The World of Layonara

In-Character Forums => Rumour Has It => Topic started by: davidhoff on March 07, 2012, 11:51:28 am

Title: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: davidhoff on March 07, 2012, 11:51:28 am
*Two of the merchants in Dalanthar are overheard talking about a very special group forming up in the Thunderpeaks.  The red-bearded armor merchant swears he heard some green-haired elven adventurer speak the name Le'Tennodin ( but can not believe his ears.  The clean-faced elven archery merchant shakes his head slowly and explains that that name has been long forgotten and such rumors are only elven folk lore.  The elf laughs a bit and explains further that it is said all that seek the cursed ruins of Le'Tennodin have never returned.  Then the two go about their business outwardly amused.

Meanwhile, those who know them to be Vrebel and Tralek begin to make camp in the Thunderpeaks*

//To my knowledge, this dungeon has never been conquered by any PC adventuring group and is near-impossible-dangerous.  Only those who want to attend will learn of the date and time.  If you are interested to hear more about this trip, please post here to this RP thread (help build the suspense) and involve your chararcter somehow with the group meeting in the Thunderpeaks.  Once I see your post, I'll PM you the details.  Or, if you prefer, PM me or send a TELL in game, and I'll give you the details.
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: RollinsCat on March 07, 2012, 12:00:08 pm
A pair of human ears perk, and a tall man in a red coat drifts from a display of Boyer-inspired art to a spot closer to the merchants.
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: davidhoff on March 07, 2012, 12:23:53 pm
*The human in the red coat would be able to hear some merchant-chatter about a very able group forming at the base of the Thunderpeaks.  Their camp is small but neat and lays where a long spine of the mountain touches the river in the valley below.  Elf, human and dwarf are the diversity of the party so far*

//PM sent
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: miltonyorkcastle on March 07, 2012, 01:41:19 pm
A masked mercenary turns his head at the mention of Le'Tennodin.  

"I have not ventured to that place in a very long time... perhaps it is time to visit the place once again.... now where did I put that mace?"
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: davidhoff on March 07, 2012, 02:49:48 pm
*The merchants notice the masked mercenary as they go about their business but try not to look him in the mask.  Just then, a brisk wind sweeps through the merchant tent area and is the outer reaches of a large dark storm forming at the base of the Peeks.*

//PM sent
Title: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: ystrday on March 08, 2012, 03:14:31 pm
*Tegan after receiving the falcons note, turns it around and around and around slowly in her hand. After a few moments, she turns to go find her husband and shows him the note.*
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: RollinsCat on March 08, 2012, 03:50:17 pm
Red Coat heads back to finish a purchase of unique patterned linens, asking the merchant to hold it for a week or two if the woman would be so kind; he'll return.  

He makes a stop by the bindstone.  He runs a light finger over the weathered pitting of age, admiring the stone that like it's brethren has stood since before the Cataclysm, finally pressing his hand to it.  A whispered prayer and spasm of pain later, he can be heard singing as he heads out of town toward the Thunderpeaks.
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: Pseudonym on March 08, 2012, 08:08:53 pm
*Within a sumptuously appointed office in an innocuous warehouse in the city of Vehl, a middle-aged man reclines in a leather swivel chair. His eyes are closed as he listens to one of his senior advisors reading aloud from a lengthy parchment.*

"Sedera are seeking nominees for the opening on the appropriations council ..."

"Who is running?"

"Ertan Verakar. Franzas Limosey. Jon Achmaran. Rober-"

"We can work with Jon Achmaran. That man, if I recall correctly, has a weakness for the poppy and a penchant for ... well, let us say he has cracks in his morality at which we may prise?"

"I believe that to be so Lord Arkolio."

"Send 2,000 true to our man in Sedera and make it happen. Next."

"Rumours from Dalanthar tell of an expedition into the Thunder Peaks led by ... " *turns a sheet of parchment*" ... Tralek and Vrebel, adventurers of repute."

"I know who Tralek and Vrebel are ... though honestly I can't ever remember which one is which. Send word through our agent in Dalanthar that I desire to speak with them regarding such an expedition."

"Yes Lord."

