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Author Topic: Rumblings and fire  (Read 300 times)


Rumblings and fire
« on: May 18, 2011, 11:07:17 am »
While the war grinds on on Belinara throwing the entire continent into chaos the mountains of Molten Isle rumble and start to spew forth dark ash into the sky even more so than usual creating a thick cloud that is slowly moved westwards by the northern wind currents. Huge jagged streaks of lightning that are common place over the many active volcano's of the island ripple across the skies in the dust cloud that is forming and before long long trails of fiery balls of rock start to spew forth from several of the main peaks some of them reaching the far out on the waters around the island.

Before long the dust clouds from the isle drift over the coasts of Boyer covering the beachs, villages and lands with a fine layer of ash and soot.

So too within the Orsgaunt mountains, from two of the tallest peaks, one of which lies close to the Fort of Last Hope there is a deep rumbling. Just after Connor departs from the fort after having summoned the creatures that attacked the enemy seige engines defenders in the fort hear loud cracking sounds from the mountains and scouts report a number of avalanches and dark smoke and ash rising from at least two of the peaks. Soon a think sprinking of ash and soot begins to drift down over the fort and the battles being fought within creating yet more worries for the defenders.

In the south within the Splintered mountains more rumblings occur and again here one of the peaks throws soot and ash high into the air that drifts over Belinara soon reaching Sundance and covering the lands in soot and ash.

So too those near Mount Thul feel a trembling in the earth and notice that on the eastern side of Mount Thul a fine trail of ash and soot starts to rise into the sky.


Re: Rumblings and fire
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 10:15:59 pm »
And as Ractrafiorez destroys those within the Fort of last Hope rubble with his legion of Fire Giants the mountains to the north and far south in the Orsgaunt that had been spewing forth dust, soot and creating dark clouds over the range finally burst.

Molten rocks of fiery lava burst into the sky over the range, jagged storms of heat born lightning and fire roared towards the sky for a day or more before with dull explosions the tops of both  peaks blew and lava poured forth in great gushes and oozed down the mountain sides flowing into the deep valleys and ravines at the base of both mountains.

Dust, soot, rocks and debris were cast as far as the coastline to the east and far and wide across the Orsgaunt itself. In the south Lava flowed from the mountains into the roughlands creating great sizzling and bubbling fields of red and black molten rock.

Within 24 hours of the Orgaunt Volcanos's blowing their peaks a huge section at the east side of Mount Thil exploded outwards towards the ocean sending debris and rocks far out into the sea and huge roiling clouds of black ash and dust in all directions. Alhon in the north was covered in a heavy layer of dust by midafternoon after the eruption causing all sorts of trouble with the soldiers and supply trains trying to go west to Fort Hilm.

Within an hour the tides surged off the eastern coast of Belinara and without warning a huge tide of relentless water thundered towards the expanded port at Alhon and indeed all the way south along the eastern Belinaran seaboard.

Supply ships that littered the port were collected and smashed against the many docks and some even lifted by sheer force of water and sent plunging through the streets of the shoreline and into the city itself causing huge paths of descruction. Relentlessly the waters continued their push onto the shore sweeping through the city and mixing with the ash and soot of the volcanic eruptions causing a massive mess of filth and destruction.

Further south the Shindalerians dived deep to avoid the tsunami that struck the shores near the docks that had been created to supply the Fort of last Hope. The wave struck hard smashing the docks to pieces and wiping them clean as if they had never existed. The wave continued into the Cult camps near the shore smashing and wiping them away and pushing onwards into the wastern passage finally washing up several miles inland before beginning is slow journey back to where it came.

To the Northeast a series of titanic eruptions burst forth from the Molten Isles as dozens of the volcanos burst their peaks sending fiery ash and lave miles into the atmosphere and creating a massive black stormcloud that spread out over the next few days to cover almost the entire northern ice caps and much of Boyer was thrown into darkness for days as ash and soot form the eruptions drifted down over the entire country.

But these were not the only ones, locals to the Brelin mountains on Mistone were shocked when one of the lesser known peaks deep within them suddenly erupted and gushed roaring hot lava into the passageways and valleys around the mountains even threatening several giant camps and came close to destroying a dwarven settlement. Ash and dust swept over much of southern Mistone drifting down even onto Fort Vehl and further south over the Dragon Islands.

And on Alindor within the Mountains of Madness a similar eruption occured.

In fact across many nations across the world the earth trembled but none more so than the fabled shores of Voltrex.

Within this golden realm the ground shook and roared. Elves stopped in their daily activities and glanced around with suspicion and then horror as their lives were shaken to their core. Buildings collapsed up and down the land, elves were killed by falling trees, falling buildings, falling debris. It seemed no one and nowhere was safe from the ongoing quakes.

And then, to the north one of the larger mountains peaks was ripped apart and sent flying hundreds of miles away from the rest of it as hot lava, born in the elemental pit of fire burst forth and blazed fiery trails down the mountains side and towards elven villages and forests all aroiund it. Fires blazed soon after up and down the length and breadth of Voltrex and the people who lived there sruggled to come to terms with what was happening to their land.

More explosions followed over several days as the earth to the north heaved and buckled and the lava kept flowing especially to the ocean to the north creating almost overnight extra areas of land riddled with lava tubes in the cooling liquid as it struck and hardened in the now boiling oceans to the north.

// All this a week after Fort of Last Hope is lost and a week before Stormcry and Fort Hilm quests.