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Author Topic: The War in Belinara comes closer!  (Read 183 times)


The War in Belinara comes closer!
« on: October 18, 2008, 07:07:58 pm »
As Sasha moves around she spreads the word as best she can.

I have just returned once again from Belinara and know this! You may think you are safe! You may think here that a war half a world away can never come to you...but know this.

Westgate has fallen! Kuhl is all but in the hands of the enemy. Now it appears Nesar is capitulating to the Dragon Stealers giving them control over almost the entire northern half of Belinara.

Still no interest? Well let me tell you this little fact! The Dragon Stealers have spies moving through Arnax, this is how it began in Kuhl, and even worse.....Nesar have agreed to supply the Dragon Stealers with FLEETS! Not a few ships! FLEETS! Now I see some of you understand the import of that fact! With fleets suddenly Mistone is not so safe! Belinara is just an ocean away! Soon you may have Drachs, Dragons and Dragon Stealers running around in your own front yard! Then what will you do!

Queen Alise, General Telos and Lord Alexander are gathering together supplies and equipment and soldiers in their mission to gather an army in Hilm to drive out the Dragon Stealers for good!

Others like myself seek ways to bring down the Dragon Stealers and prevent them gaining any further advantages. Fleets are a priority, if you want to help, help us devise a way to destroy the fleets of the Nesar before they fall into the hands of the Dragon Stealers!
The following users thanked this post: Harlas Ravelkione, miltonyorkcastle, Chazzler, LordCove

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: The War in Belinara comes closer!
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2008, 03:51:53 am »
* There are many amongst the different crowds who show clear signs of fear, anger, contempt or simply dismiss the speaker as a lunatic. *

A confident middleaged man in Leringaard: "Even with fleets they will have to overcome the waters of Lady Doom first! Surely they will be diminished once they arrive here, where our own fleet will crush them to dust!"

A mother carrying a babe in Fort Wayfare: "How are our men supposed to fight dragons? If my Kallan falls in battle against such impossible foes, our children will starve!"

A dwarf in Fort Vehl: "Fleets ye say? Har! Dats deh ferst Oi be 'earin' of such. Nay, deh wyrmtamers be content on Belinara. Le's be content wit' 'em warrin' ovar a war torn fiendling continent. We keep teh ourselves an' dey will open each oddars throats in due toime. Nay need ter git involved in battles nay our own."

A well dressed merchant i Port Hempstead: "Offer them a deal! Why not join them instead of fighting an enemy who has dragons as allies? The days of Sinthar Bloodstone are long gone. No one today will be able to stand against such foes. I say we offer them peace. *he grins* They may even give us some of their dragon guardians in turn. Now wouldn't that be something?"

