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Author Topic: REWARD - Seeking Information  (Read 251 times)


REWARD - Seeking Information
« on: August 24, 2006, 07:19:10 am »
[SIZE=16]*Afigure dressed in a dark robe and hood walks into the Wild Surge Inn a couple of minutes before closing time. He looks around the inn and walks up too the message board and puts a poster up*[/SIZE]
Searching forbeautiful human lady.  Shehas apale skin, silvery blonde hair, and green tinted silver eyes.
[SIZE=16]Any information regarding her would be considered and well rewarded. Confirmation of her exact location will be rewarded with up too  [/SIZE]
[SIZE=24]5,000 gold[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Leave your name and instructions where you can be located below, if you have any relevant information. [/SIZE][SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]*He walks up too the innkeeper and hands him a pouch of gold after speaking briefly too him in a low voice. As the figure turns and walks out the innkeeper turns too his wife and sighs.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]"Too many drow around these days, at least they pay well. Best we make sure we keep his poster on top and visible"[/SIZE]


RE: REWARD - Seeking Information
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2006, 07:33:31 am »
* lin'da walks up to the note, seeing it, and ponders twice, then leaves a message *
  Meet me behind the bank in Hlint.. I know who you want.


RE: REWARD - Seeking Information
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2006, 10:28:08 am »
*The figure returns after a while to check for any responses and smiles when he see the one and promptly walks to the bank*
  *He carefully listens too everything the women tells him and makes notes of the name of the one he seeksand takes the picture that is drawn for him. He seems very pleased with the information and hands the women a pouch ofcoins*
  *He walks away and takes a casual stance near the side of the bank, awaiting the arrival of the one he seeks*


Re: REWARD - Seeking Information
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2006, 10:42:24 pm »
*Farros looks at the notice and snickers... pulling out a quill and adding a line to the notice*

"Drawna is hotter!"


Re: REWARD - Seeking Information
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2006, 01:17:06 am »
*The dark figure appears after a couple of days again and check the notice*
  *He runs his finger down the responses and stops at one near the end which seems to be related*
  *He turns and walks towards Sielwood and meets a women there. He listens carefully to what she tells him and smiles realising that he is one step closer too his goal*
  *He hands over a pouch of gold and heads towards the nearest port while he mutters too himself*
  "Dalanthar, very interesting indeed. Thiswill make my task so much easier with the Rift being so close. If all goes well, I will be done with this in the next couple of days"


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Re: REWARD - Seeking Information
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2006, 09:18:35 am »
I believe I know precisely of whom you speak and can arrange an audience for you.  I would meet you near to the well in Fort Llast for the purpose of planning details.

Yardislan Echron


Re: REWARD - Seeking Information
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2006, 04:11:58 pm »
Stopping by the post, Celgar leans in close and puts his glasses on. Mumbling something far inchoherent he grabs the note and rips it cleanly off the wall and crumpes it up. "People selling their friends off for gold... What has the world come to?" tossin the paper into a corner and walked off slipping his glasses away.


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Re: REWARD - Seeking Information
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2006, 11:56:37 pm »
*after the inn keeper puts the note back up, Mith notices it*

I can give you a great amount of information pretaining to this womens location. Let us meet, somewhere out of the way, perhaps Gnoll Watch Tower in the Sword Rusts Mountains. Give me a time and im sure we can help one another greatly.



Re: REWARD - Seeking Information
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2006, 03:38:17 am »
The figure of an dark skinned girl with olive eyes and black tied up hair walks into the inn. She seems the notes on the wall, scowling particularly at the last one...

"Oh No you don't" She mutters under her breath. "No more stupidity..."

Without a second thought she tears Mith's note from the others and pockets it,.

She then opens a book from her pack, reads from it, and she is gone.


Re: REWARD - Seeking Information
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2006, 02:35:30 pm »
*Stepping off a trade ship following a long journey that dealt with diplomatic matters, Michaelis begins to hear of dark rumors relating to the disappearance of a few...some of these rumors affect him deeply*


Re: REWARD - Seeking Information
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2006, 09:30:44 am »
*Pyyran, after reading through all of the other notices on the board, comes back to this one, and frowns. Shaking his head, he tears it down.* Most of the damage is probably already done, but...

*He shrugs, and walks out of the Surge, crumpling up the notice and tossing it into a trash bin as he goes.*