"Oh, one other thing, have Vanessa knit a couple of beanies, one with the letter 'V' and the other with a 'T' on it."

"Yes Lord."
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: davidhoff on March 08, 2012, 10:05:41 pm
*Tralek sits on a log outside his plain but well set tent.  The fire is just right as he reads from a worn leather-bound journal.  He looks up from the journal a moment surveying the camp and its occupants.  He smiles pleased as he sees dwarves sharpening their axes and others drinking or tending to their gear.  He is relaxed but his eyes are keen on studying the make up of the forming expedition group.

*Tralek returns to his journal, carefully studying its pages.  After some time his nose begins to twitch as a heavy aroma drifts his way.  He closes his journal and looks up to see a courier with a parchment.  The perfume is heavy but sweet that iminates from the parchment and he takes it and puts it to his nose taking in all its glory.  He notices the Vehl postal markings and rips into it praying,

"please be that cute guard girl in Vehl, please be her, please be her"

*Once its open he shouts "bah!".  *Then a smile sweeps over his face and he laughs outloud, which attracts some attention from those gathered.  He stands still overwhelmed by delight and shouts over to Vrebel:

"His Majesty Salvorre may be honoring our expedition with his presense!"

*Tralek then calms himself and goes back to his journal.  He stops a second and seem to be counting with his fingers and thinking a bit before murmuring to himself:*

"I hope she can come, Tegan will be a nice addition indeed"

//PM's sent to Pseud and Ystrday
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: willhoff on March 09, 2012, 04:37:24 am
*He lets out a hardy chuckle as he unloads the keg of dwarfs head ale from Chekeetah.*

He's sending you love notes now hmm?  Good to hear the Lord is gracing us, well need someone with his skills out in front disarming those traps.  Almost got me legs chopped off last time.

*He snorts*  And you know what, we dont have any wine for his grand entrance.  Maybe I'll go back to Dalanthar and grab me a crate of that fruity stuff with the pricey lable.  Ark's got an account there right?

*He heaves the keg onto his right shoulder and makes his way to the dwarven tents with a sinister smile*
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: LordCove on March 09, 2012, 05:30:24 am
" Nyemfca, you mentioned Le'Tennodin once to me..... correct?" a soft spoken voice asked.
A filthy, mud covered man, knelt in the soil with his hands splitting the roots of some plant which had no business being there, pauses in his work and looks up.
" A long long time ago.... yes.... the elven undead of the Thunderpeaks. Why do you ask?"
His face turns grim before the druidic lady even answers him, but she answers anyway.
" Word comes that a group marches to face them, and the word has raised considerable interest and awe. I only mention it as I recall you saying you faced them once.... long ago."
The man seperates the roots of the two plants, and buries them seperately in the soil, before wiping his hands and standing up.
" Aye.... long ago... were any names mentioned of those going?"
As the druidic lady rhymes off a few names, a wry grin appears on the mans face.
"This should be good."
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: davidhoff on March 09, 2012, 02:47:20 pm
*The rain is coming straight down now and hard.  The wind is nonexistant.  The tents are being packed up and the mules loaded.  Small rivers of rain water are forming and cutting through the campsite.  The group at the bottom of the Thunderpeaks has grown quite large and diverse.  Some welcome the rain as the parkas and hoods hide the anticipation and anxiety that covers most of the faces.*
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: RollinsCat on March 09, 2012, 02:54:42 pm
The animals and tents are a good indication that he's found the right place.  Vrebel and Tralek are a better one.  He slips into the camp while singing a song for the rain and squelches over to them, grinning.  "You've made the news in Dalanthar.  Hope a frilly Ilsarian is welcome to join?"
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: davidhoff on March 09, 2012, 04:23:13 pm
*Tralek is checking the straps on his mule when some water splashes up on the backs of his cloak.  He turns around to see two boots caked in light-grey mud sitting in a puddle next to him and attached to a cloaked man.  The man is mumbling something he clearly can't hear over the roaring rain.

"What?  Can't hear you!" *Tralek yells back from under his hood and keeps working on the mule*

*The man raises his voice and repeats his salutation.  The voice now is clear to Tralek and easily recognizable.*

"What?  Is that all you got?  Bloody raining something fierce man!"

