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Author Topic: Three battered and bruised adventurers slog their way into Center  (Read 763 times)


...their packs and bags stuffed with rough sapphire. After a long journey to Black Ice Isle, running battles with the local goblin tribe, and exposure to bitter cold, they returned victorious, pretty much in one piece, and a lot wealthier than when they left. 
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* A determined gnome sits on
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2015, 02:01:35 am »

* A determined gnome sits on the log by the firepit and spreads out a rough looking map.  He makes copious notes on it and to those with a keen eye seems to be adding dots and drawings in various places.  He lifts his head up slowly and whispers to his fellow adventurers*

Remember we tell no one what we found or saw down there...

*He looks back down at his map and with a head shake puts it away and takes out his pipe*



"Thats A...R...F....U....R
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2015, 08:27:28 am »

"Thats A...R...F....U....R ........yes I know it's a special spelling - my Father liked it!" Arfur Dumas is ensconsed at the bar alongside a well known local character Telitoll Sune, a Bard by profession. Teilitoll is buying the drinks and several are lined up before them. Arfur continues his dialogue "Well yes anyway there I was a saphire or two to the good if you understand my painting. Then well then the Stalker, well that's what she called herself anyway up she danced and doing a pretty good job of keeping the bugbears back when up sneaks Rubee the Gnome, not sure what he was doing actually  I mean he looked to be looting the dead bugs. Well that's when it happened - tip of the halberd eh thats me, quick as a flash before you could say bend in the Muse I was round behind the Bugbear Battle Mage and one artistic strike to the spine later -down he went, battle over - I'll have some more of these saphires thank you very much!" 

He looks around slurping at his drink and adds. "Of course it's all a bit hush hush so keep it to yourself and all that!"