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Author Topic: War comes to Rael  (Read 633 times)


War comes to Rael
« on: September 28, 2010, 02:48:26 am »
With mornings light Rael is in uproar.

Overnight hordes of Dark Elves that also included some mercenaries from surface lands have struck numerous regions inside Rael itself.

So far the following is an accounting of the attacks that are emerging from Rael as information filters down the chain of command and to the surrounding lands.

Fort Hold:
Attacked just after midnight with a force of approximately 500 Dark Elves. it seems their target was the Rofireinite encampment just outside Fort Hold. The Knights of the Wyrm suffered heavy casualties in trying to defend the Principium Wardens and the other priests in the camp. One brave newly appointed Knight Captain, Benjamin Poetr rallied the Knights to hold off the Dark Elf attack until Rael reinforcements could arrive from Fort Hold and help rout the attackers. The Rofireinites claim the Dark Elves seemed to be searching for the records of the proceedings against the other Dark Elves tried at Fort Hold since their main target was the records tent.  Initial estimates indicate almost half of the Dark Elves were killed and a score captured before the rest fled into the night. Rael forces lost 47 another similar number wounded, the Knights lost seventeen with another five injured.

A major Raelian supply camp just outside Oakhurst was attacked just before midnight with a large force of Dark Elves. Early estimates indicate over two thousand Dark Elves participated in a three pronged attack on the supply post. A large portion of the Raelian Eastern Army was in camp picking up supplies otherwise the enemy may have severely crippled the Northern and eastern armies ability to operate in the field for some time.
In a hard fought battle the main dark elf force of a thousand struck the Raelian front lines and rapidly overcame them. At this point a coordinated attack hit from the south and from the north. Raelian spotters recognised the famous Dark Elven mercanery Lirtrisk Noz'Kelizan leading the northern attack while an unfamiliar but powerful dark elf sorcerer led the southern attack.
The main force lost over half its number as the Raelian troops rallied and crashed into them.
Perhaps recognising a far larger force against them than initially planned for Lirtrisk tried to retreat but was quickly surrounded and her force almost decimated. Raelian troops indicate that at least thirty men were lost to both Lirtrisk and her body guard known to be an esteemed arcane archer before they were brought down.
The Rael forces would have killed or captured more of the enemy if it werent for the Dark Elf Sorcerer who used powerful magics to cover their retreat and hold back the Rael forces, as well as igniting part of the supply compound in the process forcing Rael soldiers to try and save the supply depot.
Initial reports claim at least a thousand Dark Elves lost their lives while the Raelians suffered heavily due to Lirtrisks people and the Dark Elf Sorcerer. Its estimated over 400 Raelians were killed and another 200 injured. There were no captives.

A small but efficient force of 100 Dark Elves overcame and killed the guards into the Vale and proceeded to the Katian temple where they came to grips with the people there. Priests and Druids held the Temple long enough for guards, inhabitants and rangers and animals called to defend the temple could arrive and help drive back the Dark Elves.  The Temple was breached but those Dark Elves that made it inside were killed by those who waited within. The remaining host fled back from where they came leaving the people of Vale and the Katians themselves in a state of shock.

Murder by night.
Dark Elf Assasins have risen onto the cities streets well after midnight and targeted certain individuals in their homes in the city. In the Upper Class Quarter at least a dozen nobles and their families have been found murdered in their homes. Guards have overcome and faced a number of the dark elf assassins as they tried to enter different homes. Several fires now burn in large estates in the city believed to have been deliberately lit by the dark elves to cover their escape. Martial Law in Prantz has been declared while Rael troops search house to house the entire city to seek out how the Dark Elves entered the city undetected.

Castle Mask:
Murder Most Foul.
Dark Elf assassins have struck the camp of the Raelian troops. In an apparent suicidal attempt to carry out their mission thirty assassins have managed to kill the entire negotiation party sent to Castle Mask to meet with the Lorites. The Human nobles from Prantz fell victim to the assasins blades as well as the Raelite General in charge of the force residing there before being cut down by soldiers.