*At this point Tralek flips around and pulls back his hood smiling*

"Ha ha, good to have you Andy.  We're getting ready to depart soon.  Your voice will indeed be a true asset, and you're getting quite good with that bow of yours too."
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: Hellblazer on March 09, 2012, 07:54:25 pm
*A lythe and graceful figure walks toward Tralek, a parchment in one hand while her multiple bows are all in perfect order in her special carrying back straps.*
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: davidhoff on March 09, 2012, 08:07:41 pm
*Tralek smiles as he sees the slim figure suddenly appear next to him walking stride for stride with him.  He gives her his usual once over, admiring her attire and leans to whisper to her:

"Ty its so nice to see you!  It's been a long time.  We could use your archery skills; it seems we may have a fairly large party and we won't all be able to fight in the front.  Keep a low profile and I'll think we'll be fine."
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: jadewillow on March 09, 2012, 09:23:38 pm
*Flynn sits at his usual worn spot at the Scamp and overhears a few speaking of the expedition led by Tralek and Vrebel. He slams down another pint of mead and slurs out loud*

"Flynn will lend his voice to this certain death folly. It is better to die together than to live alone."

*He makes a quick note and returns his attention to the bar maid*
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: RollinsCat on March 10, 2012, 07:00:00 am
Six armed men; two dwarves, an elf, and three humans; head from the Crossroads to the base of the Thunder Peaks.  Six armed men return some week and a half later, grinning ear to ear and still sticky with healing potion, and dice are rolled on a stiff, bloodstained leather belt that is a hazy ball of magic to those who can sense it.  Stories are swapped around the campfire, the number of dracoliches and sorcerers increasing with each pass of alcohol and with each retelling.  From what a passerby might gather though it was a wildly successful trip and the undead have been put to a short rest before their curse raises them again.

//more later - great, incredible, amazing trip, dungeon conquered with six!  Congrats Gunder, Tralek, Vrebel, Trouble, Beli, and ah, me.  *cheers*
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: miltonyorkcastle on March 11, 2012, 01:33:56 pm
//// Sounds like everyone had a great time. I ended having two sick girls on my hands, so there was no way I could make it. Maybe next time. ////
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: RollinsCat on March 11, 2012, 06:46:38 pm
"Gentlemen, you would not believe.  I barely did until I set foot there myself, not two weeks ago.  The getting there was the easiest part; undead yeti and ettins and mist so thick you can cut it with a sword are nothing compared to what lay under that snow-buried entrance deep in the heart of those mountains that loom over your lovely town.

"Exaggerating, eh?  Hear for yourself.  A few of you have doubtless been up those slopes, heard the clatter of bones and seen the white shroud that coats one's view?  I thought so.  So you know that the trip there is days upon days of tedious climbing and icy cold.  We took the route that got us to the werewolf caves with the least resistance.  We may be foolhardy but we're not fools.  

"The werewolf caves...oh no, not legend, they are there; so high up one wonders why they bother, unless their diet consists exclusively of mountain sheep, birds, and ice.  They're clannish, hairier and whiter than their cursed lowland cousins, and some are quite a bit larger too.  I swear to you if they'd only let us through, we'd have left them alone.  But, like the creatures whose pack nature they twistedly imitate, they are territorial.  We didn't seek out nurseries or any such as that, we were not on a mission to commit genocide, but those that attacked us we fought and we took them down.  

"No, I was using my bow, why?  

"I will have you know these slender arms conceal many a surprise to an unsuspecting enemy, sir.  Yes I can use a sword!  Well, a rapier - it's more a precis - it is most certainly not a pig skewer.  Look, do you want to hear the story or not?  And besides, my prowess with a gentleman's sidearm would have only set me besides Vrebel here, and when he swings that bloody huge giant-chopper of his around in arcs you'd best get out of the way or be prepared for a shave and a haircut at the same time.  You understand me?  Alright then.  Where was I.

