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Author Topic: Odd goings on in Hurm  (Read 330 times)


Odd goings on in Hurm
« on: February 28, 2011, 07:24:03 am »
// approximately 4 weeks before the most recent dragon attack in Audiria on the city defences.

The Regnant of Hurm, Saviar Morgensen has ordered all dry docks and fitting yards in Hurm cleared of everything bar the most recent orders from the Raven Trade Guild. Everything has been ordered cleared and prepared to receive ships for fitting out and repair.

People are wondering whats going on as the move constitutes a great deal of empty space in the shipyards around Hurm. No further information has been forthcoming but some suspect it might be related to the sudden departure of the Sea Tiger and three other Hurm Naval vessels in the dark of night less than a week prior.
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Re: Odd goings on in Hurm
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2011, 04:27:38 am »
The Sabre has arrived in Hurm just days after Saviar cleared the docks to meet with the Regnant and a number of powerful officials such as Lord Gork from Liwich, and also including the elusive Admiral Red Bear.

The Silver Swords compound in Hurm has been under heavy guard since they arrived.


Re: Odd goings on in Hurm
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2011, 04:48:37 am »
// just under 3 weeks until the Long Storm attacks the dragons in Sederra

Yet again today the meeting continues, what its about no one is sure until late in the afternoon it breaks up and Regnant Morgensen escorts the Sabre personally to her carriage, a broad smile is seen on his face. Many comment that its his look when he's just made a great deal of money or achieved something great for himself or Hurm.

As soon as the Sabre's carriage rattles through the gates of Hurm to return to Liwich castle Hurm swings into action. Warehouses are opened up, wagons roll through the city hauling any non perishable foodstuffs available from shops, stores, storage areas and so on wherever they are available. Even smugglers known to Saviars people are not spared, secret staches, smugglers havens everything is infiltrated by Silver Swords men and women at Saviars direction.

Everything is hauled to temporary storage areas near the empty dockyards and heavily guarded.

The next day the harbour is ordered cleared of all shipping traffic no matter their size. Lumber, tar, all manner of equipment needed to repair ships is brought to the dockyards and repair facilities. Even inch of sailcloth in Hurm is bought up, every inch of rope, every bucket of nails. In fact every carpenter, blacksmith and worker to ply a craft that could be applied to shipping is brought to the dockyards and set up in temporary camps.

And then they start to arrive, first two, then one, then another four, and then three more, and another few trickle into the harbour. 14 large ships, most of them seemingly having once before been used as warships of some ilk arrive in Hurm. As soon as each one does workers pour over them assessing, ordering, delegating and arranging for repairs and fitouts as necessary.

Some might be forgiven for thinking some of the ships look oddly like ships other nations reported lost at times in years past. But no one utters it out loud as Hurm prepares a new fleet for war.


Re: Odd goings on in Hurm
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2011, 01:42:46 am »
A week and a half later and many have now discovered that wherever the ships came from the Blackford War Council has arranged for monetary aid for crews to man the ships.

The High Boyer at the Councils request has begun to stockpile supplies and the remaining forces to be transported to teh war zone to assemble in Northpoint for when the fleet sails north to collect everything and then move with all due hast for Point Dart to collect the Toranite soldiers camped there and then to move towards Audiria and the Cult fleet destined for their shores.

Men and women drawn from all sorts of groups in and around Hurm are drawn to the city in search of a berth aboard the ships. The Regnant Saviar himself is seen almost daily on the docks inspecting repairs and the loading of the ships.

Lord Gork and several others are seen interviewing and hiring the men and women to man the ships.

In another section of the extensive docks in Hurm, for the first time in the last ten years each and every ship of the Admiral Red Bears Blood Circle have assembled. Perhaps some of the most powerful ships afloat the Blood Circle Captains and their crews are infamous for their past conquests and missions to destroy any and all slavers they come across and in recent years seeing to the protection of Liwich.

Now their ships, each and every one a dedicated killer on the oceans are also prepared for the biggest naval confrontation seen since the invasion of the former nations of the Rhodez Alliance when Blood attacked them.

