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Author Topic: Struggles of the Shining Hand Fleet  (Read 68 times)


Struggles of the Shining Hand Fleet
« on: May 24, 2010, 03:30:46 am »
Six weeks after the Shining Hand Toranite fleet sailed from Lors busy port they have appeared once again.

Two of the Red Bears Blood Circle Captains have come across the remainder of the fleet floundering in surging waters off the north eastern coast of the Forsaken Isle of Loama.

Two of the three ships that left Lor were found according to a brief report sent by bird from the Sea Tiger, the ship belonging to Captain Han Wai Clawfist. The report indicated that they had taken control of both ships and were slowly making their way to Hurm.

The second ship, the Sea Reaver, Captained by Kayid Hasim Nuok the Swift has taken some of the forces leaders on board and set full sail to return to Hurm as swiftly as possible leaving the Sea Tiger to escort the two remaining damaged ships with the remainder of the force aboard.


Re: Struggles of the Shining Hand Fleet
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2010, 10:27:09 am »
*Wherever Raz is when her hears of this, he makes his way to Hurm with haste (and possibly hastes.)*


Re: Struggles of the Shining Hand Fleet
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2010, 10:20:23 am »
When Daniella hears the rumors coming from Audira, she asks around for the fate of the Shining Hand members, seeming worried over what has happened to them.  However, she continues with her current plans and preparations while waiting for news.


Re: Struggles of the Shining Hand Fleet
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2010, 05:08:09 am »
Finally after a week and a half hard sailing for Hurm the Sea Reaver has arrived in Hurm. The leaders of the Shining Hand immediately disembarked and met with a deputation of Toranites that had arrived the day before from Leringard. Invited to the Silver Swords compound by the Regnant of Hurm the Shining hand leaders met to discuss and convey the news of the fleet.

After the meeting information was quickly dispatched to various places by various means provided generously by the Regnant Saviar Morgensen.

It appears the fleet successfully located the island known as the Isle of Death by the Corathites, where a faction had established themselves. landing in the early hours of the morning the Shining hand force had swept into the compound used by the islands inhabitants and faced far more numbers and forces than intelligence had suggested.

All manner of creatures appeared in the battle from undead to demons and the Shining Hand members faced an extremely ferocious battle. With losses mounting heavily on both sides a desperate assault led by The Hand himself, Gilbert Gallant and Revered Knight Delourney breached the inner sanctum and destroyed the main architects of the place thus rendering the remaining forces bereft of leadership. Some fought to the death while others surrendered to the remaining Shining Hand members.

Many good knights died in the battle and the enemy were given the option to return for trial if to face execution.

One of the main leaders an Anne Ravenwind chose to face execution over trial. The exection took place the following day and there the forces remained for a four day vigil to ensure that all those executed were truly dead.