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Author Topic: Recruiting ....  (Read 238 times)


Recruiting ....
« on: December 11, 2010, 07:49:58 pm »
In seedy taverns where brutes bluster and boast ...
In shadowed alleys where cutthroats lurk and linger ...
In hidden enclaves where dark mages conspire and contrive ...
In Temples where those who shun the light pray and plot ...

A call goes out for the disenchanted, for the faithless, for the ambitious, for those who value money over morality.

War has come to Layonara and amid the horror and suffering, amid the pain and grief, amid the hunger and plague there will be those that offer aid ...

... and those that profit.

// PM Pseudonym if interested in being involved in an existing guild that seeks to explore an unsavory opportunity arisen as a result of plot events.


Re: Recruiting ....
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 12:29:45 pm »
*Hearing rumor of profits for those bold enough to take advantage Ral makes his way to the only city where he might find out more information"