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Author Topic: Prantz Executions  (Read 612 times)


Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2006, 02:24:22 pm »
*a fat dwarf waddles up to the sign and reads the notices*

"This Thursday eh?  Ahm thinkin this hammer-swingin sonofaclone Bjorn wanna-be's time long due..."

*growls and sends letters to the 4 winds, utterly livid of having to come back out of retirement, grumbling...*

"Nobody executes mah bidness partners without mah permission on mah watch, hear me?  NOBODY!!!"


Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2006, 02:31:18 pm »
*a heavily robed man walks up to the sign posted, and raises his hood slightly*

Hmm... a lesson to be learned. Those who fail should accept that failure. Perhaps a lesson will be taught to those who misunderstand who is charge.

*pulls his hood low again and carefully makes his way out of the room*


RE: Prantz Executions
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2006, 02:39:24 pm »
A hooded darkly clad figure glides through the thinning crowds of Pranzt as evening sets in.  It pauses to listen to an official crier, perusing a nearby board of notices while doing so.

Beneath his hood Ael frowns as he sees Alantha’s name on the list, narrowing his eyes as their deep purple glow intensifies.  He slowly takes in a single breath as he closes his eyes and slightly bows his head in deep thought.

Nodding once, the hooded one swiftly turns and flows away from scene, vanishing into the lengthening shadows a few meters away from where it had stood moments before.


Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2006, 02:42:04 pm »
*Barion walks past the notes and sees a lot of people looking at the notes and hurry off,he takes a look himself and his face gets grimm and he grinds his teeth*
"Hanging one of the greatest hero's of Rofirein....."*he feels his blade under his hand and looks to the emblem on his shield*"Not only do they desicrate the they desicrate my friends and my Rofirein Brother....Let your wings guide me Golden One...let your scales protect me and your claws give me strenght....for i can not stand by idle when they try to hang my brother....."
*He turns and goes to the tempel in Velensk to buy every potion he can get his hands on and marches to his house...puts a cloack over his gear and takes the portal to Pranzis and blends in with the townfolk ...waiting for the time to act*


Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2006, 03:14:44 pm »
*hammers up notices all over the place*

Let it be known coast to coast, continent to continent that he or she or it or whoever lands the killin blow to Traitorous Broegar of Prantz, shall be awarded a bounty of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND GOLD PIECES, care of Bjornigar Enterprises.  The "Cole Norseman" rule shall so be in effect, in that the last one to hit Boregar before he hits the ground shall recieve the entirety of the sum... no splitting the bounty with slackers!  No intact head required!

-Bjornigar Ironguts


Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2006, 03:16:26 pm »
*a hung note by the church of Rofirein*

Broegar has agreed to adhere to the laws of the church. All arguments will be considered at the time of the hanging. The crimes sited are as follows:

Breaking and Entering

//Please keep in mind that this is the finale to someones WL quest and not all things proposed will fly.



Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2006, 03:56:10 pm »
Kashi walks swiftly to Michaelis whom is still preoccupied with the matter despite the passing of several hours* may want to see this. It was posted on the Rofireinite temple. Someone was kind enough to copy it down for me. *She hands the note to him and he reads it aloud*
  Broegar has agreed to adhere to the laws of the church. All arguments will be considered at the time of the hanging. The crimes cited are as we go..*he frowns as he reads them one by one.* Breaking and entering/rougery, murder, traitorism.
  *he hands the note back to Kashi.* Hmm...well at least we know. Thank you. While I disapprove of his cruel tactics, at least he has some honor. *he frowns again* I'll need to grab my things.
  Are you sailing east sir?
  Yes. The voyage over will help clear my head of certain things. I can't picture Kobal nor Katrien as murderers. I know him as an honorable dwarf and though I've seldom interacted with Katrien she seemed too gentle for it. But *he sighs* all things change. I know little of the others. If some of the charges are true they must have had good cause. Particularly if the late king's daughter was involved.
  It may not be wise to walk around bearing your sword sir.
  Yes...I've read the laws. I may not even gain access to the city at all. Though it is a public event. It is still my duty however to see about a fair trial even if I can not change anything. I will just be a bystander here I'm afraid. But perhaps if Toran wills it, I may be of use. I pray the greater good is served here. Whatever that may be.


Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2006, 04:05:53 pm »
*As Tarradon reads the notice his face shows great dispair then at the end a glimmer of hope. As he steps away he speaks to Rofirein*

I pray that this is not true Great Dragon, that these people have not engaged in acts such as these. And if so I pray that the judges of the church can see that even handed justice is delivered. That innocence is championed over false judgement.  But the Kings daughter....*his face darkens* her only sufference is being on the losing side of the war and Broeger surely means to remove her to secure his own place...this cannot be allowed to occur, this is not justice this is murder in itself...and Broegar I am sure is well aware of that. *his face grim Tarradon heads to Spellguard to look up an old friend.



Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2006, 04:45:08 pm »
*a smoothly written parchment hangs with the others*

A reminder of the rules of Prantz and guidelines for the day of execution.

Any and all weapons and armor will be confiscated at the gates. Any and all items of magic, in any fashion, will be confiscated at the gates. No exceptions. Magic is not allowed in the city limits. Any caught sneaking will be charged with roguery.

//On the day of the execution all weapons armor and magical Items will be taken from players that try to sneak them in. Period. Leave them at home.

Talan Va'lash

Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2006, 03:03:50 am »
*Talan reads over the list impassively untill he reaches the line announcing the beheading of Kayana Waylend. His eyes narrow and his jaw tightens, pulling his cheeks tightly over his angular facial structure. His muttered words smoulder.*

Perhaps the dwarf forgets the fine line he treads even still. I would expect his memory to be longer than a humans.

*After the long silence of body he turns swiftly and gusts away to gather information.*


Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2006, 04:03:47 am »
*Brualot, Investigator, Arc of the Circle, servant of Katia*

pauses to consider the many notes. I wonder, so many rules, so many laws, perhaps any money spent would be better spent on a good lawyer, or even an Investigator, *smiles* before a somewhat predicatable fall into anarchy. Interesting indeed to watch those sworn to law handle this affair, yes...interesting.

*wanders off*


Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2006, 04:17:34 am »
*max looks at the noice and says to no one inperticuler*
O this is going to be some thing to see, O yes what a day
Im not going to miss this.
*and gos off to see if he can book a root there with a big smale on his face*


Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2006, 09:21:41 pm »
*wren stops and reads the note*
So it is true.
*he heads for pranzis to wait and see if what Ael said about using the law to save them works, he gets ready his weapons if it fails*

Praylor Falcus

Re: Prantz Executions
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2006, 12:48:29 am »
*Walkings in reads the notice*......*shakes his head* "If they want my blade that bad I'll let them have it point first, as i can not call my self a Paladin when a known consorter of demons is about to murder people, *stops and wonders* What stupid excuse will my church use this time...It's the law.....but the people are happy.......Boergar is such a sweet guy.....Diatribe and excuses. When Toran says I must follow the laws of demons and thier consorts is the day I Find a new god...........But i know my god is not this cowardly to choose his fights only upon enemies that are weak......He and I fight for what is right no matter the cost.....If that be the bootlicking people of Pranzis so be it...there is a housing shortage any way


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    Re: Prantz Executions
    « Reply #34 on: September 14, 2006, 11:00:30 am »
    Could not agree more with you Praylor.  I went to a meeting with the Paladins, Clerics of Monks of Toran.  I was disturbed.  We called meeting to decide what to do to about the executions, yet nobody wanted to make any decisions other than financial aid for a lawyer for our helpless friends.  They argued the laws of prantz where violated, therfore they did break the law and the trial would happen.  There appears to be some fear to take up arms.  I have sworn though to Malindra that if a battle should come, I would be by her side, with sword in hand.  I know Toran will be with me, if other Toran followers are there, only time will tell.  But I will not idly by and argue whether the laws of prantz are just or unjust, even if they are not our laws.  Stand by my side brother Praylor, and others may come.  We must stand up for freedom, for the unprotected are about to be slain.

