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Author Topic: Messages arrive...  (Read 389 times)


Messages arrive...
« on: September 18, 2012, 05:24:27 pm »
... at locations where known adventurers and sell-swords can be found. It's said the messages are in leather cases, sealed in wax, and stamped with three S's. It's also noted that some of those that receive these messages make immediate plans to leave town, kingdom, and continent. A few of them also visit with the guarantor of their last will and testament before leaving town.
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Re: Messages arrive...
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 05:49:49 pm »
Eyes of amber see and watch from a noon's silent shade. It was not time, not yet. Daring, yes. But also...foolish, in a manner. Agressive. Maybe not patient enough, but he wasn't sure - protecting one's pack could take many forms...
For now, a different path awaited him. He wasn't sure what it was, exactly, but it was not this one. He knew that there would be a shourd of shadows involved, the understanding and weaving of patterns, music. Music indeed. And a certain man in red. Time to see what his decision would be. There was the Great Library to be explored, arrows made.
And plans to make, in case they failed. Simple plans. Most involved the application of more force.
And more rumours to listen to.


Re: Messages arrive...
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2012, 07:30:57 pm »
A certain man in red flashes a momentary grin as he reads the notice, then sombers a little, tucking the missive away.  He stays to entertain at the tavern as he's passing through but changes his travel plans after and sends a message ahead to one Elohanna Reid, c/o the Silver Buckle.


Pack the scrolls of Raise Dead.  We're going on a trip.




Re: Messages arrive...
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2012, 04:10:29 pm »
*Vrebel opens his message and frowns looking around the fortified walls of Sundance.  He takes out his quill and ink and scratches a response.*

"Sorry Steel.  Duty, honor and trying to keep thousands of angry dwarves from comitting their own suicide keeps me here.  I can't abort my post here or this already skittish city is likely to start going parinoid and running for the hills.  Best of luck with you and your mission if it wasn't for me havin' ta baby sit I'd be there."
