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Author Topic: A post Box in Arnax  (Read 261 times)


A post Box in Arnax
« on: May 30, 2010, 01:05:38 pm »
*A message appears in a certain post box in Arnax, marked Attn. Hayden.

The calligraphy is extremely ornate and challenging to read, for humans and dwarves at least, but the message is clear enough to the intended recipient.

There is no signature.


Re: A post Box in Arnax
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2010, 02:50:54 pm »
A male draped in dark hues of red and black checks the post box each day for letters.  Finding one, he carefully extracts the delicate parchment and views the handwriting with a skilled eye and a slight brush of his fingertip over the ink.

"It has finally begun", he remarks to himself, re-rolling the letter and tucking it into a courier pouch.  "There is much to be done to ready the refugees for transfer."

The man proceeds to the stables, quickly tacks his mare, and heads Northwards out of Arnax at full gallop into the darkening evening.


Re: A post Box in Arnax
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2010, 11:13:57 am »
A week passes, then another, where the post box is not checked.  The man returns, this time with a covered wagon drawn by two fearsome looking horses.  The wagon continues it's journey through the streets of Arnax, finally settling in front of a large home of noble appearance.

The man releases the reins, jumps down from the driving seat, and ties off the horses.  His dark coat twirls in the night air as he proceeds to the back of the wagon, swinging down the heavy oak gate.  One by one, he pulls them down and out of the wagon, lining them up in a long row.

The door of the house opens and two other men dressed in black and red emerge and walk slowly down the line of them, inspecting and prodding each one.

"Is this what they sent?  I thought there were to be more.", the first man asks.

"This is all for now. They said if it went according to plan, there would be more than enough for phase one of the operation.  There's a good mix you can see, and they selected the most likely to be accepted."

"Yes, I can see that.  We'll prepare them here, they look a little too healthy right now, but we have mechanisms.", the first man says coldly. "How long do we have until the contact arrives to take the first few?"

"I'll dispatch her a letter and let her know they're ready.  When will your preparations be complete?", the rider asks.

The first man pushes his hood back, revealing a broken smile and quickly turns with an asp, smashing the first of them to the ground in a heap.  As it falls, he lands several blows with a heavy foot to it's head and midsection.  When it stops moving, he ceases his attack.

"This one's ready now."


Re: A post Box in Arnax
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2010, 11:21:28 am »
The rider watches the scene, showing no emotion.

"Guess I better pen that letter."

The rider leaves the horses and wagon and walks swiftly inside, sitting down at a desk to write a letter.  The blood red ink flows elegantly onto the page, the letters forming with precision and skill.  When the letter is complete, it is wrapped with a silken strip of black ribbon.  

He then departs the home, noting that they have all been moved.  The mares are untied, the wagon remounted, and he proceeds diligently back through the cobbled streets of Arnax.

Upon arrival, the letter is placed carefully in the post box.


Re: A post Box in Arnax
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2010, 02:36:51 pm »
A woman dressed all in red appears and checks the post box. Seeing a document inside it, she looks around for observers before she checks the box for signs of traps or any other dangers. A final look for onlookers, and she quickly removes it.
 Stepping into the shadows she vanishes from sight, as if by magic.
 A short time later, another letter appears in the post box, addressed to Hayden. Written in the same flowing, elegant script as before, it simply says one word...
 Again, there is no signature.


Re: A post Box in Arnax
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2010, 11:35:28 pm »
A few weeks pass before the man returns to pick up the letters in the post box.  Finally, he arrives, looking at one in particular.  He hastily pens a response on a card, placing it back into the box.


Four are ready.  Two males, a female, and a child.  The remainder will take a bit more work, but they too shall join you soon.  Make arrangements for escort and bring a few assistants, as you shall need them.



Re: A post Box in Arnax
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2010, 11:51:10 pm »
**To'ryll Solen goes to Arnax upon a rumor lent her way and watches the post office box from a cloak of invisibility**


Re: A post Box in Arnax
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2010, 09:40:59 am »
A woman in red approaches the post box, although she would not be visible to any natural observer her precautions are so strong. Unseen by any normal observer, she checks the box and the area around it for some time before opening it and places a sealed letter inside. It simply has four words written on it in the same flowing and elegant script:

Conditions noted, ready here

and again, no signature.

//OOC two of the 'assistants' are going on vacation so it would be great if we can delay the in-game side of this for 4 weeks for their benefit, thanks.


Re: A post Box in Arnax
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2010, 04:16:33 pm »
The box goes unchecked again for several months.  Hayden returns once again and places a small parchment inside for pick up.

More are ready.  There shall now be 6 total, all of perfect age for acceptance.  Contact me soonest to finalize arrangements.