The largest ship present and also the most recognisable is the Admirals own ship. A monster of a vessel and a veritable floating army in itself.

It seems the fleet will sail within days with more crew members being engaged in Boyer and anywhere else they can collect crews from as well as any the War Council are able to get to them in time.


Re: Odd goings on in Hurm
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2011, 06:31:14 pm »
Its all happening it seems, the war is becoming prominant in peoples minds across the world with current events building to a massive confrontation in Sederra. Many are seeing it as the prelude to the main event in Hilm.

Within a day or so of the Allied forces fleet in Hurm being ready to sail another vessel is escorted into the harbour by the Green arrow, the ship of the Blood Circle Captain Liselle Arcanbow. The ship is slow and bulky but its size overshadows many of those already at rest in the harbour waiting for the orders to leave.

Weapon platforms of many shapes and sizes line both sides of the high decks. The ship is a work of master craftsmanship and appears to be designed for one thing and one thing only. War.

Lining the edges of the ship as it heaves too are a large number of dwarves their armour and weapons glistening in the morning sun.

A huge crowd is drawn to watch the massive ship as it slowly comes to and docks in the harbour. Regnant Saviar Morgensen ensures he is the first person to be at the foot of the long gangplank that soon swings out and down to the dock below the ship.

The crowd watches as a lightly armour clad Ulgrid dwarf walks steadily down the gangplank and pauses before the Regnant.

"Oim Thane Gristen Ironboots of deh Ulgrids, Oim deh Commander of deh vessel yea beh seeing ere. Dis eres an Axe of deh Sea an it beh deh foinest ship deh dwarves ever made."

The Regnant barely has eyes for the dwarf seemingly instead more interested in studying the vessel before him. Eventually he regards the dwarf who stands proudly on the dock.

"It is indeed an honour to receive you Thane, I have heard rumours of such ships but never expected to ever see one. You are welcome to Hurm and all its facilities. I shall have my people get you whatever you need as soon as you are ready for it. The Blackford War Council is paying for it all anyway." He smiles slightly at the thought of the bill he will present them at the end of it all then focuses once more.

"Aye sheh beh a bewty," the Thane gazes up at the ship with pride before speaking again. "Nauw, Oi ave teh get a message to Captain Argali and deh Thane Kobal Bluntaxe, dere was nay toime for dat before we left loike. Dey need teh nauw dat its ere an ready fer action."

"Of course," replies the Regnant, "I shall send for the mages at once to convey your message, in the meantime I would love a tour of your fine vessel."

"Aye, come on den, let meh show yea around."


Re: Odd goings on in Hurm
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2011, 04:30:19 am »
Days later the largest fleet assembled in Dregers history leaves Hurm and makes its way North docking in Northpoint a few days later in order to take on more crews, all remaining soldiers in Northpoint and extensive supplies that had been stockpiled there by the High Boyer and the people of Dreger. So too, a small contingent of Aeridinites travelling to Sederra to help with the coming battles.

Within 2 days they continue again, fair winds and light swells bless them as the fleet plows its way east. Eventually it reaches Point Dart where more soldiers and troops join them including a large contingent of Voraxians, Toranites and Rofireinites.

A few days out of Point Dart and the fleet crosses into Sederran waters for the first time and its here something happens.

As the sun is descending and a sudden squall hits the fleet, out of the sunset comes the strike. The fleet becomes aware suddenly of them almost as its too late. Fifteen Silver Cresent fast raiders launch a sudden attack out of the blinding light of the sunset at the rear of the fleet. One vessel explodes in a furious fire as small trebuchets on three of the Crescent ships unleash fury on them. Then another is hit and the fleet breaks into pandemoniam.

The message travels slowly up the line of ships of the attack at the rear and various ships turn and veer around trying to gain some momentum against the squall to help the rear of the fleet.

Smaller and lighter the Crescent vessels merge with the last few vessels striking at will with the strange explosive and hot burning oils at the ships around them.

