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Author Topic: Activities at Fort Velensk  (Read 179 times)


Activities at Fort Velensk
« on: January 03, 2006, 08:30:00 am »
As you pass by Fort Velensk, you notice there is a great increase of activites there: soldiers bidding farewell to families, commanders conducting last minute drills, dock workers loading and unloading crates of supplies.  Many military officers rush around with paperworks. Also, shipyard workers are wrapping up repairs on four ships.

A mammoth warship that sports countless ballista and catapults catches your eye.  Many high ranking officers seem to be conducting businesses inside.  You spot its name to be M.A.S. Mistone Sovereignty.   Two other especially sleek ships catch your eyes.  They are M.A.S. Recollection of War and M.A.S. Answerability of Memories.