    - Written this day on Parchment Paper and Posted by Will Stone


    Re: Prantz Executions
    « Reply #35 on: September 14, 2006, 11:22:41 am »
    *Michaelis is east on Dregar. Specifically in Lorindar. A man runs up to him and gives him a message. He reads it*
      A note from Maev O' Leary that I thought you should see. Also, as requested, how the meeting went as you weren't able to come. There are a few who insist on storming in their with their swords. They scream that they should not have to abide by the laws of a demon-lover and that Toran's will is not to stand idely by, but meet this injustice head on. That they will have nothing to do with a church that does not act. I will let you decide for yourself. Here is the letter from Maev.  
      "Dearest Kashi and Brothers and Sisters of the Faith, In my efforts to use my anger in a constructive fashion, I have found myself deeply wounded and needing to heal before I can fight my way out of the forest of mists. Many giants stand between me and my path home and I'm still too weak to battle them all. I will be strong enough soon, for my faith is unbending. But word has reached me that an important meeting is to take place regarding what to do with the current administration in Prantz, and because of my predicament I may not be able to make it. Please let my suggestions be known. I know the dwarves under Ironguts are planning to march on the town, between us and them I think we have enough to blockade the town. I suggest we shut down access to and from the town. If we employ the right mercanaries we can ensure that only Broegar suffers the embargo. If Toran wills it, this will give us the power to negotiate freedom for the innocents on the gallows. Once that is done, we must begin plans to bring proper order to the town, we must get rid of the last of blood's minions and bring real order to our beloved city. Not the pretend order of a despotic demon-dwarf. I will share my plans on that once our friends are freed from the hangman's noose.
      In Toran's Honor,
      Maev O'Leary, Humble servant of the Great Leader"
      *he frowns after reading the letter*
      What is it? *A knight next to him says*
      Seems some are planning an attack after all. I pray Maev made it out alright. *He shows the knight the notice, which the man in turn reads*
      How many dwarves does this "Ironguts" have? *the mans says*.
      I've little idea. We've an obligation here no doubt. Those people about to be hanged need us and I'll not abondon them.
      *The knight nods, but then his face goes grim* I admire their ferver Michaelis. Toran would be pleased. But some speak as fools. They'll commit actions in the name of glory. Their hearts are good. But unless we mount an army bigger than the one you fought in with Bloodstone, they'll do absolutely no good! We need to be smart with this!
      I know. I've spoken to Kashi about this. I've had people coming to me and speaking of what they've heard others of the faith saying. I wonder if this dwarf Ironguts is the same one who posted that bounty? It just may be. This idea by Maev about cutting off the trade routes. It may work, but to gather the man power needed in this little time.Particularly men and women strong enough and numerous enough to establish this blockade at every entrance *he sighs in thought for a moment* The toranites can't let this stand! But I fear those who speak so bluntly have no idea what they speak about.
      *The knight nods* You mean blind bravado and emotion. They'll just get themselves killed.
      *Michaelis nods back* Well...from what I hear, they'd rather die trying even if the chance of success is nill. There is honor in that and we do have the responsiblity. Broegar may be law bound yes, but I don't see him freeing these people despite their innocence. If that is the case, then we must fight.
      But we'll have no armor and weapons! *the knight sighs, scratching his chin for a moment*. And some are being irrational. Why I heard through word of mouth that one of our faith was heard saying..and I quote "If that be the bootlicking people of Pranzis so be it...there is a housing shortage any way". That's why the people look down on us! What outrage!
      *Michaelis raises an eyebrow at this.* Who said this?
      *The knight shakes his head with a solemn face* I don't know.
      *Michaelis's face shows a hint of anger.* Many toranites I suspect will bring weapons and amor. If they are to do this....*he crumples the note as he clenches his fist* Darn it! I wish someone would contact me. If they insist on raising on army, they do a heck of job keeping those that could actually make a difference out of it. Hell...I'd even be satisfied if they contacted Remiel about it! Plenarius. Reventage. If the others are so blind, and are too proud to get off their horses and form a battle plan, not limiting themselves to our faith, but of allied faiths as well there may be a small chance. But in war, too many innocents would be killed! We must use this "sword pointing" that I keep hearing as a last resort! Diplomacy first. I dislike the Broegar and he should be removed..and..AND...he may not keep his word, in which case we should act. But if we're going to form a strategy, they should at least send letters to those whom fought to protect this world in the first place!
      *Michaelis storms off toward Prantz*

    gilshem ironstone

    Re: Prantz Executions
    « Reply #36 on: September 15, 2006, 06:21:48 am »
    *As Gel'larian picks grapes at the temple in Karthy, he freezes, hearing the conversation from a group of nobles passing by*  I heard that there is an insurrection forming in Prantz.

    Aye.  If the great city falls again, I fear that the world will be plunged deeper in to Chaos.  I thought Bloostone's death brought an end to this war nonsense.  These so-called Dragon-Called should leave Layonara in peace.

    *Gel'larian looks with contempt at the noble and then frowns at hte soot-blackened sky*  I hope these people think before they unleash hell on that city.  *Humming softly, Gel'larian sets off to see if he can slip a laxative in that noble's wine*


    Re: Prantz Executions
    « Reply #37 on: October 01, 2006, 12:11:15 pm »
    *wandering around as always an older gentleman of silver hair and blue coat stops to examine the sign*

    Oh.. hmm.. terrible buisness that.. dash it all.. I do know how to show up late... Lucinda have mercy.

    The Vampire Pandora

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      RE: Prantz Executions
      « Reply #38 on: November 12, 2006, 05:46:17 pm »
      *Pandoris slowly lurks into the tavern*
      *twitch twitch*
      Whats this, mmmhmmm, not good, not good at all... what about the bodies?
      Maybe they through them out?
      OH yes, and the goods! The Goods!
      They are all ours, But what about the peoples?
      They may need helps?
      OH yes, they reward us more! Much more! Yes Yes!!! The Princess? She cute? Maybe she marrie us!
      *Lurks to a table and sits, smerking, and stares the night away*