Two Crescent vessels close on a large ship with bright coloured sails and a hastily name painted on the side. "My beautiful lady" At the top deck stands an Elf in bright regalia issuing orders to the crew.

"Those *curse* are not going to touch my ship! If they do I'll make you all dress in last years fashions!" Razeriem rushes to the side rail noting the trebuchets loaded and ready to fire from the smaller vessels pulling alongside his own. Calling forth magic he unleashes fury at the ships blasting one into pieces and sending men flying into the ocean. Then at another the masts shatter and sails are torn from the crossbraces and flutter uselessly into the sea. Shattered and broken Captain Razeriem orders the ship hard to starboard and with a satisfying shudder his ships hull pulverises the broken slaver vessel.

Meanwhile another ship succumbs to the raging fire oil of the Crescent ships. There are just too many of them and they are too fast for the floundering larger naval vessels to target and damage effectively. Mages and clerics fight for their footing in the rough seas created by the squall. Some manage to unleash magical energy at the ships attacking them but for the most part the larger ships try to manouver themselves into a position where they can stop the Silver Crescent ships from cutting them off from the others where they can then attack them en masse.

The Slaver ships highly skilled crews and captains make a mockery of the inexperienced crews on the Allied Fleet. Another ship bursts into flame and men and soldiers leap into the sea as the ship beneath them burns rapidly.

Three ships are lost, another two aflame for the accounting of two of the attackers destroyed by the 'Beautiful lady' Captained by Razeriem. The element of suprise having taken its toll.

Then the Blood Circle Captains arrive, the Sea Tiger drives straight into the middle of four Silver Crescent ships and unleashes its own fury. Highly skilled mages targeting sensitive areas of the Crescent ships and crossbowmen and harpoonists working from the foredecks. So too the Green Arrow slips into the midst of the attackers, elven mages and Arcane Archers picking off targets with skill and determination.

Another ship captained by Lion the Brutal simply crushes its way over another two Slaver ships and then the Dwarven Axe of the Sea limps slowly into range and a loud whirring sound is heard before over a hundred ball and chains launch into the air ripping through masts, sails and men as they are catapulted from the weapon platforms of the dwarven ship.

The Crescent ships launch their remaining trebuchets and turn tail and run with Lion the Brutal in pursuit. The rest of the fleet regathers as best it can in the squall and rescue those still alive from the sea. Any Silver Crescent people found alive are quickly killed and thrown to the sharks by order of the Admiral. For the Cultists the Admiral orders them bound and then cut so that they bleed and thrown overboard for the sharks to eat them while still alive.


Re: Odd goings on in Hurm
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2011, 06:29:28 pm »
A day later and yet still two days from Audirian waters the fleet mysteriously is told to slow by order of the Admiral. The Sea Tiger launches all of its longboats and they are rowed to shore and return two hours later with a large number of people aboard them.  The fleet hovers about the area as some of these people are delivered to each of the Blood Circle Captains ships present. As yet Lion the Brutal's ship, the Reaper has not returned after leaving the fleet to pursue the Crescent ships from the attack the day before.

Once the mysterious guests are aboard the ships the Admiral gives the signal to continue. As they do so others in the fleet note the newcomers taking up positions on the decks of the Blood Circle captains ships. Each is heavily protected by Blood Circle sailors and mages. The newcomers start to cast into the air and before long dark clouds gather above the fleet, winds pick up and gust through the sails. As soon as they do the Admiral orders full sails for all ships and the driving gusts push the fleet forward quickly through the rising swells.

All through the afternoon the newcomers, Mistite Stormcallers if the rumours are to be believed do their work. The seas rise and soon some of the ships are struggling to drive through the high swells, the sky darkens more and more as thunderous clouds gather ahead of the fleet and start driving south. A huge maelstrom of storm energy broils and seethes in the sky, jagged lightning crackling from its depths. The seas beneath it rise higher and higher, foaming caps of the waves curling high and sweeping south.

