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Author Topic: Rumours through dark allies...  (Read 166 times)


Rumours through dark allies...
« on: June 15, 2006, 10:26:19 pm »
[SIZE=13]Whispers in the dark corners through the seedier parts of town can be heard, saying how the Shadow Thieves have recieved a fatal blow to their main enterprise. Word spreads quickly that chaos is soon to erupt if nothing is done, yet even then there is a line of rumours that speak of some are already grasping firmly at the change that is to come.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]What will be the fate of the Thieves? [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]Time will tell... [/SIZE]


RE: Rumours through dark allies...
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2006, 07:13:53 pm »
The rumours spread before seem to keep confirming even more so. A final blow struck to the Shadow Thieves and even the falling of the head. Shar Shadowfang, The Mask, dead for good. Can it be true? Is her reign of terror truly over? Many shadows seem to confirm it.
  A whispered rumour of new leadership replacing at lightning pace, spreads as well. It seems The Merchant of Pranzis has landed himself a nice deal and now leads the remaining under a new banner. The Ivory Blackhounds? What's this about...?
  Whatever insanity the Branderbackian is planning now, it definitely sounds like change is abound.

