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Author Topic: Rofireinites support Rael  (Read 163 times)


Rofireinites support Rael
« on: August 30, 2010, 02:23:40 am »
After a recent deputation of Rael emisaries to Westerngate to speak with the leaders of the Rofireinite Faith the following statement has been issued to all Rofireinite places of worship around the world with the official sanction of the Voices of Justice.

"Let it be known to all followers of the Great Gold Rofirein that from this moment forth in the matter of the impending invasion of Rael by Dark Elf forces they have full support of the Rofireinite Faith and its various members.

The Rofireinites shall be responsible for dealing with prisoners in terms of holding them, charging them and dispensing justice in line with both Divine Law and the laws of the land of Rael.

Furthermore, a unit of Wardens of the Principium escorted by a division of Knights of the Wyrm shall be given leave to travel to Rael and operate from the Prantz office in carrying out the aforementioned duties.

Rofirein stands firm against the savage attempt by Dark Elf forces to bring about the harm and terror of innocents in not just the lands of Rael, but in any lands.

May the scales of the Dragon protect us in this time of need.

By order of the Voices of Justice."


Evidence suggests that other faiths have been approached and are not far off offering their support as well.
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Rofireinites support Rael
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 04:03:34 pm »
Overhearing a town crier in Leringard, a blue-clad figure snickers to herself. "With a little luck, they'll all kill each other."