Behind this seething mass the fleet ploughs on, the high winds tear some ships sails and rip others from their masts. Two of the older ships lose masts in a loud cracking sound almost drowned out by the fury of the storm building ahead of the fleet. The Admiral orders the fleet onwards leaving the two ships with broken masts to plod along on their own but wanting instead to take advantage of the winds created by the Tempests.

Fearful crews watch the skies and the rising seas in terror, soldiers taken on board huddle in the holds shivering and many are sick at the rolling of the vessels in the water. This continues for hours until to the south through the lightning flashes that illuminate the darkened skies the shout comes from the Admirals lead ship. "SAIL HO"

Signal lights are flashed to all the ships in the fleet. The Blood Circle captains still present fan out as best they can to either side of the Admirals massive flag ship. Next comes the dwarven Axe of the Sea, roiling and rolling in the heavy seas but strong as an ox. Even the strong constitutioned dwarves can be seen to be green faced in the heavy seas. And beyond them the other ships struggle to make headway. The beautiful lady, having earnt a name for herself in the last confrontation pushes ahead and draws alongside the Axe of the Sea keen to get into the coming battle.

In the Cult fleet to the south the captain of the lead ship, a Silver Crescent one, watches the approaching storm with a churning sensation in his gut. The Lady had turned against them it seemed, their venture was doomed from the start. He sighs. Already the Priests on board the Crescent fleet were working to counter the storm but they knew from the feel of the storm that they were up against the best of their order, the Stormcallers. While the Crescent had some of their own, depending on how many the allied fleet had it was going to be a rough day no matter which way one looked at it.

The Captain glanced at the beholder hovering beside him.

"Going to be a bad day this one, we'll lose some of the ships, a lot I think."

An eyestalk swivels towards him.

"Send them ashore, use every longboat you can, the Faithful will hold back the storm long enough for most of them to get to shore then we will face these and deal with them."

The captain shrugs, "Its almost too late, a lot of em will die they wont escape the storm."

If a beholder could shrug it would.

"We have met our promise, we got them here, alive or dead is not our problem. They should have sent more dragons or hired more beholders. As a superior race we could have prevailed where they have failed."

The captain laughs used to dealing with typical Beholder superiority complexes. "Better get them moving then, this storm is like nothing I've seen before. The Lady is really going to enjoy this one. I don't think either sides going to win here. That dragons not going to be able to come back and help us here either which is a shame. Looks like we are on our own this time."

Alarm bells and lights flash through the fleet and a voice cries out. "SAIL HO"


Re: Odd goings on in Hurm
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2011, 04:54:45 am »
A day later the churning seas run red with blood, the skies smolder with the fury of the Mistite storm, broken ships lie far beneath the oceans surface.

Several miles to the east the Captain of the Northern Gull regards the beholder beside him, his hair is full of matted blood and he bears a hastily stiched gash down the left side of his face. Around him lies shattered debris that used to be his mizzen mast along with all its rigging and sails. The railings to the aft of the ship are a mass of splintered beams and the ship lists slightly to port as it struggles forward in the waves. The mainmast holds only half its sails since to put more on might cause the damaged mast to break completely and then they would have no hope of outrunning the Allied ship holding to their rear a few miles away.

"How many did we lose of our ships in total?"

Several eyestalks swivel towards him. "Of the 9 soldier carriers we lost seven, five to the storm and two to the allied ships. Almost all the Myr'drachs made it to shore before the storm hit. I am not sure how many of their soldiers made it but a good number of longboats were sunk.

Of the raiders we lost over half and the crews with them."

The Captain sighs as he does some mental calculations in his head, "thats a lot of ships and men. The Overshar is not going to be happy."

"He should have thought of that before he engaged in this venture in the first place. The risk was always going to be great taking a fleet this size across such a large ocean."

The captain grunts and winces as he shifted his leg, it was heavily bandaged from a wooden shard that went straight through his thigh when the dwarven ship launched its metal ball and chain devices and shattered most of the back of his ship before he was able to manouver into the heaviest part of the storm to avoid the allied fleet. Then at least he just had to battle the waves and wind which was far more to his liking that the firepower of the allied fleet.

