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Author Topic: Slaughter in Northpoint!!  (Read 300 times)


Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:51:00 am »
Residents and authorities of Northpoint, trying to come to grips with the recent heavy rains, minor floods and storms have been shocked at the latest events to occur in their beloved city.

Hommels House of Orphans, an orphanage set up and run by the Aerdinites of North Point came under attack by an unknown group who stormed the building and slaughtered men, women and children alike for no apparent reason.

The Aeridinite priests at the main temple are in deep mourning after it was revealed that over a dozen clergy were killed as well as fourteen men and women who work in the building and over 26 children.

The only survivor the deeply saddened and traumatised people of the city found was a little boy who was two terrified to speak to anyone of what he had undergone. The Aeridinites have taken the boy into the mian temple to care and nurture him until he is able to tell tehm what happened.

Residents in the vicinity of the orphanage recall seeing a large group leave the building after a series of loud noises but noone can recall their descriptions as they had all begun bickering amongst themselves at the time that it occured.

Since the incident a calm seems to have settled over the city and with the skies starting to clear up they are numbly trynig to put the city back together and wonder at who would do such a henious thing.


Re: Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 02:50:31 am »
Eoanira, shaking, walks into the Vehl crypt. He is heavy with the news of the deaths. In a rare moment of clarity, he mourns his own broken mind and disability. Useless, he hopes to find some skeletons dancing across the floor.

Script Wrecked

Re: Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2010, 09:17:02 am »
On hearing the news, Argali frowns and [POST=1582062]recollects[/POST] a similar attack in Leringard about three years earlier.


Re: Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2010, 09:38:04 am »
As the storm clouds passes Jin make his way to speak to his old mentor Healer Leidanos at the temple of Aeridin. He inquires about the orphanage and if the young boy has a carer?

"Is there anything that can be done for his mind. Like was done for another young orphan, many many years ago?"

*Jin offers a smile to the terrified young boy. If requested Jin will take the boy with him to either the Krandor house of healing or to some ranger friends deep in the forest of fog... otherwise...*

Jin visits the remains of the orphanage and tries to make out what happened. Searching for traces of magic, as well as signs of the struggle.  The huge cainie (wolf) that accompanies him, sniffs around the sight checking for familiar scents.

"Who ever did this will be hunted down like the vermin they are"

As he leave the towns, the wolves in the nearby mountains and forest howls.  The hunt begins.


Re: Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2010, 11:17:29 am »
Word reaches North Point that a contingent of Toranite Paladins is currently en route and that more missives have arrived in Vehl and in Corsain requesting Protectors and Inquisitors of Rofirein to come as well.

A Novice, Minerva, opens a special envelope from Haungjin bearing the seal of Protector Daniel and reads the message her eyes widening.  Calling upon her own courage she makes her way to the crypts and looks for a certain Aeridinite Priest, "Are you the priest of Aeridin known as Eoanira, sir?  I have a message from Protector Daniel for you.  He says to remember your purpose sir." The young woman quickly turns and leaves, obviously terrified of the dark and the bones it contains.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2010, 05:58:41 am »
Frustratingly for all involved there is very little evidence to bring to justice the perpetrators of such an abhorrent event. Many of the local inhabitants questioned have vague recollections and seem to reflect on the morning after the event as like awakening from a dream.

Priests of Aeridin confirm that the city was in a state of chaos for some time and any attempts at divining the location of the murders results in a chaotic whiling of magics and images none of which can be grasped onto. Wild rumours circulate but in the end one thing is certain. Chaos ruled the city that night.


Re: Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2010, 07:53:03 am »
Elohanna is seen returning to North Point and speaking with Sister Kerrie Vlassk of the Sisters of Mercy. She continues to try to investigate the horrible events without getting in the way of everyone else and keeping her eyes and ears open for perhaps something that could have been missed. She resolves herself to find out who could have hurt them, quietly investigating the orphanage, and asking questions of Father Leidanos if there is anything she can do to help aid the investigation.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2010, 06:29:00 pm »
Adder dropped a few coins onto the countertop of the small roadside inn near Northpoint and asked for a room, pulling his hood low to his brow. He had heard of the recent massacre from agents of The Ram. He knew he had to work quickly and make his way out of the area with all due haste, for rumors of the imminent arrival of Toranite paladins was passing from peasant to peasant wherever he was in a position to overhear conversations. The place was ripe for the work of the Dark Lord. That is why he was there...