"Werewolves, thank you.  Have any of you seen those caves before?  No?  Tralek, you don't count.  You either, Gunder.  Put your bloody hands down.  They have carved out or shaped natural caves for several levels and probably more we didn't see, but as I said, we were not there to start a war, only to get to the interior of the mountain range.  I think if those werewolves had any capacity as arguably intelligent creatures they'd open up one tunnel that went from point A to point B and put a big sign up with an arrow and some pictures of adventurers.  It would save them a lot of trouble.

"I digress.  Oh - it means I was distracted, but I now continue with my previous thought.  Which you will now have to wait on because I need to light this cigar.

"There.  And so we made it past the guardians of the caves, who I will add were nowhere in sight upon our return; it seems they either didn't expect us to make it past the spiders...I'm getting to them...or they had buried their dead and decided that that was enough for now.  Either way I'm grateful we didn't have confrontation and I'm sure they are glad we didn't seek it.

"Spiders.  Oh, yes, my friends - they live in the mid-slopes of the interior, natural creatures for all I can tell but fully adapted to the cold.  I have to wonder if in addition to the goats and birds, werewolf is on their menu?  They are huge, though not like the overfed monstrosities of the Deep.  I'd say small pony size or very large dog size.  Hairy buggers too, you could comb them although it would be a very short grooming.  What's that?  No, they're as any other spider, at least the times I've encountered them.  Incapacitate, liquify, eat.  Lacking the fear of us of course.  

"So, below the werewolf dens and past the spiders lies another cave and as Ilsare...ahh!...a moment...a twinge in my shoulder there.  As She is my witness, I can't tell who would have carved them.  The tunnels are very roughly done, no self-respecting dwarf or elf would put their name on it.  A dwarf would have squared it off and put up better bracing and support, and an elf would have decorated at least.  So I have no idea who made the tunnels or how long they've been there.  This was my first trip.  But wind through them and you'll find an interior valley with streams, a small forest, and a lake of iced-over runoff.  I imagine during the summer months it must be particularly beautiful.  Past the pond is dry land and the forest, and in that a circle of statues surrounding a huge stone archway; the entrance to the elven tomb of Le'Tennodin.

"You should shiver.  The elven warriors and sorcerers entombed there are not the brittle bones you see when a young necromancer goes amok or even the skeletal remains of the horrors that roam the mountain's exterior.  They are tough as mithril, and those that cast or sang spells in life are able to do so in death.  No, it's worse than that - a number of those moldering spellcasters retain the abilty to stop time.  I do not jest, Milord!  Nor do my friends here.  You know those moments when you feel almost as if you're sitting outside the flow of things, that life is literally passing you by?  And when you blink, things have happened and you don't remember seeing or hearing anything?  Imagine someone able to do that on purpose.  The most powerful wizards can, although it seems unobtainable to those of us who use magic from our gut instincts rather than study.  A shame, I can think of where that would be blessedly useful, especially back when I drank...stars and song, my cigar's out.  A moment.

"Where...ah yes, stopping time.  Allow me to back this up a bit.  Upon entering the tomb we had to pick our way past rigged stones and layers of magical traps, but only a mere single animated gargoyle.  It seemed far too easy although from the moment we landed on the dusty stone I fancied I was hearing something.  You did too?  And you?  Good, I worried it was just me.

"Oh, you pass it off at first.  You look for natural, logical causes - wind, water, chatter from your group mates, that sort of thing.  There are moments for concern but so long as you're thinking there must be a reason, you ignore the hairs on the back of your neck.  It's when you are standing alone in the cold, still, dry air, with no water in sight, that you realize those disembodied hissing whispers are just that.  You can't see them but the ghosts of the dead elves circle you, watching, always watching...and they don't want you there.

"But we imagine ourselves of sterner stuff, yes?  So onward.  The large entrance antechamber had a platform in the middle with several alter-like daises spaced apart, and I can step my mind through time and imagine crowds circulating to pay respects to a body or bodies lying upon those slabs.  It would be an ideal place for large funerals.  Below the platform are two staircases leading down and here is where we went, leaving our footsteps in the dust next to the few other souls who also braved the cursed halls.

