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Author Topic: Covert Opertations - You recieve a letter  (Read 65 times)


Covert Opertations - You recieve a letter
« on: February 09, 2006, 10:36:48 am »
// To those that had signed up for the quest tommorow.

A letter; sealed with a red wax seal is delivered to you by a mounted Mistone Militia officer.


Re: Covert Opertations - You recieve a letter
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2006, 07:19:51 am »
*Phillip Underwood reads the letter carefully, turning the words over in his mind many times before putting the letter down.  He grabs a handful of spiced chicken and starts to eat, festering over the letter.  Finishing the chicken, he grabs his blades and walks out the door*