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Author Topic: Danger afoot!  (Read 292 times)


Danger afoot!
« on: October 16, 2008, 06:42:26 am »
Chakar informs his colleagues, friends and associates with a letter, that the Dragon Cult that waylaid and conquered Kuhl, is making a truce with the Kingdom of Nesar, and moving forces south towards Arnax. He also tells them of a condition in the so-said truce, that the Dragon Cult would have access to Nesar's naval fleet when they have arrived.
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Script Wrecked

Re: Danger afoot!
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2008, 08:03:40 am »
**Argali prompts Sasha that it might be a good idea to let her contacts for the exiled Queen of Kuhl and the Hilm Protectorate know of the peril that they may now be facing.**


Re: Danger afoot!
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2008, 11:19:43 pm »
*In the Angels guild hall...the sound of sword on leather can be heard with an occasional grunt as Kyle trains on an area set aside in the main room of the guild hall...pieces of leather and cotton strewn about the floor as he assaults the training dummies. Chakar's letter can be seen on a table nearby.*

"Just what we need...the Dragon Cult on the move to Arnax. Something tells me they won't just stop at Arnax..."

*More sounds of dummies being mauled as he returns to his workout.

Script Wrecked

Re: Danger afoot!
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2008, 12:05:12 pm »
**A certain copper haired dwarven lass, apparently some sort of crafter by her guise, travels the length and breadth of Nesar, visiting the ports and coastal towns, from Arnax to Lorst, Rin to Orin, Nith to Prim. At each locale, she gravitates to the various docks and shipyards, piers and quays, looking for the presence or signs of the Nesar fleet. She visits assorted portside taverns and seedy dives, listening for word or rumor of the movement of said ships, carousing as the opportunity presents itself with old sea-dogs, returning sailors, and merchant captains alike. A stout constitution and a dwarven proclivity for ale stands her in good stead. (1)**

(1) Assuming of course, what is actually taking place doesn't preclude such actions.


Re: Danger afoot!
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2008, 12:37:35 am »
// Information on its way to Argali, via PM to Script Wrecked. //

Script Wrecked

Re: Danger afoot!
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2008, 08:22:39 pm »
*Argali returns from her trek across the Nesar Kingdom on Belinara. She reports her findings specifically to Sasha, to be shared with Hilm and the Queen-in-Exile, and to Chakar. She shares the information with others whenever the topic of Kuhl or the Dragon Stealers comes up.*

"Argali finds the fleet of the Nesarr. They arre berrthed off the porrt of Arrnax, wherre they arre taking on the zupplies... lots of them. It iz looking like they arre making ready forr the long voyage, no?

"While she iz trravelling, she iz seeing the trroops of Kuhl arre making theirr way south thrrough the Nesarr. The Nesarr zoldiers provide them the escorrt. Argali estimates it would not be long(1) beforre they arre arriving at the porrt of Arrnax.

"It zeems to Argali we should be finding the intended destination of the fleet, no? We need zome of the sneaks, orr... perrhaps the enemy-of-our-enemy has zome information to be sharing..."

(1) Two to three weeks in Real Life

Script Wrecked

Re: Danger afoot!
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2008, 09:52:14 am »
*Argali continues her musings with whomever shares an ale (or two) with her...*

"Zis iz the trricky parrt, no? It iz likely that only the high up leaderrs arre knowing the destination of the fleet at zis stage... Not even the captains of the boats... Perrhaps they arre receiving theirr orrderrs once they arre out at sea, by the magic, orr the zealed orrderrs, orr the secrret codes...

"And once they arre at the sea, they arre harrd to be following and warrning everyone with enough time to prreparre..."

*Argali stops and thinks, puffing on her pipe, lost in the haze of the smoke for a while...*

"Maybe... maybe the childrren of the Sea Motherr can be helping..."


Re: Danger afoot!
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2008, 06:33:33 pm »
*The tale spreads swiftly, as tales surrounding events of sailors and the sea are wont to do, of the large fleet that has set sail from the port of Arnax. The fleet slipped from port under the cover of night towards destination unknown ... the creaking of rope and snapping of sail accompanied by the ominous beat of wings from above.*

Script Wrecked

Re: Danger afoot!
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2008, 11:32:49 pm »
*When Argali hears the news, her sigh is tinged with a note of despondency.*

"How arre we meant to be following them now?"