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Author Topic: Posted in the Wild Surge Inn  (Read 70 times)


Posted in the Wild Surge Inn
« on: November 29, 2007, 11:12:45 am »
*Vendar sits in a corner of the Wild Surge Inn in Hlint. He dips his quill into his traveling inkpot and writes out the following account*

Recently, a figure calling himself a Guardian from somewhere called Fortress appeared out of a portal in the Goblin Wastelands. He said he was tracking a creature who takes the shape of other beings after destroying them. The creature is nigh-indestructible, but can be trapped by cold in it's original form that is somewhat jelly-like. The Guardian we spoke to said the creature could be tracked regardless of what form it is in due to it's distinct odor. Since we could not pick-up on the scent of the beast, and the Guardian could not be sure it traveled to our realm, he departed. I went to the guard captain in Hlint to inform her to be on guard. Weather or not she believed such a wild story is unknown, but I have at least done my duty to spread the knowledge.

Adventurers traveling through this area should be advised to keep eye out for this creature. Do not attempt to destroy or capture it alone.

*Vendar then posts this notice to the bulletin board in Wild Surge.*