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Author Topic: Strange Occurances Near Fort Llast  (Read 68 times)


Strange Occurances Near Fort Llast
« on: January 07, 2006, 05:31:00 am »
Tremors seem to be occuring almost randomly in the area around fort Llast, as far north as the High Forest, and as far south as the Zainge river. There is an occasional sighting of an elemental, and the animals in the area seem restless.


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    RE: Strange Occurances Near Fort Llast
    « Reply #1 on: February 01, 2006, 01:00:16 am »
    we met 2 elementals, first a minor one, which was taken care of pretty quickly,
    later another major elemental of earth itself came. this killed several of our comrades,
    may the Gods rejoice in their memory and see to it that they return.

    Dalton tried to tell us something, as usual, I was too concerned with my own business
    to really get what he said.

    there were rumours that brain-flawers (or something similar) was causing this strange
    unrest in the soil around Fort Llast.

    please tell more, if anyone else was there, or know something about it.

    Aigonar Ergonasser
    Businessman, Traveller, Dwarf


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    RE: Strange Occurances Near Fort Llast
    « Reply #2 on: February 01, 2006, 07:41:32 am »
    Find me somewhere in town or near Fort Llast (I am commonly in the vicinity of Moraken's tower), I'm sure someone could point me out to you.  I'd be glad to fill you in on what we've learned so far.

    Yardislan Echron


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    Re: Strange Occurances Near Fort Llast
    « Reply #3 on: February 04, 2006, 02:38:31 pm »
    *Blows a rusty truphet, making your teeth grind from the sound*

    I was there in the glorious battle with Aigonar Ergonasser, Dalton the Mage and others.
    We defeated the Earth Elementals and managed to stand through some serious after shakes.
    Some died.
    Dalton would not assume responsibility for the criminal Earth Elementals when questionned, but reffered to the following team of adventurers:

    Yardislan Echron
    Ael Rynthien
    Jil Velhaikor
    Michaelis Dragor
    and an unnamed Druid.

    Dalton left them the following message: "Please hurry, fort Llast might go soon"

    Am am gratious for Yyardislan Echron's offer to inform me about what this is all about.

    *Tatchien The Righteous blows his horn one more time, but few remains to hear it*


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    Re: Strange Occurances Near Fort Llast
    « Reply #4 on: February 05, 2006, 02:12:30 pm »
    *Tatchien The Righteous addressing a group of people bickering about meat scraps left after the marked closed*

    I have great news!

    Gunter, the big gentleman, told me the earthquakes is only caused by a really big Demon trapped in a Dwarf mine.
    Even though the Dwarfes woke him up, there should be no need for consern becase a cleric from Aeridin trapped him there.

    *Looks very religious, to great discomfort for an audience still holding to a pig intestine*

    The bonds are weakening, but luckily Daron have a magical orb that will enable the survivors to destroy the Demon, if only someone can discover how it works. Unlike Dalton the Mage, not all of us have given up hope! *Looks religious*

    The orb was taken from a Lich, which is now roaming the land only thinking about revange. But there is no need to worry, becase Aeridin *sounds evangelic* got everything under controll.

    *The Good News and a violent earthquake sends the the small crowd (already petrified with fear) scrambling in all directions, some screaming for help*


    Re: Strange Occurances Near Fort Llast
    « Reply #5 on: February 17, 2006, 05:25:24 pm »
    *The Orb of Light and Darkness lays on top of all of Daren's collected things haphazardly stuffed into his travel sack.  Next to him on the couch, he sits with his daughter Sharyn', who isn't really paying attention to her father's lessons he reads haltingly from the Book of Az'atta.  Instead she finds it more entertaining to try and wiggle her way off of her father's lap and into his backpack.  Turning after struggling with a particularly difficult passage he finds his daughter leaned fully into the pack, head first giggling as if she discovered a whole new world inside this tiny space.  With a sigh he sets the book down and leans over to pick up is daughter.  Holding her to face him, he looks at her with a mock serious expression.  Scolding Sharyn' was a little beyond his capability.*

    I know ye ain't payin' 'tention, an ye know better than ta go diggin' round inta things.  What w's ye doin' in there? Ye canna be playin' wit' weapons till ye c'n walk at leas'.

    *Blinking for a moment with her big brown eyes, and smiling a typical heart melting baby smile, she points with a princess like demeanor to the Orb sticking half way out of Daren's backpack.  He tickles her gently, setting her back on his knee, shaking his head slowly*

    Nay lil'n, ye canna 'ave that, prolly sh'ld hide it on ye.  There's a v'ry bad deader man that wants it, snatched me right up outta town 'e did.  Aye, stuck me in this lil cell, ate th' pie yer ma made fer me, right b'fore me own eyes.  

    *He smiles lovingly at her* Aye, but I straigtened 'im right out.  Took me a bit though, an th' bad deader 'as a portal that takes ye ta hell, if'n ye ask mister Ozy though, which, if'n I got any say in it, ye won't be askin' 'im a thing.  They calls it Baator instead.  Spent a lot o' time runnin' through there, an I dun't know why ye'd e'en wanna go there in th' ferst place.  

    *Bending over, he takes out his small bag of food from his backpack, finding some grapes, he hands one to Sharyn' and pops one in his own mouth*

    Got meself back outta hell, c'me back up 'ere ta find this big book, sayin' somethin.  If'n ye din't eat th' parchment 'twas written on an'ways.  Parchment bad *hands her another grape* Grapes're good though.  I got ta wanderin' 'round a bit more, an I found th' bad man's phylact...phylacterwate'er, an then I found ' 'e was tauntin' an teasin' me.  An this ain't th' way ta be, e'en when people take yer pie, an throw ye in deader jail, an send ye ta hell.  But...s'metimes ye gotta do what ye gotta do, an *Grins at Sharyn'* I missed ye, aye, I missed ye an yer ma so much it a'most hurt.  So I sorta cracked 'is deader skull fer 'im, an I took back this 'ere orb.  An I hiked my way allllllll th' way back f'rm Rilara jus' so I c'ld kiss th' two o' ye g'nite


    Re: Strange Occurances Near Fort Llast
    « Reply #6 on: March 18, 2006, 07:43:58 pm »
    Word spreads around Fort Llast that the tremors have stopped. A sense of relief overtakes the town, although there is no obvious reason as to this sudden change.

    Meanwhile, all those within the vicintiy of the Firesteep mountains witnessed the eruption of a volcano not far from the northern side of the isle. Few are certain as to the cause, although it occured no more than a day after the tremors stopped.