"What about them? Did we get any idea of the enemy losses? I saw them lose at least one that ventured too close to the storm created by the Stormbringers?"

"We don't have exact figures yet, probably won't until we reach the haven. Early reports from those captains left alive is that three, maybe four went down. One of the ships rammed the Bears ship in the storm and sank, we don't know if his ship was harmed though."

The captain curses, "How did he get involved anway! We were told this was a straightforward operation, at best we'd face a dozen ships or so of inexperienced crews. Instead we face the dozen and all the Blood Circle including the Bear himself and a whole bunch of Stormbringers. That wasn't what I signed up for."

"There will be blood to pay for this. We will not stand for such losses lightly. The Overshar will be held accountable."

"yeah, right," responds the captain dubiously. "Now I just have to get rid of this persistant *curse* behind us. Three days now he's been dogging us. His ships almost as badly damaged as ours and yet he keeps following us."

"The rest of their fleet headed for shore after the storm, they must have seen the enemy forces land there. The name on that ships the 'Beautiful Lady', is the one that sank Captain Orens ship up north."

"He was a good man." The captain glances back once more at the ship behind him. "If we can make it to nightfall we can probably lose him. We are not far from the rendevous point so we can get help and send this *curse* to the ocean depths."

"If our ship doesnt fall apart before we get there." The beholders ominous words prelude a sudden cracking sound and another rope holding the main mast in place snaps suddenly.


Re: Odd goings on in Hurm
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2011, 07:51:07 pm »
And thus the Captains words proved fatefully true as hard as Razeriem pushed the battered "Beautiful Lady' it just couldnt reach the Slaver ship before nightfall. With its black hull and sails ever with magical light cast aloft by Razeriem he lost the ship in the various small islands and rocky protrusions from the sea bed that marked the tip of the achipelago south of Molten Isle.

Reluctantly the Beautiful Lady turned and headed back towards Audiria where the rest of the Fleet was about to strike the Cult ships sitting at anchor off shore.


Re: Odd goings on in Hurm
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2011, 06:45:54 pm »
Several days later, when the battles are coming to a close in Audiria the remainder of the battered fleet limps into the small harbour near Sloven in southern Audiria.

There is almost a silence over the docks as the warships of the Blood Circle Captains and the few remaining ships out of Hurm heave too. Shattered masts, smashed sides, shredded sails,bloodied decks all greet the thousands of Sederrans and the Raelite soldiers in the city.

It is with somber thanks that the leaders Synod leaders in Sloven come forward to greet those that did so much to aid Sederra against the Silver Crescent and the Cult fleets.

All those that survived on the fleet that sailed from Hurm over two months ago are welcomed into the city as heroes, provided food, healing and water as needed. In an extremely rare public address, the imposing and frightening figure of the Admiral Red Bear said this;

"For a long time we have fought our enemies the Silver Crescent and all that they believe in. Slavery must be ended. No man, woman, child or humanoid (he points to himself being a half fire giant) should have to suffer in such a manner. We have realised in this that our enemies are your enemies and so we came to defeat them. We have done our part."

Now all eyes look north to the battle as it stands in its final days.


Re: Odd goings on in Hurm
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2011, 04:42:12 am »
Descending from the deck of his battered ship after his rare address to the crowd, Admiral Red Bear, infamous slave hunter from Hurm reaches the dock where certain dignitaries from Sloven, Rael and the Sand Sea Synod wait to greet him. Two of his captains flank him, the ex Roldem Naval tactition and Commander, Captain Han Wai and the ex Voltrex Arcane Archer, Captain Lieselle Arcanbow.

The Admiral pauses at the foot of the steps and nods to a figure gathered at the edge of the crowd.

"Our debt is met in blood, now it is time to honour your part of the bargain."

With that the Admiral walks away from the crowd with the dignitaries while captain Han Wei pauses to speak with the same woman whom the Admiral had directed his comment too.

Annalee moved forward, eyes searching for any hint of injury to the Captain. Politely he offered her his arm.

"Come Miss Annalee, I shall tell you of the events that have preceeded us."