Haft Lake:
A large group of over 200 Dark Elves attacked Haft Lake, raiding and burning several houses before adventurers and local Guard units mobilised and either killed or drove off the host.

As a result of this, as the dust settles over Rael in the next few days Lord Rael has declared Martial Law until order is restored, the borders are closed until further notice and his entire current standing army in the fields south of Pranzt have been ordered into the field. Every road, every village, every farmstead and every field in his nation is to be patrolled until further notice.
Current estimates indicate this means that just under 40,000 soldiers, human and demi humans are now helping to restore order in Rael.

The forces currently residing north of Castle Mask will remain in place to patrol the souther border with Lor until the new General arrives to take charge.

Script Wrecked

Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2010, 05:23:29 am »
In [POST=1704152]Lor[/POST], Argali considers the latest developments thoughtfully.

"Zomeone iz ztirring up ants' nest."


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2010, 07:19:30 am »
Hardragh, arriving by ship from Stort, disembarks in Lor and hearing the news, decides to discontinue his planned journey to White Gate. Sticking around Lor, he does his best to gather what information he can, not relying to much on the exagerated claims for worried sailors.

He frowns slightly as he learns of the magnitude of the assault and seemingly mutters to himself. "Reckon those Darkies should stick to fighting in the Deep, or start breeding like rabbits to be able to afford such losses. Hells, plenty of Grey Dwarves there to keep'm busy. Definitely should ask him 'why', aye." He finds a quiet spot at the docks to look out across the seas, drawing his mind to other things as he rests his hand on the hilt of his sword.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2010, 09:11:41 am »
*After speaking with the Marshal, Vrebel seems to have a renewed vigor in his step.  He heads out on horseback and resumes his normal patrols along the border of Lor helping to inspire the Lor troops stationed along the way that are keeping an eye on the Raelian forces*

*Upon hearing the rumors of the recent dark elf aggressions and the Rofireinite losses from one of the Lor sergeants in field he shakes his head and mutters*

"Darn Rofi's have really got them selves in a pickle on this one.  Gettin' cut down on account of defendin' stinkin' deep dwarves from hordes of darkies."

*He resumes his patrols ever more vigilant*


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2010, 10:17:36 am »
A clearly exhausted Daniel does what he can magically to help his brothers recover from thier wounds and resume their vigilant guard of the Camp and Fort before tending the fallen. His armor is battered and bloody, yet not a mark of injury is seen on his person. None of the fallen are raised by him perhaps due to his exhaustion, perhaps as a reminder of the cost of duty.  Bitter tears are seen on his cheeks as he marks each fallen knight with the balanced scales and sees them off with a quiet line, "Our steadfastness, our hearts and our souls are with you Great Dragon. Even unto death."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2010, 08:03:53 pm »
Dogboy rubs his hands together in delight over the latest news and hurries to report to Arkolio that the time is almost right for his plan to swing into action.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2010, 08:20:12 pm »
*Kyle...hearing of the destruction of some of the houses in Haft Lake...jumps into the portal in the Guild Hall in Hempstead and focuses on Prantz. He appears near the gate to Haft Lake where the doubled up patrols are standing in front of it...obviously keeping it closed. A notice on the board of the Deep Lord's Laws proclaiming...

"By order of the Deep Lord, until further notice, a state of Martial Law now exists. All residents and guest will remain indoors for the duration of the emergency."
Kyle looks at the guards and sighs before slowly walking to the gate."*

"This is going to be a problem..." *He mutters to himself as he slowly walks towards the the Haft Lake gate...*

//Hope you don't mind the liberty with the notice Dezza. And if I'm not supposed to use the portal...I can tweak this a bit. 8)


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2010, 06:14:01 pm »
After a week and no further attacks, Rael announces that Martial Law will be eased, merchants are once again allowed to apply their trade across the borders and that Rael Patrols will accompany each and every merchant entering and leaving the country to ensure their safe arrival at their destination.

The force sitting on the border between Lor and Rael will be broken up and utilised for merchant protection duties between Castle mask and any other destination inside Rael.

