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Author Topic: At hilm castle  (Read 91 times)

Lance Stargazer

At hilm castle
« on: August 25, 2009, 05:39:09 pm »
*Rumors around the castle says that a Knight clad in blue and gold was seen entering and requesting audience with the autorities of the castle, the knight has been seen around the castle lately and he is as been seen in the battles agains the hornblower giants.

Someone said that the knight seemed worried and in hurry to speak about a dire threath facing on the forest*

I tell ya' this adventurers are up to no good, - Said Samuel the halfling as he drink upon his ale - yes they got gold but at what price.

Hey - They stoped the blasted giants aren't they? - Replied Mario his work mate at the carpintry - the wood are getting back. meaning you keep your job.

Bah!!. They should keep themselves away from here I told ya - Replied Samuel - I tell ya something..  My cousin works at the castle . and that knight was trying to convince the autorities that something worse than the giants was seen on the forest. . A Damien.. no.. a devion.. A ... something like that.. all made of fire and stuff was seen there.

*the other halfing look at him blankly * you should stop inventing cousins that works at the castle and put yourselves to work better, you are only mad because you had to finish all that pending work.

*the couple finish their drinks and return to their work*

// *Letters sent to the Hilm autorities and The hand Fortress of giant slayers*

// PM sent

Black Cat

Re: At hilm castle
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2009, 10:47:04 am »
*An old witch drinking strong ales nearby chuckles* Aye, that knight is right ya 'now... was there too. Big towering demon, spewing flame and all... the knight was sooo scared he wetted himself before being struck by a glowing hand the demon casted. *chuckles and orders another pint of even stonger ale*

But nay worry lads, the thing said he was too far, so I doubt you have anything to fear, seems like it was seeking something or someone maybe.