that too you know. Move with the Al'noth. You never asked. Did you?" He followed the signs for Hlint, his chest a dull ache.


