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Author Topic: Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone  (Read 199 times)

Script Wrecked

Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone
« on: February 22, 2009, 01:28:42 am »
**A notice appears in the various public inns, taverns and crafting halls of Mistone...**

Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone

[INDENT]Do you travel the length of the land of Mistone? Or perhaps the less traveled places of the forests or the mountains, the deserts or the swamps? Are you attentive to the detail or the keen of eye?

If you have a little time to give, perhaps you can be helping.

For those interested, please be contacting her via the Den in Leringard, or leave your name here, and she will be finding you.

~Argali Trueaxe[/INDENT][/I]

**Perhaps unexpectedly, in the corner of the notice, there is a faint drawing that only really catches the eye upon closer examination. It depicts a simply drawn bird with a plain crown above its head.**

[SIZE=10]// Either in-game or post below or by PM for more information. //[/SIZE]


Re: Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2009, 02:56:37 am »
*Fehriel Cailomel leaves his name under there with a wolf print drawn under it.*


Re: Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2009, 08:33:21 am »
~Unther Hardhammer~

Lord Dark

Re: Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2009, 11:59:44 am »
*Tod writes his name under Unther's and Fehriel's:*
 Tod Fellow


Re: Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2009, 12:13:33 pm »
~Tyra "Goggles" Dragonheart


Re: Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2009, 01:25:48 am »
Beli Tenker


Re: Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2009, 11:12:42 am »
*Keppli walks past the poster, whistling, then steps back with a double take*
*steps on tiptoes squinting at the words.
At the mention of travelers, wanderers and adventurers her eyes light up and a grin spreads.*
"I'm all three!"
*hastily scribbles her name on it*

Thief Of Navarre

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    Re: Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone
    « Reply #7 on: February 24, 2009, 08:30:18 am »
    *khalith takes the flyer down and places it on a table to write; replacing it afterward*

    ~Khalith *in neat elven hand*


    Re: Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone
    « Reply #8 on: February 24, 2009, 04:47:30 pm »
    *A bleary man with disheveled beard stumbles in a local inn. he plops down in a chair far in the corner, and soon begins flipping through the pages of a sturdy leather-bound book. he grumbles for a moment, stuffs the book back in its bag, and drops his head to his hands, letting out a weary sigh. scanning the inn's room, he spots the posters, looking them over, and stops as he reads the names on the most recent ones. He gives a pause for thought, shrugs, and scratches his name in the poster.*

    "'bout time I foun' somethin' t' do with me self... Why the 'eck not?"

    ~ Idoran Mossfeild

    Script Wrecked

    A Message Arrives For Each Of The Watchers
    « Reply #9 on: March 16, 2009, 03:43:52 am »
    With the information passed on by Ronus of Hlint, there has been the confrontation with the minions of the Green Dragon Cult in the Crypt of Storan.

    It seems the minions have been able to travel the length of Mistone without much difficulty. It is likely they are using magic to this end. Whatever the case, we must be watchful wherever we are, and keep an eye on the less traveled places.

    We learn from the captured minion that the Dragon Stealers search for the Bloodpool in the Crypt of Storan. It must be understood that this might be the deception. However, this cannot be ignored, and she asks for extra watchfulness around the Crypt, in the foothills of the Hammerbound Peaks, and along the western edge of the Rolling Plains.

    Also, the [STRIKE]winged man[/STRIKE] Bird Lord of Katia relates that Tod Fellow reports several battalions of the Dragon Stealers army have landed in the Battlehelm Moors. When patrolling the Moors, take extra care and be especially vigilant. Any movements of the enemy should be reported to the Bird Lord at once via the birds.

    Yours in Vigilance,

    ~Argali Trueaxe

    *a simply drawn bird with a plain crown above its head follows her signature*

    Script Wrecked

    A Message Arrives For Each Of The Watchers
    « Reply #10 on: June 24, 2009, 12:43:03 am »
    As many of you are no doubt aware, the forces of the Green Dragon Cult are moving northward through the Battlehelm Moors. It seems they are breaking into smaller and smaller groups, fanning out across the lands. From a few of the clues gathered, we are guessing that they are intent on capturing the peoples, though their intent or the number is unknown at this point. It could be for hostages, or slaves, or sacrifices. It may also be linked to their recent foray into the Crypt of the Storan.

    By this time, it is possible that they have left the Moors and ranged farther afield. So, when you traveling the road from Dapplegreen to Fort Vehl, please be vigilant for the signs of the group crossing across.