Missives have been sent to Lor to ensure they provide protection for merchants travelling from Lor to Castle mask to ensure their safety.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2010, 07:57:13 pm »
For several weeks now the imminent threat from a Dark Elf invasion seems to have slowed but Raels troops continue to sweep across every inch of the countryside.

Rael has even set up good will posts around his nation where concerned citizens can go to if they need immediate help from his soldiers or have concerns that they have seen Dark Elves near their farms or properties.

Many citizens of Rael, concerned before being under the boothill of a potential dictator have now come to realise that their Benevolant ruler is not such the case and they respect the lengths their ruler has gone to to provide for their safety.

Support for Rael in his own kingdom has never been higher than it is at present from the common people.

Futhermore, pockets of dark elves continue to be located in isolated areas, it appears the war that was brewing never got going due to the quick and devastating responses by Rael in the early days.

For now, we continue to watch and monitor Rael as it keeps vigilant watch for any further attacks.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2010, 07:38:36 pm »
IN what is seen as yet another example of Dark Elven strike and run tactics several warehouses on the outskirts of Haft Lake have been set alight. The warehouses contained stockpiles of foodstuffs suppying the northern garrisons of Rael troops.

Emergency stores have been rushed from other garrisons. No enemy were captured during the night raid and Rael citizens and soldiers have contained the fires so that nearby residences were not damaged.

In other news the remainder of the SOuthern Prantz armies that were still encamped south of the city's walls have packed up and are now making their way south unde the Leadership of a former Rofireinite Priest who left the order and enlisted in Raels Armies after the occupation.

Lord Rancion III, was a High Priest before the war and afterwards pledged loyalty Rael and was rewarded with lands and title within Rael. He is well known as hard handed and brooks no nonsense. For a human to be given control over so many Rael troops means he is well respected in Prantz by the current leadership and a force to be reckoned with.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2010, 05:47:51 pm »
Finally the remaining 8000 strong Southern Prantz army under the leadership of Lord Rancion III has arrived at what is designated Camp C, fifty miles from Castle Mask.

Merchants have reported campfires dotting the plains as the army spreads out and sets up camp with the already 3000 strong force in place at Camp C. A large command tent in the centre of the camp has been established for the Lord.

Observers note how the camp is set up and run in a strict military fashion and that discipline in the ranks is obviously high. All'ra move about ensuring orders are given and followed without question.

For now they seem content to set themselves up and establish their position.

There is still no word or demands from the Raelites about their captured scouts languishing in the prison in Castle Mask.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2010, 01:55:49 am »
Just as it appears Rael is about to start recalling some of the soldiers still actively patrolling the nation due to the dwindling threats from Dark Elves, word starts to spread that Cultists are attempting to infiltrate Rael in order to cause further disruption and mayhem in the kingdom.

Instead of recalling and standing down army units Rael has instructed many of them to move to the eastern reaches of the kingdom and begin combing the countryside.

With the return of the Rael scouts in southern Rael there is still no contact from Lord Rancion III and the Southern Pranzt army carries on as usual within a few hours hard march of Castle Mask. The extended silence has more than a few people very, very nervous.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2010, 04:43:05 am »
This morning residents of Castle Mask arose to the sound of trumpets and drums and the sound of a thousand booted heels outside their homes as Lord Rancion III, some minor functionaries and 500 Mixed Raelian soldiers marched up to Castle Mask.

Warning bells were rung and soldiers in the castle mobilised until the Castellan ordered them to stand down and hold position.

Messengers rode forward to meet Lord Rancion III who held within bowshot of the Castle's main gates.

A brief discussion was held before the messengers returned to the Castle and met with the authorities.

Before receiving word of their response Lord Rancion III was heard to utter the following words.

"Forward, March, into the Castle, and should they seek to draw arms against us, they declare war on Rael and we will fight them till they are dead."

With that the soldiers marched in crisp military formation towards the castle gates. Unsure and unprepared the gate guards drew them open to allow the force to enter and take over the compound.

Lord Rancion III then marched into the inner chambers where Castle Masks leaders are in urgent session.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2010, 11:51:30 pm »
*Griff Silversand is seen boarding the fastest ship that sails from Hurm.  He is wearing his most formal suit of silver armor with red accents; there is no mistake that this is a warrior of Vorax.  He will make all haste to sail to Rhugal's Realm of Molten Isle.  

