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Author Topic: A big scene...  (Read 78 times)


A big scene...
« on: May 06, 2010, 11:46:31 pm »
*Some folks in Port Hempstead gossip about a big scene that played out in the Hall of Reconstruction.*
 [SIZE=10]Tailor - "Can you believe that! I think that woman left nail marks in the poor child's arm!"[/SIZE]
 Jeweler - "Oh, indeed, I was shocked at her brutality with the young man."
 [SIZE=16]Tailor - "Aye, I didn't know what to think when he burst in and nearly knocked over Deila in his panic. And then he hid behind that trash barrel, but she found him quick enough when she came in seconds later."[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=18]Jeweler - "Quite! I'd thought he was just a street-urchin seeking shelter from someone who's pocket he'd picked until she burst in screaming his name at the top of her lungs like an angry mother might, "Gerrald Edmund Mortarman! You come home right this moment!"[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Tailor - "She throttled him good too, I thought his poor little neck was going to break the way she grabbed his collar. Then she went on screaming something about him having to clean up his filthy writings, and that she was going to wash his mouth out with soap and bind his hands if he couldn't stop making those horrid gestures with them." *nods to the Jeweler in agreement*[/SIZE]
 Jeweler - "Well, I'm just glad my mother was never like that with me, I tell you." *walks on across the square with the Tailor and their voices fade into the distance.*
 [SIZE=10]Tailor - "Aye, that Missus Mortarman ain't been the same since ol' Gerrald senior was blown up in that odd explosion..."[/SIZE]
 Perhaps some investigation into the place the boy was last seen might be in order...?