    However, please exercise the caution. The tracks that have been found are suggesting a large lizard like creature travels with them, but with five toes, heavier than a man, and likely heavier than the winged Drach. We are sure is not the swampkin or the troll.

    When you are visiting the ports, please be keeping your ears open for anything unusual. A big fleet likes the port to make the home, particularly if they are having to move the lot of the captives. The Green Dragon Cult has already taken over one kingdom and subverted another. It is not too hard to imagine their grasping tentacles reaching into the nefarious local kingdom to establish the foothold. Why fight when you can buy, no?

    Also, should you be meeting them, please be offering the Rangers of the Wolfwood all assistance.

    Yours in Vigilance,

    ~Argali Trueaxe

    *a simply drawn bird with a plain crown above its head follows her signature*

    Script Wrecked

    A Hurriedly Written Message Arrives For Each Of The Watchers And
    « Reply #11 on: June 25, 2009, 11:11:59 pm »
    The minions of the Green Dragon Cult have spread as far as the Silkwood!

    They are traveling in groups of ten or so, they light no fires and likely only travel in the hours of darkness. She considers that they are fanning out ever finer, not to take the captives, but in search of the specific person or persons. Please keep the ears open for reports of the missing people.


    *a simply drawn bird with a plain crown follows*

    Script Wrecked

    A Message Arrives For Each Of The Watchers And Rodlim Serim
    « Reply #12 on: August 24, 2009, 06:38:52 am »
    Fellow Watcher,

    The Minions of the Green Dragon Cult have struck in the Hammerbound Peaks and Fort Hurix of Trelania. Though the forces of the Green Dragon Cult were defeated at Fort Hurix, it is unknown as to what has happened to the army that entered the Hammerbound Peaks.

    To this end, she asks for increased vigilance in the Rolling Plains, the Goblin Wastelands, east of Blackford Castle, and the Forest of the White Horn, as well as when traveling the Hammerbound Peaks themselves.

    Also, please be looking out for the group of the human magicker, the human warrior, the human or possibly elven female, the traitor kin warrior and the traitor kin magicker, and the winged Drach warrior. They seem to be the main instigators of this incursion into Mistone. We are not knowing what happened to them after encountering them under the Hammerbounds, or whether their mission was successful. Beware, they are extremely dangerous and may have become even more so.

    Yours in vigilance,

    ~Argali Trueaxe

    *a simply drawn bird with a plain crown follows*

    Script Wrecked

    Re: Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone
    « Reply #13 on: September 04, 2009, 10:00:24 am »
    Fellow Watcher,

    Reports from Lyn say the Minions of the Green Dragon Cult head south through the Hammerbound Peaks. She is suspecting "south" is south out of the mountain range.

    Directly south could take them back to the Battlehelm Moors. This would be a long journey, starting with the Goblin Wastelands. From a message intercepted in the Battlehelm Moors which read:

    [INDENT]"Direct orders. Our work is done. We sail immediately. Avoid confrontation."[/INDENT]
    she is thinking this is unlikely.

    They could be exiting from the southwest side of the Hammerbounds, north of Lake Hurbinon and then travel across the plains of Trelania for the coast, where they could then embark directly for Belinara.

    It is possible though that they are exiting from the southeast side, and head across the Rolling Plains. Here they may join up with any remains of the force that sacked the Fort of Hurix, and depart from the east coast.

    Either way, there must be ships waiting off the coast for them to be embarking. If you can be keeping the eye on the coastline, perhaps we might be able to scupper their plans.

    She heads for the Hammerbounds to see what more she can find out.

    Yours in vigilance,

    ~Argali Trueaxe

    *a simply drawn bird with a plain crown follows*


    Re: Travelers, Wanderers, And Adventurers Of Mistone
    « Reply #14 on: September 04, 2009, 07:11:29 pm »
    *Rodlin dispatches one of the fastest Wolfswood Ranger Corp messengers to speak to Argali. The messenger finds Argali and approaches her with a quick salute*
     Greetings Ma'am,
     Captain Rodlin sends his respects and reports the following...
     *He gives Argali a moment to finish what she is doing and for her to turn her attention to him at her discretion. Once she is ready for the report, he finishes.*
     The dragonstealers are leaving the Hammerbounds and appear to be in a terrible hurry. They have split again but most of them are not even trying to cover their tracks. He also reports that a young ranger scout saw a Dragon the night before last. It was headed South as well.
     The captain also acknowledges your last message.
     *As he finishes the report, she waits to see if there is a report to take back with him or to be dismissed outright.*