There he will seek audience with Naazdah uogh Ched Bengral and hopefully a chance to speak with King Urra'Krail Rhugal himself.  He will thank them again for the great honor it was to serve the Rhugal Realm in the name of Vorax and help them in there time of need against the traitor kin.  He will hold high and tight the magnificent mithril great axe that was given to him by the King.  Then he will do the most bold, and respectfully request that Rhugal support Lor for Vorax.  

He will inform them of the dire situation that Lor is now in.  He will explain that Rael's troops are massing just outside Lor's borders and give them as many details as he can regarding Rael troop numbers, types of troops, leadership and weaponry.  He will explain to the best of his knowledge the defenses in place in Lor and the size and skill level of Lor's army.

He explains that he does not know what plans Rael has for Lor, but that the possibility of a forceful take-over is probable based on past actions and the current situation.  He asks that Rhugal send as many kin as they can to Lor.  The force he requests would be to bolster the moral of Lor and give Lor a fighting chance if Rael does attempt to take it over.

He explains that Rael is a traitor-kin plague that grows stronger and stronger, and that if Lor is taken over, then Rael will continue to expand his reach and empire to the detriment of us all.  The time to act is now before his traitor-kin army grows so strong that it will dictate all of Layonara.

He awaits the response and prays to Vorax that Lor can be saved and that Rhugal will send aid*

//pm's sent


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2010, 04:59:26 am »
*Xanya arrives back in castle mask after changing her clothing in her house in Lor from her regular dire wolf armour ot a more sexy and reveling outfit(image below). She walks around trying to flirt with the soldier of Rael. Her goal is to use her female elven charms along with her secy outfit, to get the soldiers to talk to her. She hopes she can uses this way to get some information on the plans of Lord Rancion III and his soldiers for castle mask and most importantly for Lor.
When flirting she would do what she can to get information but she would not except money of anyone for...More then just flirting. *

//ooc also send as pm.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2010, 08:12:24 am »
Within minutes Xanya is grabbed by a Deep dwarf who is part of the mixed force and is physically removed from the courtyard where the troops are holding.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2010, 09:16:38 am »
///// Just a heads up, I'll get back with everyone regarding Rhugal here very soon- Kobal Bluntaxe has already started negotiations with the Rhugal regarding potential outside alliances, and it's about time I get back to him on that anyway. I have a feeling a quest may be in order, but I need to get some paperwork done first. /////


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2010, 05:26:39 pm »
The mood of the people in Castle Mask has turned ugly as Rael soldiers continue to occupy the main compound of the castle. Several of the Collectives gardens have been torn up by constant patrolling of the compound by the soldiers. Local militia have been ordered to keep the populace away from the soldiers in case an incident is sparked.

Also Lord Rancion III has emerged from the castle to demand Baroness Serina Ralda returns to Castle mask from Golden in order to negotiate terms. The terms of what no one seems to know.

Urgent messengers have gone forth to inform the Baroness what is happening as well as to Lor to inform the Diet and the Mayors of the incident.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2010, 05:36:17 pm »
Despite urgent requests not too, Baroness Serina Ralda is making her way back to Castle Mask in order to speak with Lord Rancion III who seems to be currently holding the Castle but who denies this is true.

The Diet in Lor have condemned Lord Rancions actions and are demanding an explanation for the arrival in Castle Mask of so many armed men and women.


Re: War comes to Rael
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2010, 09:31:14 pm »
As the people in Lor turn to managing the earthquake Lord Rancion III has received Baroness Serina Ralda at her own castle.

Servants in the Castle report that since she has arrived she has been escorted to her rooms and been held there supposedly against her will by soldiers of Lord Rancion III.

Again, as yet no explanations are forthcoming and Lord Rancion III seems content to hold the castle as if waiting for something to happen.

Members of the nobility and other functionaries of the city are growing angrier by the moment at the occupation of their city by the Raelites and what is now starting to look like an imprisonment of their leader.

Even now people are looking to Lor demanding something be done.