"We descended into a smaller antichamber.  It would have only held attendants and a family of mourners, leaving the larger group above.  The stairs wound around and therefore there was another doorway directly opposite rather than side by side, as one would think.  I wonder if the family used one stair and the body was taken down the other?  I'm woefully uneducated on elven funeral rites of Boyer's early periods.  Regardless, we stood there now, imagining weeping relatives and staring at a stone maiden who embodies sorrow.  A statue there, yes; I came to think of her as the Weeping Mother, she was carved so much larger than life and her arms were outstretched toward two doors blocked by runed wardstones.  On this elven woman's face and carved down her body as a trail of tears is elvish writing, which I copied and have a rough translation of courtesy of our elven friend, here...oh hells!  The charcoal's smudged, I was in too great a hurry.  Tralek, when I'm finished can you translate this again?  Much obliged, Milord.  I must invest in some better quality writing materials.  

"So in the small room we were able to move a wardstone aside, although it hurt to even touch it, and enter the tombs proper.  We walked down a short tunnel, having chosen the left of the two doors, and out onto a platform with two bridges each spanning a chasm before us.  Staying again to the left we encountered our welcome to this crypt; two skeletal spellcasters who each could stop time.  You see how I brought that full circle?  And let me tell you, defeating something that can walk around you and drop a meteor shower on your head without you able to do a single thing about it is frightening.  And painful.  Still, with these fine gentlemen you see dropping magics and swinging swords and axes, we were able to survive, although it made for a choppy and confusing battle.

"Past this, the halls of the dead.  Why do they walk?  I don't know.  I've heard bits and pieces of stories, and a name - Essrantor.  I'm not versed on that legend though, perhaps Tralek here will fill us in once this tale is finished?  Well, I'm more a musical man, less an hang-around-the-town-crier-and-swap-stories fellow.  But to return to Le'Tennodin, we fought our way from island to island; there is a lot of water deeper down, clear and cold, an underground stream or river.  The dead are on stone islands connected by short arched bridges, this would be one flight down from the bridge chasm?  I believe I heard water in that chasm so I'm certain I'm correct there.

"These fights were the hardest I've ever personally been involved in. First in the fact that they are risen remains; you can't hurt something that cannot feel.  Undead do not ask for mercy or cry from wounds.  And second because these remains seem to retain so much of what they knew in life, tactics and strategies...we pressed forward past the tombs, and battling even a singleton left our blood all over the stones.  I was flinging potions and I wonder that my hands will heal at all with all the glass shard cuts I took.

"We passed tomb after tomb, looking for the chamber of the, we didn't loot the tombs.   Of course not!  We're no grave robbers.  Giving the undead a rest from their curse, hoping that in that destruction they might be able to find permanent rest, is a noble act.  Tearing open sarcophagi and prying burial objects from rotting hands is not.  Which isn't to say we didn't pick up coin left scattered on the floors from the walking's a fine line I suppose.  But I again digress.  We pressed on to a level below the channels, this room with a solid rock slab of a ceiling and moisture damping the walls but no standing water.  There was beyond the initial entrance a hallway of many doors, and beyond that a large room that would have held court.  What it was doing all the way down there I don't know.  In a recessed part of the floor cut with short flights of steps there were statues although we were embattled and did not stop and examine them.  Should I return I intend to have a much closer look; these statues were in a position of royal meeting or court and I would dearly love to know what moment in history they represent, especially as there are four dragon statues, one in each corner of the recess, overlooking.

"There was a staircase down past this room and we were wondering how very long this would take by now!  Exhausted, running low on healing, we pushed on to find ourselves facing yet another long bridge.  But this bridge...this span over yet another chasm, still standing after so long...was guarded at the end by such a multitude of things that we all stopped and took a few steps back.  At least six dracoliches!  Scores of undead sorcerers, clerics...does an undead cleric still believe in the god it worshiped in life?  Would an undead cleric of Aeridin have an existential crisis every time it tried to call on it's spells?  I'll have to ask my wife.  Anyway...we had found the chamber of the King.  Le'Tennodin.  

"You know, I don't know.  Again, I'm usually singing and playing my violin; not conducive to listening...although I'm better than I used to be, so I'm told.  Do any of you gentlemen of our group know the story of the king, we can augment Tralek's story with that later.