The old wooden stairs creaked as he made his way to the rented room upstairs. He closed the door behind him and waved his free hand over the candle on the small table muttering a few soft words. The candle ignited and gave off a feeble light. Adder sat on the edge of the bed and lifted the burlap cloth from around the box he was carrying in his free hand to reveal a small cage with three fat rats in it. He looked at them and smiled, his fingers weaving an intricate pattern over them while dark and forbidden magic issued from his lips. Disease entered their bodies. He then whispered a few more arcane words and they dropped to the floor of the cage, dead. The final syllables he uttered raised the animals into a state of undeath. The cage door was opened and he said "Go... perform the work of Corath. The diseased undead scurried out of the cage, and disappeared into a hole in the wall. The candlelight failed to glint off of eyes already turning milky white.

Adder cast an invisibility spell on himself and quietly left the inn, not to be seen again...


Re: Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2010, 02:23:40 pm »
Eoanira enters the temple of Aeridin at North Point after a long journey.

He-llo. I could not help but hear about the deaths come to pass here, and while the Giver of Life says we should not mourn too long, nor dwell on it, I offer my condolences. Your w-work must be done, though. So, please, take this and put it towards reestablishing Hommels House. It is true that True cannot replace what has been lost, but it can at least relieve the burden of cost. If you need anything else, let me know. Send word to the inn. Ask for Eoanira Ceviran.

Eoanira then gives the priest he talked to a voucher, or chest, (however currency is handled at this amount) of 9000 tr, smiles weakly at them, lips quivering, and walks away.

//Don't know how you'd prefer to handle this. I could just make it a donation, or you could lift it off me if you like. I'm fine either way. Let me know.


Re: Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2010, 10:30:03 pm »
All aid and support is welcomed by the numerous organisations and individuals that arrive.

One thing they do not grant to any who arrive is access to the last remaining witness to the event, nor to they give any indication where that child has gone.

As the weeks pass there are many frustrating attempts to determine who the individuals were that committed such an atrocity and why. Nor is there any clear indication as yet as to why such a miasma of despondency and chaos settled over the city during the time of the storms and heavy rains.

A Lucindite mage in the last few days has declared the form of magic used to be similar to the effects of a mass mind control with tendrils of necromancy and some other influence that he can only describe as some form of pure chaos.

No further leads have come to light although several of the worlds best trackers are on the case including the Heirophant Druid Rhizome who has send his many eyes and ears in the wild into search for the perpetrators.


Re: Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2010, 01:21:22 pm »
Elohanna keeps her eyes and ears open for the various rumors and herself ready to return to North Point but at the present time is seen back in Port Hempstead and Fort Llast as well as occassionally Krandor. She is also keeping in constant contact with Sister Kerrie Vlaask of the Sisters of Mercy should she be needed back in North Point.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Slaughter in Northpoint!!
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2010, 03:20:21 pm »
*Griff Silversand (Paladin of Vorax) makes his way to North Point upon hearing of the slaugher of innocents and children.  He offers up his condolences for the loss of life and pain and suffering.

He voices that this evil will not go unpunished and that he is willing and ready to be on the hunt-party to track the cowards down.  He suggests a Voraxian lead hunt-party and to leave the Aerdinities behind to do what ever they do.

He asks the status of the lone-survivor and if the boy is ready to speak.  He feels its time for the boy to talk and suggests letting a Voraxian Cleric in to speak with the lad.  "Deh boy needs te see a Cleric of power and strenth...deh lad needs te know dis wont happen te em again...n dat he is safe n secure...Vorax will fill dis boy wit courage n bring em outa dis state of dispair".