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Author Topic: Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate  (Read 668 times)


Re: Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast ga
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2010, 04:26:23 pm »
* Annwyl Cadi returns to Hlint and makes her way west, towards Leringard; it is Seplar 2, though the sun has not yet risen.  As she rides past the east gate of Fort Llast, her horse suddenly snorts and shies at something in the pre-dawn dark. Calming Layssam with a gentle hand on his neck, backed by soothing words, Annwyl trots to the gate proper only to find a dead horse, barded and perhaps liveried with no one else about. *

"Oh my goodness!", she exclaims aloud as tears begin to mix with the rain on her cheeks. She quickly masters her outburst and her voice drops to a whisper, "I should report this, though I have no great love for Toranites."

* She rides through the gate and dismounts at the Temple steps. Swallowing her pride, in deference to the sad scene back on the road, she stiffens as she walks up the Temple steps to make her statement and to appeal for someone, anyone, to go and remove that poor dead horse from the roadway. *