"The battle with the dracoliches and undead was...well...can you imagine standing in the center of a hurricane of magic (  Spells and songs churning around, scraping across your skin, your hair standing on end as ice, flames, acid and lightning pound you; the cacophony of casting and screams from these men - bloody yes you were, I heard you - as enemy spells and weapons found soft tissue; the stench of rotten bodies being ripped apart, and undead dragons spilling dusty guts across your face.  It was a bit like that.  Only louder.  You'd not have thought we could do it, defeat that many as tough as they were, and yet somehow by the grace of Ilsare - just...a moment...that twinge again...we dropped each and every one of them, may they break their bonds and go to final rest.  

"Running up as the last few fell was skeleton who as a man would have clearly been royal and not just from the tatters of silk-coated armor he wore; there was something about him...a regal presence, yet twisted in unlife.  Twisted in such a way that he attacked, repeating some long-ago scene the way undead so often do.  I'm glad we were able to finally break the magic holding the bones together and I pray that old king doesn't return to this realm.  

"From there, we had another look around, but only to see; the king's burial chamber was again large with more statuary, probably to represent his honor guard in death.  We then took our leave and were only accosted once.  We were also blessed to get out of the mountains with only a few skeletal ettins at our heels, so tired were we.  And that my friends is our story!  We have gone, and seen, and returned, but much lighter of healing and blood and much richer in history."
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: Guardian 452 on March 11, 2012, 07:10:23 pm
/// awesome story.. well done. and thanks for sharing! :)
Title: Re: The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
Post by: davidhoff on March 11, 2012, 09:07:00 pm
"I knew you'd put me on the spot" *waving cigar smoke out of his face and centering self on his bar stool.*

"Alright, alright, let's see now.  I'm no good at telling stories and certainly not of the caliber of you Andy, but I will attempt."

"The trouble in the Thunderpeaks started long ago with Essrantor, the King of the Arc Giants.  He was power thirsty and began to try to expand his control of the Peaks.  The High Boyer became aware of this and called upon adventurers to help.

*He pauses to sip his Xeenite wine and turns an unlit cigar in his right hand*

"You know this is a very long story right?  I fear I don't have the details I need to give the story justice.  Ah, but I'll continue.  Now, in the Peaks there were a clan of dwarves and a group of elves.  The Losthammer dwarves and the elves of Le' Tennodin.  Essrantor some how found a way to steal the secrets from both of them, and both clans feared Essrantor might now grow strong enough to conquer their domains.  So, both the dwarves and elves cursed themselves to undeath to protect their realms.  An awful and dreadful tactical move to voluntarily make, but one they decided was the only way.

Back to Essrantor then.  The Arc king had found a way to erect four powerful rune towers that enabled him to defy magic and create zones of anti-magic.  This was the end task before the group of adventurers called by the High Boyer - to destroy his towers.  Their travels were long and their names of legend.  They requested help to fight Essrantor and help they got.  They called upon King Cainforge of the Losthammers and the King gave his own hammer.  They called upon the peaceful Esther Giants that slept in stone and woke them and their King Helmuut pledged the Esther giants to the fight.  They also called upon the great dragon spirit, Granarock the Silver.

The great Fenrir Thornaxe was one of the many adventurers that led the assault on Essrantor.  How the end battle went and who all was involved I fear I do not know.  However, it should be mentioned that the hammer of King Cainforge was not given up lightly, and Fenrir and his companions would have perished to the dwarven King's bitter wrath but for one thing *pauses* Fenrir shared blood with King Cainforge.  Yes, yes, Fenrir was the last remaining blood ancestor to the Losthammer clan.

So then, as I said, I can not tell you how the fight went, but the adventurers and those that assisted them were partially successful.  They were able to destroy one of Essrantor's might anti-magic towers.  This I'm told was enough to upset his unchallenged rule and his campaign for ultimate power and domination was put on hold.  He withdrew to his own realm in the Peaks and still remains strong there with his own giant clan.  He waits and schemes to one day threaten us all again."

*Tralek wait for an applause and looks down at his un-lit cigar.*

"Anyone gota light?"

//Great write up Andy!  You really did us justice.  I hope my rough account isn't too messed up.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  I got most of my material from a partial write-up done by Congo (