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Author Topic: the dwarfs are gathering once  (Read 176 times)


the dwarfs are gathering once
« on: April 20, 2008, 05:25:57 pm »
Rumors are spreading far and wide amongst the clans, thru the strongholds of the dwarfs and even to the ears of the wandering wayward dwarfs.

There is a gathering of the kin. Now rumors are flying, and the old timers are reminiscing of the last time such a thing occurred.

The last great gathering of them is still talked about in the inn when more than 3 or 4 dwarfs are gathered together. Though many locals ascribe it as a local legend or having been nigh unto 20 years or more since.

Tales tell that the last time such a thing happened there were near riots in Hlint, random destruction and a few oxen that were seen being hurled into the pond!

Its rumored that Capt Trent retired shortly after the last debacle...having failed to contain the insanity of the drunken..err...reveling dwarves!

Though for their part, the dwarves did pay for any damage done and helped repair what was broken. That part seems to have been forgotten somehow.

//all dwarves are welcome and encouraged to come. Hope you can make it!

Mastiff of Liv

Re: the dwarfs are gathering once
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2008, 07:17:09 pm »
*Durgen rings his hands in anticipation.  He also rubs his lower back thinking on his poor outing at the past oxen toss in question*

Black Cat

Re: the dwarfs are gathering once
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2008, 11:00:36 am »
*when he hears these rumors Grohin can't help but smile and grins and chuckles to himself... mumbling even* Ox thro'in champion... aye *laughs* will have ta defend me title.

//11pm EST is? Probably 5am my time (GMT +2), it's too early for me I'm afraid.


Re: the dwarfs are gathering once
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2008, 04:48:27 pm »
*grenna stop in the inn to make sure theres enough beer in stock...

Oi opes yer ready fer dis. *laughs wickedly

Ye wun ave seen a gadderin loike dis in many a years.

*She then stumps into the back room to start brewing more beer


Re: the dwarfs are gathering once
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2008, 09:51:53 pm »
//hey still at work nad will be late to the gathering tonite.

Go ahead and get started without me!

scifi aka grenna