The World of Layonara

In-Character Forums => Rumour Has It => Topic started by: mixafix on April 11, 2009, 04:41:00 am

Title: TLI series
Post by: mixafix on April 11, 2009, 04:41:00 am
Thank Layonara it's ...
 Starting a series of impromptu type events to allow PCs to participate in small events and short quests in a set time.
 I will likely run these on Sundays and Tuesdays to cross some different time zones.
 This might allow short and simple Deity, alignment organisation or other related developments.
 It would be helpful for planning to know what PCs are going on these events.
 I will gladly take ideas or desires to work with by PM (don't forget to detail PC/s involved) or a more public post here.
 However these are not CDQs and it may be any events run are linked to others events - and PCs may not get a free run.
 There will be no exclusive rights here. Searches for items not previously documented elsewhere will not be a game option.
 GM participation may be limited depending on the event. IE I will be on line but may be flitting between groups depending on the story line and task etc.
 Be prepared to play out any PC conflict created by player action, and expect consequences for actions, eventually if not immediately.
 These games will hopefully be run against a background of the ongoing storylines elsewhere.