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Author Topic: Rumours from Blackford  (Read 83 times)


Rumours from Blackford
« on: January 26, 2007, 02:24:59 pm »
[SIZE=13]The somewhat quiet and dark days pass uneasily within the walls of Blackford, no news of the fate of the Queen are heard for a long time, until a rumour begins spreading amongst those loyal to both kingdom and faith. It is a simple message that the Queen nears her last moments, and in her passing she wishes to say goodbye to those close to her.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]The expectant faithful to her causes begin to prepare a farewell memorial and in hopes of getting one last glimpse to their beloved Allurial, plan to meet at Blackford during this time...[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13] [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]The word reaches your ear of a time and date shall you desire to pay your respects to the one who has kept the continent of Mistone in relative safety for so long...[/SIZE]
  ((OOC: This message relates to this event in the calendar. All are welcome))


RE: Rumours from Blackford
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2007, 06:37:32 am »
((Just a small OOC note about this event. Seeing as it is mostly that, just an event, not a fully drawn out quest, XP will only be rewarded to the amount of 1 hour and if everyone stays in character and RPs appropriately. Thank you))

